Hi Sup Forums

hi Sup Forums
i'm gonna drink 1 kg of salt as a suicide attempt
i'll keep you updated

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That's retarded, kys nigger

Well good luck with your attempt

If works ill do it also


wont work, you will throw up.

well hurry the fuck up

do a front flip faggit

Post about hor your butthole feels tomorrow. Also, maybe look up Master Cleanse.

Why would you kys :|

OP will throw up because salt is disgusting irl.

Just burn a pile of charcoal in a closed room, you'll go to sleep and not wake up instead of the agony that's waiting for you.

I tried once you will throw up just hang yourself

do it you fucking faggot

Hang yourself and stream it

I ain't even suicidal but damn that sounds nice

Well do it faggot


Jesus fucking christ. Why do people got to go the extreme? Just jump off a bridge or something. If you want to end your life the only thing that should matter is making it as less painful as possible.

>that scar on the wrist
Why try again if at first you didn't succeed?

atleast do it in a tent

looks a bit thic to drink but here goes nothing cheers

Nigga that's 3 liters of salt water. You will vomit it all up long before you get it down, let alone absorb it and go into shock.

Would make buckets illegal.

Ok couple points here OP

1) you will puke that up way before it has a chance to kill you

2) don't do it bro, problems are temporary, death is permanent

Doctorfag here
You will vomit before you can drink it all.


Most likely you'll puke after the first drink. Unfortunately, you don't have complete control of your body. Your stomach is going to reject it.

as long as you aint get salty if you dont die from it

Looks nasty

What if the problem is that it alwatmys gets worse?

Bitch, do you know what solubility is? I want your dumb ass to die, but you need to do it in a manner that can actually work. Just stab yourself in the neck.

Oh Look another faggot that just wants attention.

tastes disgusting

Then you could still use a vase or something like that
Or a cooking pot

but he said it was just an attempt
He dosen't want to die at all

You can tell it's an attention seeker, if their "suicide attempt" is just really painful but probably not fatal.

Just add chlorine

Gonna try overdosing on potassium next? Get the nana's ready!
>this generation can't even cease to exist

Horizontal cut... you cant even kill yourself right.

Drink bleach and stream it

fucking asshole. wait until after chrismas, den ruin some firefighters holidays for having to clean up your retarded mess

That's like eating a bunch of apple seeds to die from cyanide poisoning instead of just purchasing pure cyanide.

Bro do you realise how fucking big the world is. Your problems are related to the life you have now, what's to stop you moving to Australia and becoming a fisherman, or hitting the gym hard and becoming a swole chad with women hanging off of him, or working hard, earning a good living and moving to wherever the fuck you want and making a whole new life for yourself. As long as you're alive you can always make any change you want. When you're dead it's over, there's no second chances. I was reading the experiences of people who jumped off the Golden Gate bridge and survived (i think there was only two), and they said the same thing, the second you leap off that ledge, you suddenly realise how insignificant and temporary your problems are, but obviously by that point its too late, so just imagine the millions of people who suddenly realised how insignificant and solvable their problems were in the last seconds before they died.

Don't do it bro, life is a fucking big huge thing, you can do whatever you want with it.

Lethal dose is 200-300g, roughly a liter of salt water. If you want to not vomit that back up, you will need to deep throat a beer bong. Good luck; please stream said deep throating.

update: ive consumed it all i feel like im gonna throw up
*attepmt because nothing seems to work

Flex on swole like A-Ha ~

the only way if you are gonna do this is to deepthroat a hose and use a funnel to pour the salt mixed with water, let it boil first so the salt mixes with the water... still think you will throw up.

not op


Pics pussi

do it in a house where children are sleeping in another room and watch god fck you up after you died

update i threw up
throat burns like hell
note to Sup Forums dont do this shit

Post proof faggot

woah what a surprise

That's super hard to do..
This will happen..

If you want to die from sodium overdose, you're looking for soy sauce.
Chug a large bottle and it'll shut down your liver. Terrible way to go though.


And this >Terrible way to go though.

Don't do it you absolute retard.


proof of what? the puke i flushed down the toilet?

How many on record attempts do you have? History of psyche problems? Buying a shotgun isn't very hard.

Pretty much yah

op deliver?

i have no money
the best bet would be to hang myself but the only place i could do that is in a forest

That you actualy ate the salt(don't know how, don't care)

op fag

sodium regulates your electrical signals in your brain. he's gonna get fucking brain damage like a short on a circuit board.

Sounds painful

I might try it, jumping off a building seems easier tho.

Op is a faggot

Robin williams did it with a necktie and a closet door.


You know what?

If it works, and it doesn't seem too painful, I'll do it as well.

You can hang yourself in your room asshole you dont need a forest to an hero

Please don't, things will definitely get better eventhough it might not seem like it now.

Hang yourself douchebag dont forget to stream

No time 4 a feels thread GTFO

Charcoal in a tent is sounding like your best option OP>

honestly hope OP ends it soon

>hanging by suffocation and not by neck breaking
How many films have accurately portrayed hanging as a means of execution? The only one I can think of is The Mummy ("Ha! His neck did not break!").

Things don't get better.

What the fuck. It's one thing to want to be dead. Another to want to go out in agony. Goodluck jackass.

You just have to do it at enough height that you don't panic and get your legs under you, unconsciousness sets in fairly quickly.

things get "better" and then you die

just join op you will be fine

Yeah nothing seems to work. I want you to actually die you fucking moron. We're giving you exactly what you want right now. Fucking attention. I hope you really do drink that shit you absolute fucking retard.

Thats right the world is a cruel place hang yourself now faggot

It's clearly less stressful to fall, which requires only a little more premeditation.

i have friends with guns, i'd preffer paying them some extra cash to shoot me so my family can blame someone else XD

jk tho... I'm gonna do that charcoal thing someday

Just end it right now gaylord jackass

Dont gez to.. salty about it if it doesnt work.. He..hehehe...hehehehehehehehehe...

well... I am a gaylord :P

Op is a cunt who can’t even kill himself properly

So... what are you waiting for then end your suffering faggot

the more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure, the greater the strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain.
no timestamp so all lied anyway

choke me to death daddy ;*

The only way I see this actually working is if you choke to death on your own vomit you're obviously going to puke your guts up after consuming not much of it the only way I can see anybody consuming that much sodium to kill themself is by taking shots of soy sauce

don't do it op

Tripppz of truth

I don't know why you made this thread OP, If i made a thread about my suicide it would be offing myself with a gun livestreaming, if i really wanted to be that much of a glorified pussy.

And I most likely wouldn't do it just to spite all of the fuckboy anons who jerk off to the gore of it. i'd probably do it off screen.

I'm going off silently. To disappear from all of my friends is something i'm doing right now, so they just think i drifted away from them. My mom is the only one who will probably suffer the most but fuck it, it doesn't matter in the end.

You're just a sob story attention whore fuck boy OP no different than the cam whores or attention whores showing cleavage on twitch, KYS pls.

Is OP kill?

I can see why you want to kill yourself now