Why do numales hate prog so much? Are they intimidated?

Why do numales hate prog so much? Are they intimidated?

back in my day all the nu-males loved ATDI and Mars Volta

Prog is too white for numales

but the Mars Volta only ever had like 1 white guy in it

That's too white

Pic unrelated right? Mars Volta is the most nu-male friendly prog band. They are so butthurt at pitchfork that they post retarded ass threads like "Times pitchfork were wrong" and a pic of Frances the Mute review at least once a week.

Prog is the most nerdiest music genre in rock. You may as well listen to it while you play Yugioh or Dungeons & Dragons.

well it's come to this.

anytime anyone doesn't like anything you like, they're numales.

you guys realize you strip the meaning from words when you use them like that right?

found the numale cuck

prog rock suuuuucks dude

I think it's a reference to P4k not liking prog, and P4k being one of the numales holy scriptures.

>well it's come to this.
>anytime anyone doesn't like anything you like, they're numales.
>you guys realize you strip the meaning from words when you use them like that right?

u forgot to quote me btw

>u forgot to quote me btw

desu itcock would make for some great d&d music

If it takes skill and creativity they won't like it

>implying prog isn't the original nu male genre

Everyone who's self-consciously trying to be cool by having cool taste knows that prog is for nerds and they're supposed to hate prog. In contrast I've never met a single normie who's felt any readily apparent shame for liking Rush or whatever

But Pitchfork is the cespool of nu-males.

De-Loused in the Comatorium [Universal, 2003]

The most unrepentantly prog band to break in years began when Puerto Rico-born guitarist Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and Mexican American vocalist Cedric Bixler Zavala rejected At the Drive-In's post-hardcore strictures, with Rodriguez citing salsa as a crucial influence. But his guitar montunos aren't salsa any more than Jon Theodore's Haiti-inflected heavy-muscle drumming is vodun. Salsa requires a groove, which the old people know embodies the community to which each individual is subordinate--such as At the Drive-In's forward thrash, which subsumes the complex songforms and explosive guitar from which the Mars Volta audibly proceed. In the case of Rodriguez's phrases and noises, romantic individualism has its uses. But Bixler's highfalutin inanities--the imagined dreamlife of a suicidal artist, all clotted surrealism and Geddy Lee theatrics--need whatever subordination they can get. C+

>They are so butthurt at pitchfork that they post

Can anyone understand what the fuck he's trying to say?

The Mars Volta was a mistake, same with getting ATDI back together without Jim Ward.

imo they could have made rock in the mainstream last a bit longer if they didn't break up after relationship of command but they fucked that up. Thanks Scientology!

>when the music is so shit you have rely on babby's first kafkatrap

The concept of nu-males seems to stems from a hypermasculine suppressed homoeroticism, similar to mac from it's always sunny in philadelphia.


Okay Mac, I'm sure it's a "workout bike"

There's a difference between instinctual fears and repressed fears.


Look dude. Listen bro. Just because I get offended when everything isn't always about sweaty men dominating each other in the realm of physical prowess doesn't make me gay. It was a roman tradition is do sports naked, and there's nothing gay about strong, masculine, muscular men exerting power over each other to show their dominance, the low toned panting of an out of breath man at his physical limit is very very heterosexual to enjoy, if you think that's gay you're just some woman-liking numale.

woah what? I always thought that nu-males love prog. They fucking masturbate over King Crimson and 70s Genesis. and Mars Volta is one the premier nu-male bands.

I don't care if men are gay. I just don't like it when they're faggots about it, or try to project their faggotry on other people like you're doing in this thread.

Go be a faggot in your gay bedroom, shitshover.

You're the one who's triggered when everything isn't literally gay bara porn.

>having these types of pics on your hard drive

I have no idea what you're talking about

>reddit filename
h*lla f***in epic dudeski!

>one of the best prog albums is literally called IT COCK

>being this fucking self-unaware
>being a homosexual (I'm a lit major, one of the things they teach you is to distinguish masculine and feminine writing)
>calling things Reddit
You really don't have a lot going for you, huh


so what if i'm a gay tranny? i just don't want faggots like you being a fucking faggot the whole time.

fuck off with your degenerate shit. keep it out of public view.

please give a concise analysis of my writing style with regards to what you think its gender is also. you won't be able to as I have 2 phds in linguistics.

you just lost the argument :^)

prog is for nerds, and numales desperately wish they weren't nerds


punch those nazis comrade

we will surely win the civil war with our BLM allies

prog, aka the last refuge for the terminally autistic manchild. yes, it is such a cool genre

>I want to murder you, here is my plan, in detail, in powerpoint
>wtf why are you attacking me you terrorist??!?


/repressed homosexual general/ ?

Why on Sup Forums of all places?

imagine being the guy who saves these and uses them to "btfo fags" on moo

Not enough fetishization of the roman empire.

probably a fascist gamer too, right comrade?

FUCK i wish Freud were alive to show us all that there are 4,132 genders

I thought anti-nu-male music was supposed to be hypermasculine, not this pussy-ass pseudo-intellectual bullshit.

Buzzwords - the last refuge for a man with no original thoughts.

at least you can admit you are BTFO :)

Gender, separate from sex obviously, is the social performance and rules ascribed to sex by the traditional elite. The proper physicalist interpretation is to be post-humanist and gender-nihilist, and this line of thinking creates the best music.

>What kind of idiot uses reaction pics on an imageboard!?


>not this pussy-ass pseudo-intellectual bullshit.
Which bands are you referring to? You know there's not a single sound progressive rock bands must adopt.

>Of course I'm not a homosexual! But anyone who even slightly suggests that's a human possibility is fricking scum and should be killed.
Oh yeah?

what an awful thread


>vaporwave and synthpop
>best music

They're all like 15 minute soft rock songs.

>Why do numales hate prog so much? Are they intimidated?

Prog has always been a wimpy genre though.

My dad and his brother used to bully those "prog rock faggots/nerds" even back in the 70s and 80s.

>tfw my war vet blue collar grandfather calls Trump "drumpf"

You could do the same meme with plebbit one thousand times over.

>separate from sex obviously


what are you even going on about? how are leftists THIS mentally ill? man drumpf really did a number on you huh!

the left can't meme


this happens to every fad word on the internet. autist, fedora, cuck, numale, etc. when people with low IQs see others using a word they imitate it without knowing what it means


Yeah, you weren't serious, thanks.

>dude look at my le ebin funny reddit memes haha those damn anarchist big government loving anti-statist statists lmao wow

It's alright, I heard you.

wtf fuck hair man drumpf now

>significant errors from the baseline human being being considered repulsive isn't instinctual

do you think this embarrasing display does anything but show youre a dumb electionposter who need to go back

nothing proves you're right more than shitty ms paint straw men.
How will the libcucks ever recover?

>the state of 21st century ideological warfare

What I don't get is why someone has to change their personal identity, and the words they prefer people refer to them with, just because they're a girl who likes traditionally masculine things or a man who likes feminine things. Why can't they just be "she's very aggressive" and "he's very emotional" or whatever? What's wrong with that?

>listen, billionaire's who inherited a fortune and have friends in the government wall st are anti establishment
>isn't it obvious the people who want to abolish government are in charge of the government?


>implying faggots on Sup Forums aren't openly so
lurk moar

Because it's scientifically accurate to say they're intersex people. While not born intersex, the condition is defined by a significant mixture of primary and secondary sexual characteristics of both sexes, which trans people, using modern medical technology, become, a mixture of male and female sexual characteristics.
To deny this is to deny simply physical fact in favor of easy answers.
Intersex people can use whatever pronouns are socially easier to use.

One person in this thread has to die to secure the future of the human race. Who do you pick?

yet a simple, true message. \have fun listening to a 4 minute flute solo, merlin

politics is for squares what do you expect?

I don't think medical science has sufficiently researched this subject as a potential mental illness. They should consider looking for a cure for the mind rather than irreversible physical alterations.

damn, this thread hit right in the TRIGGER area of Sup Forums


Because it's easier to cut off a guys dick than to fix mental health issues.
No, I'm not joking

I can, it's basically "The Mars Volta has no sense of groove and mixes instruments and inspirations into a mess that kinda sounds nice, is mostly non-descript, and makes use of surrealism and impressionism which makes the lyrics seem mostly nonsensical".

I mean, you're clearly making this argument based on non-passing trans people and your disgust of them wanting to be considered a boy or a girl (as in the opposite of the sex they were born as). You find them off-putting.

So let's reframe the argument. Take someone like Bailey Jay, the internet's favorite trap. Don't you think she would look out of place in a men's bathroom?

I also invite you to look at statistics involving trans individuals and crime: violent crime is often perpetuated on them. They rarely commit it themselves. The argument that they are going to be sexual predators is a myth. Trans people have been using the bathrooms of their chosen identity for years, thousands of times a day, with no one noticing or caring.

Now, on the other hand, what happens to trans people a lot? They are often raped and abused. Men are more likely to dish out this abuse, statistically speaking. Men who figure out that they are trans. It is in their best interest to use the female bathroom so as to blend in.

Does all of this make sense to you now? They have to change their identity to blend in with society because they are in danger otherwise.

And it's not "liking traditionally masculine/feminine things" that's just, not what it is. It's a physical condition relating to the structure of a person's brain sex and, later post-transition the physical characteristics we define as being a persons sex, which is somewhere in the middle. They are undeniably a third sex.

Actually, ask any doctor in north america or europe, they'll say it's not a mental illness. I know it makes you feel good and stuff but that's just not how it is, it's a physical intersex condition by consensus of modern medical science.
Besides, and this is the important part, it's the heart of civilization to take agency over nature, to change the physical world to suit our own needs, what you demand, a submission to the physical, a refusal to alter the world around us and us ourselves, would leave us in mudhuts because electric power tools are "unnatural". To hell with that. The only thing separating us from animals is our ability to overcome nature instead of worshiping it blindly as some sort of primitivist tree-god.

Has it dawned upon anyone, when coming here to avoid the problems and loneliness of life, that we are just as alone on here as anywhere else? I have often thought about how I've most likely argued with tons of people I've also agreed with. I'll see someone talk highly about an album I like and then they'll go on to talk poorly of another album I like, and it will seep in that this place is little more than a distraction with the anonymous aspect acting, first and foremost, to blind us from the pointlessness of arguing.
How often do you actually come on here and find new music you like? Or information on songwriting or gear? I'd venture to say 95% of posts here serve to insult other music, music which means something to people, simply because we require attention and entertainment. And yes, you may say this doesn't affect you (and maybe it doesn't) but for me every half thought critic adds a little stone to the bottom of the music and makes it sink a little further away from me. It's unbearable to listen to something with a mental dialogue asking how someone could dislike it.
So yes, I can be entertained, but I also face a grey sea of insults and critique, bait and nagging, insecurities passed on and vanished from sight, vanished from their mind, but not from my mind. To put it simply, I am finally beginning to understand this has been nothing more than a net negative for my conscious and served only to distract me from my horrible loneliness. And I've done little more than to add to the rampant negativity (I don't care that you don't want to be "coddled" like on Reddit. Just as reddit had false sentimentality, this place has false outrage and hate). Who else wants to leave, and knows they should, but simply can't?

Also another argument I want to squash: anyone who actually knows trans people on hormones knows that they actually think like the gender they are becoming. We can agree that men are more sexually aggressive, going by rape statistics. A trans girl who has been on hormones for 2-4 years does not think like a man. She thinks like a woman. She isn't thinking about raping people, she's probably scared of people doing that to her because people exoticise and fetishize trans people.

it is a scientific fact that you have to be on the autism spectrum in order to enjoy prog """"music""""

Honestly I think the transhumanist/antihumanist argument is the best one. If they're against trannies then they're against robot people as well, possibly following their own logic, against all technology as it is a sin against the default state of nature.

>one guy makes a joke about numales and supressed homo eroticism
>you go full autist
no one is even close to expressing the opinions in your strawman comics, this is a tmv thread, go suck your own dick

I think that it's worth mentioning it's essentially the brain hardwiring itself wrong - it's not that the person believes they're of the opposite sex, but the brain has the hormones recepticles set up as if they were for the opposite sex. Hormone intake already causes brain fuckup during adolescence, imagine you're recieving the unexpected, wrong kind of hormone.

No wonder most trannies have severe mental issues, their brain's wired wrong in the first place.

I can attest to this.
>when someone follows you at night around a few turns, then he speeds up and you fucking sprint

>"i-it was j-just a joke bro!"

the reply was spammed with assmad lefties lmfao, don't be coy.

now go jerk off to cuck porn

Neurologically intersex best intersex.

t. numale