I can insult anglos in their own language

>i can insult anglos in their own language

I can insult you in your language too, I learned it from hilo latino


>anglos can insult you by laughing at the state your country is in

I'm impressed 10/10

>mfw non-anglos have to use our language to post anywhere outside of their circlejerk generals
can you even IMAGINE being this LANGUAGEKEK'D

>his language is so shit that everyone in his country has to learn english

jajaja chicano

el puta madre los quesadillas de donde eres yo soy BR

>mfw anglos are too dumb to learn a second language

>third worlders actually consider a country being completely duolingo a bad thing
try again juan

it won't feel so good when your language gets wiped out of the existence, i think it's good tho, you can replace it for a useful language, like spanish

Nice try OP. Would have been better if you used a VPN.

>your language will never EVER be relevant
>there will never EVER be an entire board full of people of all nationalities using your language to communicate with each other
>your language will ONLY ever be useful for communicating with your fellow spics
>mfw you will reply to this post in english

You mean like your dad replaced your mom after you were born and then replacing your new mom when you were 12?

Кaк дeлa, cyчки?

>mi cara cuando

>your language will never EVER be relevant
is that why HALF of your students are learning it?

splendid execution

why do hispanics ajajajajajaja-laugh?

that's so third world desu

callate mogolico

>mfw can stalk any anglo conversation and understand everything they say even in spoken word
>can tell if they have english accent or american accent while they can only guess that im NOT a native speaker without quite knowing where im actually from
>can make elaborate shitposts in their profiles and swiftly disappear in the wind

J is a strong H
knowing is half the battle

>las quesadillas siempre llevan queso

most universities require you to have some sort of foreign language credit, like taking a full year's worth

spanish is a HUGE program because
>we have lots of spicks
>we get it shoved onto us in early education and most people just pick that instead

kys bolivia

That's burger tier banter, are you american?

how can it be a huge program if most anglos completely fail at basic conversational spanish
do you have any hard evidence of this


Me confundiste wn. Estás implicando que hay quesadillas sin queso?

¿Nunca memorizaste algo en una materia que no te gustaba sólo para aprobar?

Sí, pueden ser con o sin queso
De huitlacoche sin queso son muy comunes

México necesita instalar un restaurante mexicano en Santiago, porque aspirar a una qt mexicana gf que me cocine es utopía pq las minas no saben cocinar. Al menos las gf material.

Verpiss dich im Arshe, du Hurensohn Schlampe

>QUESAdilla sin QUESO
might as well get rid of the tortilla too

>Op es un maricon

So can I


>tfw no super secret language to insult people in

>learning languages
I thought the problem was that they never tried, until i met anglos that were actually making a legitimate effort to learn, and realized that their capability of learning is just subpar. Everyone can learn english to a competent degree but when an anglo tries to learn anything else they suck completely.
Even chinks and arabs learn other languages better than anglos, i guess that's the price to pay for the relevance of their language


>Most universities require you to have some sort of foreign language credit
Depends on the major actually, anything thats actually worth going to college for doesn't need it

>tfw fluent chilean speaker

>anglos are too stupid to even learn another indo european language

>he can't read a table
Half of students who take a foreign language. Bachelor of Arts typically require foreign languages to graduate, even in areas that probably won't use them, like an English degree. So those students take the required semesters, never use the language (because frankly, they're all irrelevant to 98% of employment opportunities due to English being the current lingua franca), and then forget it.

That's how Spanish is in the US, my friendly bean. It's literally what English is in Japan, because Japan was the #2 economy throughout the latter half of the 20th century. Something that Colombia will never be, nor any Latin American country, because none of you can get your shit together.

Igualmente a tí, pendejo. Me cago en la maldita boca de tu putísima madre.

Pro tip. We curse but we don't get our mothers involved because that's totally bydlo. You do that and you mean you are prepared to die. When your flag does it, you know it's from an anonymous board because irl you'll get fucked, literally.

>We curse but we don't get our mothers involved
Hijo de puta

Hijo de puta is not personal you illiterate fuck. What else concha de tu madre?

Fucking mierda

>literally calls your mom a whore
>"is not personal you iliterate fuck"

>your language will never be relevant
>he literally grew up learning it everyday
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