Which Latin American country will reach Spain/Portugal first?


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Argentina already did over a century ago, they passed as in the 70s.
I think it will be Chile (I am pretty sure on that) although I think reaching Portugal for them will be much easier than reaching Spain, which may or may not happen.

It's currently between Panama and Chile for now.

Portugal is already recovering though.
Chile was getting close to us in terms of GDP per capita during our recession but it has stopped

Gdp was invented in 1990s.

I have an Encyclopaedia Britannica from the 80s in which I can find the gdp (nominal and per capita) of every country in the world.

>we were richer than Uruguay and Chile in 1990

What went so fucking wrong

HDI was invented in the 90's, GDP is much older

take a good guess

Wow, Portugal is doing it really good... I thought they were poorer 2bh.

You can construct HDI with older stats but the issue of that would be "do you have the data for that shit" and "how would you scale it for the period back then"?

We are in the 36k something mark now. Indeed on par with Italy.

Corruption is a plague everywhere in catholic nations, but here in Brazil it got to such a level that I doubt any other country can top us.

spain will surpass italy desu

Perú will try their best!

I remember that a few weeks ago some Spaniard user posted that they already surpassed Italy. Is it true?


No latin american country will ever reach spain, are you fucking kidding me? Have you been to Europe? Its another fucking world

You have yet to experience corruption in buddhist countries.

Anyway, Haiti is quite the piece of shit clay. Should pay a visit there at one point. Just to see how shit taking a human form looks like. Even Africa, spare 3 or 4 countries, doesn't stagnate like that.

Yes, it's true. (Source in spanish)

You don't be racist like that.

nah, i personally believe that if you visited french-speaking Africa then you know how Haiti is already

Becuase italy became shit while spain is steady less shitty

>muh catholicism
Nobody goes to church in Argentina fuck off with your autistic theories, Quebec is catholic and its fine, corruption correlates with low IQ shitskins

Idk about Portugal but no latino country will match Spain

Are your bosses Vietnamese?

El articulo dice otra cosa, o sea que los indixadores macroeconomicos españoles ahora son mas favorables que los italianos, o sea que si las cosas van bien en los proximos 5-10 años españa podrà superar a italia en PIB y otros indicadores. Por el momento Italia sigue siendo mas rica de españa.

It's not about people going to church or not, it's about the culture that has been going for centuries. In catholic nations, being smart and taking advantage of other people is seen as a virtue. You can clearly see in Europe, the most corrupt nations are the catholic/orthodox ones while in protestant countries It is non-existent.

>Quebec is catholic and its fine, corruption correlates with low IQ shitskins

No one goes to church in Quebec that much

lots of difference between the two though

>these projections

Yeah, my country will stay in recession forever right burger?

Best parts of Germany are Catholic pleb.

I wasnt implying that, I was implying that Quebec is the least shitskin catholic region in america
Stop blaming portugal for the state of your country

It says Brazil will have a growth rate from 2.3 to 2.6 from 2020 to 2050

Have you been to Europe? It is not that great.

Are you trolling? Even turkey is miles better than panama

No, ya los hemos adelantado. Y en 2018 adelantaremos a Nueva Zelanda.

Spain is the most underrated country in the world IMO, shitholes like the UK get praise over you because IRL memeing

2.5% growth and stagnation is basically the same.

Mexico, of course.

Not even memeing but Mexico is a real sleeping giant. In 10 years, you'll see it awaken.

probably no one, ever.
I could give that to panama, but their financial institutions are crumbling incredibly fast under corruptions scandals and their market is supposed to shrink a lot once the arctic shipping route and the nicaragua canal starts operation.
second bet might be argentina but there's just not enough industrial infrastructure (and unwillingness to have it) to go beyond a soy bean dependent economy.
third bet and the most plausible is Chile after signing off the tpp and opening trade with ASEAN and Australia, but they might have a huge backlash over their overvalued currency on the first couple of years, it all depends on how their government handles the situation, but if they indeed come out of there unharmed they might compare themselves economically to bigger economies than spain in a matter of decades.
and last bet and just behind panama and chile is mexico, but the success of this nation is very prone to failure if any of the following things happened; not signing tpp, arctic rute starting operation or leftist government winning the elections. If any of the last happens I could only beg god for the crisis not being so harsh on us as other latam countries.

I think they will never have the qualityof life of Spain or Portugal


Is DR really this poor ?
I'm about to go have sex with lots of THICC black girls

It won't.

I am not saying that Panama (or any other Latin American countries at the moment, really) is comparable to European countries. But I have been to (pic related), and the only countries that I really found impressive (In terms of people being educated, clean and respecting rules) were the Netherlands and to a lesser extend Germany.
Talking about Spain in particular, I of course find them to be a better/more livable country than any Latin American country. Spanish people are more cultured, so on and so forth. But not on a "completely another level".
Now, comparing Turkey to Panamá. I find them to be decline in the sense that they are losing the separation between State and Religion. They are less and less secular, while evermore fanatic. Admittedly, I have never been there. Nevertheless, we can appreciate some indicators.

GDP (PPP) per capita:
>Panamá: 22 237 Int$
>Turkey: 20 008 Int$

>Panamá: 0.788
>Turkey: 0.767

id trust a dirty dominican before a panamanian. no offense tho.

Why, tho?

Not only the quality of people but the quality of institutions, infraestructure, etc.

>panama population
>3 million

>turkey population
>80 million

pic related.

Ok, dude, Panama is on equal terms of instraestructure as ITALY, I mean if you move away from major cities as Rome and Milan you'll see the Italian countriside is plagued by shanty towns and people living in squalor.

>away from major cities as Rome and Milan you'll see the Italian countriside is plagued by shanty towns and people living in squalor.

>Comparing the GDP per capita of a money laundering state to an actual country
Your inequality is up the roof I wager, equatorial guinea used to have a gdp similar to Italy despite being one of the shittiest countries in the world.

>I've been to Europe
>I claim the Italian countriside is as poor as the Panameian
Pick one you utter delusional mestizo.

Sup Forums is obssesed over GDP per capita.
nevertheless Go panama!

Whats the problem with Panama? I said here at the begining, that I am not comparith Panama to Europe. You are.

>money laundering state
You mean, like Switzerland?

>Your inequality is up the roof
It is about the same as Chile's.

>equatorial guinea used to have a gdp similar to Italy despite being one of the shittiest countries in the world.
Have you seen their HDI? Well there you go. We can know Equatorial Guinea is a shithole despite their high GDP per capita.

I am not claiming that. I post a link that that Italy thoes have poverty. You are the one praising Europe like it is fuking perfect.
>utter delusional mestizo
This projection.

Italian infrastructure is notably ass.
Projects take forever, corruption, mafia etc

>money laundering state

Is funny because Macri puts his money on panama.

>Whats the problem with Panama?
Not a problem with Panama perse, I hate latin America and I hate latin Americans in denial and patriotism about their shitholes.
>You mean, like Switzerland?
You see in Switzerland people live in wealth, THE PEOPLE not just some elites.
>It is about the same as Chile's.
You mean the country who's economy is based in mineral explotation?
>Have you seen their HDI?
Have you seen your's?
Its funny because the panama channel infraestructure is built in great part by italian companies.

also did piñera. macri cat, piñera cat son todos catos

He does it to avoid taxes not to launder drug/corruption money
Paying taxes in this shithole is 100% cuck tier, our wine is cheaper in london than in buenos aires thanks to taxes and it all goes into the pockets of immigrants and peronists.

>Have you seen your HDI
>Post IHDI

>italian companies
A Spaniard company. Never again.

>Panamá: 0.788

>in denial and patriotism about their shitholes.

same problem here mate

>well at least we're not Egypt
>well at least we have more freedoms than Saudi
>well at least we have more safety than syria

what if i dont want to be compared to literal shitholes? how about having highers standards than that?

>According to the 2016 Report, "The IHDI can be interpreted as the level of human development when inequality is accounted for," whereas the Human Development Index itself is "an index of potential human development (or the maximum HDI that could be achieved if there were no inequality)."
TL;DR : "IHDI is the real metric, regards the guys who made the index"
The gates are built and transported by Italy, pic related.
In Argentina we used to compare ourselves with Europe now we compare ourselves with Latin America, its an utterly hopeless shithole.

right, he just avoid taxes. Is not like that is something illegal.

anyway, I would'nt put my hand on the fire for Macri about the "corruption money". But if you do is ok, you know more than me.

Well the Gates where build in Italy. Thats basically it.

Because you will always be judged by your neighbors idiot child

Avoiding taxes can be morally justified, for example if your country is a protectionist shithole that not only discourages importation by ridiculous taxes but also discourages local commerce by also ridiculous taxes.
I'm not mad at Macri I'm jealous.

Go back to your containment thread nusayri nigger

>brazil and venezuela the ONLY TWO countries in free fall out of all latrina america
>there are somehow "proud brazilians" on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

can an educated first worlder come explain this to me? as a third world subhuman I'm too much of a brainlet to make sense of this

If you make bussiness in a country you should do it acoording to the laws of that country. If you dont like those laws go make bussiness somewhere else. If you dont, you are taking advantage of that country in a inmoral way.

But Macri had several jobs in the public sector, what makes everything even more shaddy.

>venezuela above mexico
>venezuela above anything

>If you make bussiness in a country you should do it acoording to the laws of that country. If you dont like those laws go make bussiness somewhere else
Gee what if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be born in that country

it's the oil meme
don't worry, they're only going down from now on


way off but gladly

Isn't Macri in the "Negocio de la construccion" (I forget how is the name in english.)?

didn't Macri had lot of contracts with the state? (roads and shit.)

It seems to me that he was very fortunate to be in Argentina.

I think you watch too much tevesur

Actually no,
so what are/were Macri's bussiness?

Nothing that raised eyebrows of any judge or international organization despite every political power to be in the country and their foreign allies scrying him for an excuse to take him down

How is Canada top infrastructure? Most of their country is literal wasteland.

Panama. Although they don't count as it is a rich expat playground colombian department. So ruling out panama, the answer is Chile or Mexico
Spain is superior to italy in every sense as we speak