What is the best hip-hop album of all time. Is it really MBDTF or is it just a meme?

What is the best hip-hop album of all time. Is it really MBDTF or is it just a meme?

It's Illmatic, accept no substitutes.


Why is this on Sup Forums?

Also it's totally MBDTF

Yes, this and TCD are the only Kanye projects worth listening. This was his only genious album tho.

Fuck no


I hate how he added that to Runaway...soo annoying

Totally agree with this. Blowout Comb is my submission for #2

This is easily the most overrated "classic" ever. So fucking boring.

What are you really asking? I feel like when someone says "best" they never mean "the album that is most successful at being a creative work of art" so here's some answers:

>most iconic
>most influential
either 36 Chambers or OB4CL
>most critically acclaimed
>most creative
GKMC or Stankonia
>album that best exists in its own skin
Madvillainy or TMMLP

Shit is opinion no matter what but you can't argue with legacy

I was big fan of this but Untitled Unmastered, TY4YSWTIFH, Bottomless Pitt AND Atrocity Exhibition are better 2016 hip hop albums

>most creative
*breathes in*

Damn I can't argue with that kind of logic

One of the best of 2016 for sure.

This is the GOAT alternative jazz rap album.

What's creative about it?
>A rap album about a young black man in the ghetto and his friend dies and it has skits
Wow, never been done before!

Only a few people here know.

Strong, well thought out argument. You showed him.

Sarcasm usually proves your point. Once again, well done.

So you can't tell me what makes GKMC the most creative hip-hop album ever? You can just try and take the high ground and call me a sarcastic troll, but you know I'm right. There's nothing that the album does that makes it THE most creative hip-hop album of all time, let alone in the top 5 or 10. It's just contemporary rap but it has an overarching story

I like this but it's barely hip-hop

Fuck nooo! Just because the songs have good production and catchy hooks doesn't mean it's good

But it definitely is hip hop. Its many things.

check out Elzhi's mixtape rendition of it.

Lol that wasn't even me


This is my friend's favorite

Your reductionism is farcical at best and boring at worst.

Death grips does experimental hip hop infinitely better. This is very hit or miss. Some trash and some gems.

It's actually Runnin-N-Gunnin by Tommy Wright III

The lyrical nuance. The production. The message. The range of emotion. The trope subversion. The title, motifs and the above all, the bars.

It's accurately billed as a short film.

>gkmc is just your average rap album
>kendrick is unironically the worst rapper of our decade
>you only like gkmc because of normies

>look at me, I'm using a strawman. Aren't I so smart and funny?

who are you callin peabrain

This, nothing will ever surpass it.
MBDTF is top 5 tho

>lyrical nuance
This is somewhat vague and subjective, but you can look at this from an objective standpoint. Kendrick's vocabulary is impressive, but it's not the best. For example, all Wutang members have more extensive vocabularies. If you're talking about how well the lyrics are rapped, Kendrick just comes off as a knockoff of Eminem, and even Kendrick admits that.
>The production
Nothing special, sounds just like any other TDE album. And again, if we're looking at this objectively, MBDTF easily wins with a production cost of nearly 3 million dollars.
>The message\
Possibly the least creative thing on GKMC. It's another dime a dozen "being in the ghetto sucks/gang violence is stupid". Honestly, this is one of the first tropes ever discussed in hip-hop.
>The range of emotion
Sure I guess but it's nothing that's never been done before

I'm just going to keep repeating myself. My point being, anything GKMC has done, has been done before. Whether you think it's the best hip-hop album I highly disagree but I don't care to argue about that. it's just plain not the most creative. A mainstream rap album that follows a hook+verse+hook+verse formula can every song can never be called the most creative.

Yeah you're reaching pretty hard. I hope you don't share these opinions with real humans. Shit is instant cringe.

MBDTF is a light to decent 6 you pleb

>lyricism exclusively means the number of words you use

Damn you're a dangerous kind of stupid: the flash retard. Otherwise normal but moments of dumb creep into the very foundation of your reason, making the risk of spreading your dumb much high for being sneaky.