ITT: The point where a band/artist should have stopped

ITT: The point where a band/artist should have stopped

Warning had some good tracks / videos.

they should never have begun


Nah Green Day were ok in the 90s. Not that shit they made for 11 year olds and soccer moms since the turn of the millenium.

they were always bad

You have four more hours where you can still listen to Wake Me Up When September Ends.

Nimrod was the end of real Green Day. Something snapped after that. Wife and kids. Failure to go dad rock. Rebellion for establishment Democrats. The punks were right. Geeks on amphetamines

Leave and don't come back until you graduate middle school


You're right. Billie Joe was in his 30s and had a grade school aged kid by the time AI came out, clearly he wasn't going to do fast, simple, edgy punk rock anymore.

Sunflower and Surf's Up are great, though.

What do you mean?

Hot take incoming: this was their last great album.

Easy. "Time of Your Life" awakened them to the realization that they could write hit singles and make $$$.


Minority has to be one of the cringiest songs ever written.

At least they're better than Radiohead


Summer in Paradise is great though

do you hate hardcore punk or something?


No, fucking delete this. By the Way, Califnication and Stadium Arcadium were near-perfection, alternative rock bliss and just as amazing as BSSM. You have no appreciation for the beauty of RHCP.

One Hot Minute is very underrated
Californication is a tad unremarkable but still decent





OHM is not only underrated but secretly their best album.

You're only proving my point


This is objectively correct.


If only they realized just how important Damo's role in the band was

That was the last album they recorded so they kind of did

>The point where a band/artist should have kept going

delete this



he will be awake at midnight aka october 1st

(cosmic brain opinion incoming)
nimrod is the best green day album



What's the point? They pioneered a genre almost singlehandedly.

I actually liked this when I was 11 because it was the only "punk" CD my mom had in the house and they swear in most of the songs.

JESUS YES I AGREE SO MUCH. Everything after Crack the Skye sucked.

Also, pic related

What about instances when a band stopped precisely when they should have? Pic very related, FCC was the death knell but they squeezed out the very last of their magic with songs like Violaine and Serpentskirt.

I'd say Talk Talk was another instance. What did they have left to say after Laughing Stock?

I understand your choice, but I disagree.

But Cop is Filth but better.

delet this

nope. not enough anger and violence