Morbid Angel

What does Sup Forums think of Morbid Angel?


Great grindcore

that picture always made me laugh, i think its his main photo inside gateways annihilation.

Hate the vocals.

kawaii Trey-chan ^^

Abominations, Altars, and Blessed are some of my favorite records period, with Altars being in my personal top 3. Trey and Pete knew how to use their technical talent to make creative sections in the music that are intense rather than wank but also have a very organic feel. Most metal in general feels very straightforward compared to this stuff. That being said, I find post-Convenant Morbid Angel to range from decent to the worst thing to be labeled metal.

Will this thread reach bump limit?

just in general because its gutturals? I see what you are saying though...I used to hate it also, after listening to death metal for so many years I can almost block out the vocals most the time and just enjoy the music. I just few the vocals as almost another instrument that adds flavor to the flow of the music. idk, maybe I'm dumb.

>tfw ywn take tons of drugs, play computer games, and watch Sailor Moon/Gundam with Trey
Why even live?

>because its gutturals
Yeah, some gutturals I'm fine with, but their singer's bothers me.

most 80's death metal has not aged well and is just pointless to listen to because there are better alternatives

right on. do you think it could have anything to d with how it was recorded? After Formulas fatal to the flesh I think it was all digital...which is funny because on a youtube video..trey states that "analog is alive and digital is dead". I cant hate though....Gateways to Annihilation was one of the first albums given to me by a friend that eventually lead me on a dark rabbit hole of death metal bands.

I'm really looking forward to the next Morbid Angel album...steven tucker is back, he seemed to stick it out the most and write the most "morbid angel" lyrics. He claims he would not another album with them unless it was "death metal". Do you guys remember Illud Divinum Insanus?

Yeah, but most 80s death metal isn't Morbid Angel. Their early stuff's whole "let's take the intensity, approach towards atmosphere, and riff assault style of Slayer but add actually creative riffs" style has especially aged well because the end result is something far more intense than the overwhelming majority of what came afterward (a lot of more brutal death metal style stuff a technical in the vein of Gorguts/Demilich is comparatively tamer for the sake of sounding heavier, the early MA stuff's peers lacked the same kind of riff assault, etc.) They had only a few bands that could compare like Dying Fetus on their first album which has a couple tracks with a crazy riffs/riff changes, but really the only death metal bands to really surpass early MA's "high intensity/high technicality/high number of riffs" are more recent highly technical bands like Ulcerate and Pyrrhon, but even with those guys they lack the atmosphere of early MA.

That being said, I can otherwise understand why one would have this sentiment based on how a lot of early DM can sound like just harder hitting generic thrash, but MA isn't that kind of band.
Well, for what it's worth, Blessed Are The Sick didn't have the best production job on it either. Let's not forget Domination's fart tone either. C, D, and H (minus their more popular tracks) just sounded like they kinda conformed a lot more to what the generic death metal style was becoming, meanwhile F/G tried to be more like A/B respectively.

you leave heretic out of this. It look me a little while to get into it, but once i did...that album is very special. I can only speak for myself...but I like their album called Heretic. its very interesting with a bunch of dumb.

Did Morbid Angel invent anything?

Did Morbid Angel?

Like a wise man once said, if you want to get into death metal, listen to Altars of Madness until you like it

What were they thinking?


How is this man not a pedophile? He's practically rubbing our faces in it.