Movie characters that remind you of yourself and why

Movie characters that remind you of yourself and why.
> lonely
> owns a lot of guns
> has a hard time relating and connecting with people.

are you bragging about it?

No of course not, what movie character reminds you of yourself?

> hanging from hooks with strips of flesh being torn from body right now
> laughing anyway

What movie is that OP

Also lister from Reddwarf I'm lazy as fuck and love curry also abit of smartass

Taxi driver.

you edgy faggot you ain't him

I mostly relate to the character on the loneliness level I think that's something many people on Sup Forums can relate with.

That scene with Candice Bergen is totally Sup Forums of the 1970s.

>lives in a shithole
>still feels prideful of shithole

K from Blade Runner

hellbound is my favorite one also


Crispin Glover in any movie. I'm an awkward fucker.

I'm taking over...this operation.

the cinnamon bites.

always so many cringey edgelords in these threads

do you dress like that, too?

my niggas

Fuck off cunt it's better than fucking trap threads.

This lol

fuck you I'm Luke Skywalker


fuck you gonzo


i know it isn't a live action movie, but it's anime and that's all that matters
how i relate to them:
- autistic (although self-diagnosed)
- smarter than everyone around me
- really observant
- is a quick thinker
- short (i'm 5'6)
- pale
- mess of a hair
- light coloured hair
- i play with toys

N is much fucking younger than you though.

yeah true. i'm 44


He was so WOKE before his time



tool is only 11 years old

>thrift store clothes
>most likely abused
>gaunt eyes
>can pull off the dead look

> girl
> on Sup Forums
Tits or gtfo.

>watch 6 horror movies in entire life
>start watching walking dead last week randomly
>your picture when
>I get it, people are worse than zombies

Can i get a BUMP?


Of all the fictional characters, Steven Hyde is the one I identify with the most.

Thanks for the bump.


>Che T-Shirt.




can i get a reply faggo?

You are an edgy teen.
You are an under read teen.


No idea what the fuck an under read teen is, teens wouldn't even know what red dwarf was. I'm just a 27 yr fuck up

> be me
> On Sup Forums
> gets called an edgy teen.
> ok, you act like that's an insult.


>is ripped
>donĀ“t shower
>have a katana
>crazy with no sympathy for others
>have a nice beard
>deadly with weapons

I bet your just completely fat and you have a neckbeard.
> mfw

>posts american history x gif
>okay with being an edgy teen

He was making a joke about you, faggot

U mad bro?i dont really care my dood.


> lonely
> has a hard time relating and connecting with people.

That describes everyone on b
add "owns a lot of guns" and that describes everyone on k

forgot to mention alot of un-diagnosed mental problems. mostly depression.