What happens in New Jersey?

What happens in New Jersey?

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nyuuuu joisie

the crimes of wops and other forms of literal trash


People coming and going for the beaches and the casinos.

Loneliness and heroin.

Fun fact; New Jersey and Oregon are the only two states in which it is illegal to pump your own gas.

Wops, rednecks, posh twats, Indians and Jews. Good food and education system. Rather wealthy state.

It's basically one giant ghetto. You have the outskirts of NYC in the North: Newark, Elizabeth, Jersey City, and all its sprawl. Then you have the outskirts of Philadelphia in the South: Camden (worst city in the country), Cherry Hill, Trenton, Bridgeton.
In between is the Pine Barrens which is a wasteland full of white trash niggers and the Jersey Devil.
Then you have Atlantic City...which is a poor man's Las Vegas.

>It's basically one giant ghetto. You have the outskirts of NYC in the North: Newark, Elizabeth, Jersey City, and all its sprawl.
Some of the areas in between those places are pretty nice.

NJ is summed up in this quote.

"I am from NJ. I curse... a lot. I say "yo", and I say it often. I never had school on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. I sure as hell don't pump my own gas. I know what real pizza tastes like, and I know that a bagel is much more than a fuckin' roll with a hole in the middle. I judge people by what exit they get off the parkway. I can navigate a circle--with attitude. All good nights must end at a diner--preferably with cheese fries. It's a sub, not a hoagie or, worse yet, a hero, and I wash it down with soda, not pop. Two words... "mother fucker." I don't go to the beach, I go down the shore. And boardwalk brawls are just a part of the atmosphere. Yes, I drink cawfee. I know that 65mph really means 80. I've always lived within 10 minutes of a mall. When someone cuts me off, they get the horn AND the finger. And they expect it. I am from New Jersey, and damn proud of it."

~author unknown

"We don't pump our gas, we pump our fists"

>redditflags a Sup Forums pass and a name
holy shit


what is a "wop"?

The northern part is full of pajeets who commute to nyc for work and the southern part is full of niggers and beaches along with casinos which do not seem to be running
t. tourist in Atlantic city who has been all over NJ in the past week

it's a shit state that should be nuked


tenk yu mai amerikan frend

Niggers, Jews and endless highway interchanges.

I can smell the NJ filth from my balcony.


I was through the airport once, it wasn't so bad.

It's actually not a bad idea since it means more jobs

Is Mississippi the worst state in the country


Toxic waste, most people think Jersey Shore accents but that's not true since theirs is really a Staten Island accent, a huge growing South Asian, East Asian and Muslim population, empty pine barrens, opiate addiction, a bunch of corporations, a port and an oil refinery.


Depends on which part.

Parts close to NYC is mostly rich suburbs.

>You have the outskirts of NYC in the North: Newark, Elizabeth, Jersey City, and all its sprawl. Then you have the outskirts of Philadelphia in the South: Camden (worst city in the country), Cherry Hill, Trenton, Bridgeton.
>In between is the Pine Barrens
There are hours of driving between greater New York and the Pine Barrens not to mention Northwestern NJ is nothing like greater NY.
t.Someone from New England who has lived in Central NJ and live in NYC now.

>When someone cuts me off, they get the horn AND the finger.
Is brake checking not common in NJ? If someone did that to me after I cut them off I would tap my brakes and run them off the road if I could.

I've that happen before as well.

>I've seen that happen before