Theresa May, Macron, and Merkel all have 0 children

Theresa May, Macron, and Merkel all have 0 children.

When I think of Europe I think of death, decay, old people, and impotence.

when we think of usa, we think about murder, california, fat people, and cuckoldry.

Keked your post

who are all those niggers?

>old people
you're damn right about that one
but we are more sane than amerishot murder country

I hate that autistic hand thing Merkel does in every photo, it's extremely contrived.

Masculine and uglo. Probably made a business marriage.

Married an infertile old woman.

Uglo. Sacrificed a happy family life for career thirst.

>Theresa May, Macron, and Merkel all have 0 children.
And now you know why they don't care about their people.

>Theresa May, Macron, and Merkel all have 0 children.
I don't think that should be allowed. It's almost certain they don't care about what happens after they croak.


Are we still supposed to pretend he isn't a raging closet-case?

Who are even those leaders of ours? Shouldn't leaders be the most qualified? The best and the brightest with the greatest love for their nations? Does anyone think Merkel or Macron inspire anything? They are so bland.

Where is May?

Is she the one taking the photo?


>Theresa May, Macron, and Merkel all have 0 children.

That's interesting. The EU is ruled by people that won't have any future.

Having children is the worst thing human can do. We should sterilize whole population.

Leaders are only old fags or people without descendense
>those are who we entrust with our welfare

Doesn't macron raise his wife's sons?

Aren't her wife's sons Macron's classmates?


>the "elites" who push for race mixing don't race mix

hmmm ah yes

lol, they've put niggers in row 1 and the EU president in row 2


Yeah, iirc he is younger than her sons.

What are those Africans doing at G7?

Just because they're worse doesn't mean we aren't bad. We're walking right in their footsteps.

Abe and Keiko also don't have any children. They won't adopt either.