Can we agree pic related are the pinnacle of their media?

Can we agree pic related are the pinnacle of their media?


>catcher in the rye


Every single one is wrong

Real question though.

Are that the Pinnacle of American media?


Clearly, the true pinnacles are OK Computer, Pulp Fiction, and Mother 3

Nice b8 m8

>no book
Brainlet opinion discarded.

Bioshock is overrated and not even that good

the seventh seal
gravity's rainbow
shadow of the colossus

this will revolve into debating about >muh games very quickly

very sophomoric and american
very reddit

>favorite album
don't have one
>favorite movie
don't have one
>favorite book
don't have one
>favorite game
don't have one

In The Aeroplane Over the Sea
Mount and Blade: Warband

fucking kill yourself faggot. I hope you die in a fiery pit of hell.

No, you


bait or numale?

>doesn't even contribute
off yourself niglet

does anyone know of any other art-deco heavy games (other than bioshock 2)?

Skullgirls (c;)

>d-do I f-fit in n-now?!

Beethoven's 9th symphony

Citizen Kane



Any Fallout other than New Vegas has art-deco props.

boring, cookie cutter taste. no semblance of personality

I simply tried to look at this objectively without involving my own subjective taste.

>calling memecore albums the pinnacle of music

that's gay and there's no truth in objective quality of art.

who are you quoting?


t. tool/swans/metal fan

>there's no truth in objective quality of art.

then there's not much point in debating this at all

>The Rite of Spring
>American Beauty
>A Clockwork Orange
>Donkey Kong Country 2

Land of rape and honey
Big Trouble In Little China
I'm a fucking brainlet
Sluggish Morrs

You're right but I think the point of this thread is for people to just post their own subjective taste, despite OPs objective tone

If you want my personal taste in each of those categories

The Velvet Underground and Nico

Seven Samurai

The Odyssey


>shadow of the colossus
Mein nigger. Never a masterpiece will ever match its glamour.

American pop culture media definitely I'd say.

From what I've consumed
>Brahms Symphony No. 3
>La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc
>Moby Dick
>Super Mario World


Have One On Me

Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut)

Friday Night Lights

War & Peace

Europa Universalis IV

is bioshock one really that good? I liked 2 better

I can agree with this. All of this is "babby's first..." but it's babby's first for a reason. Judging from the OP though it might all be "babby's second"

>gravitys rainbow
>seventh seal
>babbys first or second

Come on now


>Once Upon a Time in America
>Catcher or Don Quioxte
>Fallout: New Vegas

My personal picks"
Trout Mask Replica
Love Exposure
Pale Fire
I don't play vidya that much. The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series I guess

Those are imo the "best" I guess my favorites would be

>Kingdom of Heaven (DC)

>Fallout: New Vegas
>Catcher or Don Quioxte

If I really liked Metro and Fallout would Stalker just be redundant?

Don Quixote is the greatest novel ever according to Harold Bloom. I've never read it though so I wouldn't know.

Boring (vanilla) New Vegas, without the benefit of the originally concevied Legion, is STILL better than 99% of video games. Only rockstar can touch that.

>shadow of the colossus

10/10 choice, absolutely correct. One of the few games that can be called art

>In Search of Lost Time-Proust
>The Godfather
>Laughing Stock-Talk Talk
>Wolfenstein:The New Order
Dishonored Series is exactly what you want

There is, as you allow yourself to expose your opinions to others and vice versa in hopes of gaining new perspective

bioshock fucking sucks from a gameplay perspective and the story really isn't as good as people say it is

9/10 bait, m'sir

The gameplay is the best part you fuck

babbys first cinema would be taxi driver or the godfather. literature would be catcher in the rye or great gatsby

bioshock is not super mario 64

I'd say

>OK Computer
>Citizen Kane
>I don't read books
>Mother 3

stroszek, nice
generally good

It was b8, those are just the top of all time on RYM, Cinemos, and Glitchwave

>best vidya of all time
>not Skyrim with mods

NV modded > Skyrim modded

i like swords and magic tho

No, no, no and no.

Kind of Blue
Apocalypse Now
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Katamari Damacy

how is community college treating you pal

yes to taxi driver desu, no to bioshock obviously, absolutely no to catcher in the rye, and maybe to white light white heat

Tmr, citizen kane, Atlas shrugged, Deus ex

true pinnacles:

Pet Sounds / Taxi Driver / The Great Gatsby / video games are for fucking nerds

you got two of these right, thats better than everyone else

these are the two best ITT so far, good job boyos

nice taste, but i'm pretty positive the Odyssey is objectively more important and influential than Ulysses, so I'm confused on why you didn't just put that in your first post.

>Better than ES

>Pale Fire
I like you :)

oh come on folks

The Beach Boys - SMiLE
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Cien AƱos de Soledad
half life 2 or some shit idk

Perfect Blue
Starship Troopers
Mario Galaxy 2

>catcher in the rye
>taxi driver

am i being baited? i dunno why teenagers think that because they've seen two dozen movies, and read a dozen books, that they can some how speak about the canon.

taxi driver is not even like scorseses' 6th best film, and its strictly worse than the king of comedy. come fucking on.

bioshock was dope though.

if you don't think that a mario game is the best game of all time, you have pleb video game taste.

Close to the Edge
12 Angry Men
Majora's Mask

Marquez is Young Adult plus I doubt anyone here can actually read Spanish.


I remember my teenage years too

I don't know about best of all time but I don't think any 2D platformer has topped Mario 3 yet.

who's your favorite auteur

I hold White Light/White Heat to be very high up. I felt like Pet Sounds was pop music at it's highest peaks and White Light/White Heat represents the deconstruction of pop music. Most rock albums tend to root to one or the other.

Album: DSoTM
Movie: The Dark Knight
Book: The Hunger Games
Game: Hearthstone

These are the most popular for a reason, you contrarian dipshits can disagree all you want but these are the best of their genre and deserve all of their praise

Change the album to Blurryface and you have a deal.

that's tough. i really like kiarostami and edward yang and kubrick. godard and de palma are less consistent, but their failures are still interesting watches.

Wowee Zowee
10th of December
fallout nv


you should filter Anonymous. the board is way better that way

Yeah thats it i'm never coming back to this board


>getting baited so easily

am i just an old man or what

The twist was pretty neat if you weren't expecting it, puts the rest of the game into a new perspective and really makes you "damn..." Everything after that was lame.

>fallout nv
Nice. Honest Hearts is the best DLC.

Anonymous is too fun to mess with.




>Wait a minute that card!