What does Sup Forums think of James Blake?

What does Sup Forums think of James Blake?

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I like him but Sup Forums shits on him for reasons I don't know. Also his last album is really overlooked.

interesting producer
talented musician
awful composer

overrated, plenty of electronic r&b artists more talented

wilhelm scream is one of the best songs of the decade and overgrown is a great album

Name 10

one of my favorite albums of all time

Since CMYK, got progressively worse with each release except for his s/t.

Love him. That album's his best btw. I find his music very emotional

color in anything was garbage

s/t is a classic, overgrown is good

He went to my school. Nerdy faggot.

Name 100

Same ayy

this pretty much. Klavierwerke EP is really nice too

Wouldn't say it's garbage but it was quite unmemorable. I'd say its a 5/10

whiny bitch-boy almost as bad as Bob Iver

also check these dubs

>Bob Iver

can i just say how much i love that album cover? it just looks so good

Any other songs with a bass like Limit to Your Love?

He's probably better off just producing and writing for other musicians

The last album he released was one of the most boring shit I've heard in a long time.
The rest is okay I guess.

Name 1

Used to be good in 2011 sucked ever since

Tyler the Creator

Really? I find it better than his previous one precisely because it drags a bit and is varied, I think it suits the mood really well. It's kind of similar to The Redeemer in that manner, a lot of different parts that together create a never-ending comfy depressing atmosphere.

Latymer in edmonton?


is this bait

repetitive, still great musician, a few good tracks, i like him

pls respond

why tho, thats the worse, how could that be better for anyone personally

it's a bass, every track has one, i don't think you could find the same bass in another track, and most of them are made with synthesizers


100% this
also check his EPs


wobble bass? any proper dubstep

also the one I posted here

Last album was quite bad. Saw him live and it made it even worse. The album doesn't convey the same emotion his live performances do. Probably one of the best live acts I've seen.

His self titled is 10/10 though.

Hey man this Objekt guy is prety good cheers lad haven't listened to summat like this in ages

2011: lol this poor guy is gonna get mistaken for james blunt
2016: sonically indistinguishable from james blunt

At one point in time this album was considered Sup Forumscore but no one seems to remember that

I think I only ever listened to his first album, or whatever album it was that the wilhelm scream was on - which must have been 5-6 years ago now.

Is his later stuff checking out?

s/t is horribly underrated, especially compared to his later albums.