

inb4 butthurt.

Kill yourself. Your website sucks
Youre letting your sick mom die.

Yeah, people like to argue. Good job, faggot OP.

okay user
i ask you this everytime. i will ask it again.
you said you identified OP by the fact that she started talking about her site to you.
When did she start talking about it? Got.. even a rough estimate?

trolls and some anons think you're not on their side.
i wonder what the best way to show them the truth is?





Hello again. Yeah, nice you hear that your day was good.
Now, please, kill yourself. I mean, I really need that to happen. That would be so nice of you.



ITT: samefriend wishes to destroy something because he cannot understand the infinite complexity of the situation

It's really nice of you to keep your manners through all of i this. I really appreciate it, user.

But again, sorry, I'd hate to be a burden, but I just can't do that very thing. Wish I could be more help, but that's all I got. Maybe next time /shrug.



ITT: A faggot and his geocities website


Be quiet friend

Hahahahaha. Kill yourself.

I bet OP enjoys this.

OP is crying into his useless website right now while his dying mom cooks him tendies

wtf is this stupid shit, kys OP

I know nothing about his mom.
Fuck that 'she' user though.
He is the worse here.

Yeah he's def a dude. Apparently his mom is dying and he just takes advantage of her