Let's remind these weak as white pendejos just how pathetic they are.
Viva la Raza
>Kill Whitey
Kill Whitey
>Kill Whitey
Kill Whitey

Other urls found in this thread:


This thread made by a white person

>weak as white pendejos



The wh*Te subhuman

Typical white male


1st Gen. Mex. here. Fuck you op. Because of trash like you, they hate me. I didn't do shit.

Shut up cabron. I am sick and tired of these crackers

>la raza
>not the leftovers of a half dozen razas
>the true amerimutt already exists and his name is paco

Blacks cant replace whites, theyre incapable of living

Then fuck off to Mexico. They bought this land from that fucktard Mexican president

That picture is so cringe it hurts more than anything that guy could ever do. Imagine being that pathetic LOL

I wonder how a lowlife nigger get internet access like you

atypical, but would suck off behind applebees.
at least he aint a shitskin dirty piece of traeeesh ;p.
white male here btw

poster is most definitely white.
while many black people these days tend to be very selfish and self-interested due to the political climate, many white cucks, male&female alike, are happy to tell everybody in the vicinity how much the white race owes to everybody else.
As if it's not racist to make general statements about an entire race, especially for things they /never did/.

One day maybe we'll all just be humans , untill that day comes I fear the worst.

Fuck off back to europe. You're occupying my land cabron

Average white man (they all secretly like to get fucked in the ass)

Useless pathetic gringo

Typical white male

I'm 1st Gen Mexican pendejo. This isn't your land anymore faggot. It got bought. Please kys. You're making our people look bad.

You're a useless fucking traitor cabron. You're part of the reason these white shits will never take us seriously. Kys

White people are the superior race. Deal with it.


White people are the faggot race

Traitor? Mexico doesn't want me cuz I was born here. US doesn't want me because they think I'm a peice of shit like you. Where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do?

imagine the internet with no niggers

Go back to Europe gringos


Mexicans have become the majority in CA now and what happened faggot? Homelessness and shit bags not working is through the roof.

In San Diego alone over 600 people came down with hepatitis A. The way Mexicans run things is build little shack houses and shit on the street. The mexicans in the CA senate pushed through some bills to literally build shack style houses under 200 square feet. You morons are turning all of CA into tijuana because you don't know any other way to live. Just shut the fuck up and get colonized by people smarter than you.

ha ha... so?
Atleast we look semi-good.
Ever seen a black tranny?

>What am i supposed to do?
Do your part and help us to destroy the white people. Teach yourself how to hate white people. Grow some balls you POS




Yeah, then the whole world will become Africa. The last time I checked, it's still a living hell over there

I wish i could find you so that i could kill your white ass. Fucking cracker faggot

lol typical nigger, why are you so useless nigger?

Oh, do please find and attack me, that way it won't be illegal to kill you thanks to self defense. By the way, I own a gun and a few knives.

Do my part to destroy white people? Grow some balls? Nah I'm good. I got common sense but you go ahead bro, keep making Mexicans look bad. I hope the last thing your dumb ass sees is a white man holding a Glock to your face

>being this mad

>tfw not white
>tfw these threads arouse me regardless
I think I might be defective

I said go back to europe, you white sissy faggot

nice pics. who is that? Reminds me of Jacksepticeye with purple hair.

No beard and I would dig it.

Most of you stupid spics ,all you do is let your filthy snotty children run everywhere while you pick up birth control from walmart. This is our country, fuck off back to shantytown if you hate it so much. Its not yours. I know some really good hispanic people, but you make them look awful. I fucking hate you so much, please die in a grassfire in commiefornia. >inb4 rayscist
I have a black boyfriend so no. Viva la revolucion de gringo


Haha fucking niggers and spics with averge 80 iq. Funny how most of them in America are partly white anyway. Whites built America, we build the world without us you would be living in mud huts. So back to fields slaves. Also spics dont forget that you are mix between whites and natives


Jesus Christ is that Jack spedicy?

You're so pathetic. You make me wanna puke

Well done on posting the fakest webm on the internet

You could say the same thing about dogs, they're the same species, just come into different shapes and sizes

You're a disgrace to the human race

Proof? Because mexicans do act 100% like this all the time




Fuck you, white trash bitch. I wish a few vatos find you and rape your ass before they kill you and your nigger bull


Looks like him right? Looks a bit leaner in this pic but it still works.

Gonna roll up on me in a broken down lime green 90s civic and bust out your landscaping tools on me? Put your leaf blower away faggot.

Shit I hope you get stranded in some city or state with only mexicans so you have to escape your own people again and try to parasite off some superior culture.

Come up with a logical argument burro, im not scared of some angry mexican chick on her period.

Apparently white people are so racist, everyone wants to come see for themselves

Is this some sort of role-playing thread?


White race = faggot race

Have you missed the entire american election? This will get you up to speed.



These 2 separate channels are presented as organic, naturally occurring responses to Trump.

At the rate things are going most of the beaners will probably kill themselves off with helatitis A and measles.

I'm not too concerned diseased faggot. Just try not to shit on yourself while you're typing.

You have no argument, and use self hating people with poorly made signs. If you niggers want a race war, you won't win.

I want to fuck Jackspedisy.

Everytime I see his thumbnail I nut.

I say that because I know it's just people baiting others into arguments, pretending to actually give a fuck

Haha nice beta males that youve been posting all thread lmao, even though they are probably the same cucks that fight for you retard. Still waiting for an argument other than "wipipo so gay / wipipo trash"

Black race = Ancient times in modern times without the dinosaurs

still best race tho.

It's not bait if it's true. Bait would be claiming 75 iq sandpeople did 9/11 and Israel is our greatest ally.

Just look at tijuana dood. Literally making houses built out of left overs from white people's trade and industry. It doesn't get any more pathetic or parasitic.

It's bait, I have a hard time believing anyone who hates white people this much would browse this shithole.

Yeah, your feelings are not an argument or proof. Boards like Sup Forums and /bant/ have flags.


Lol truth hurts bitch


You're a retard

Doesn't even make sense. But niggers will never be as intelligent as whites. I see your fear little charcoal boy.

Typical white male

Fuck off, we don't want them, we already have a tough time with the Syrians and the niggers. They can stay in America where their faggotry is contained


White culture

We don't want them

Disgusting white people

Dude I was saying the explorer shit was truth.. 100% whitey over here

Good job reposting, retard

Make us.

And remember: we gave mercy and allowed you animals to live, even integrate with us.

si si si

Why don't you go and fix Mexico before trying to take over America? Oh that's right, you need an excuse so you don't have to change. Get off welfare you pigroach.

I would come and kill your ass if i knew where you lived you fucking weak ass white faggot

Man, I'd fuck that dude in the ass, any day.
>Not you though
I don't like my dick smelling of tacos and cartel cum

>race war, you won't win.
can you imagine being some gay salty mexi-nigger and literally looking up white traps to try and prove white people are gay, all the while you riddle your internet search history with the gayest possible content.

Your ISP is laughing at you.

Fuck that bitch ass Donald Trump

Oh, I like Brujeria too. Matando Gueros sounds awesome, but i like Consejos Narcos more.

Just title this thread as


Trump is better than Ms Declare war on Russia because of shit she can't prove

Fuck off back to Europe with your faggotry. You POS