
bedtime edition

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thingken ov doin a poo


maybe I'm old fashioned but if you can't run more than 5 miles in under 32 minutes, regardless of muscle mass, you're not "/fit/" imo.

voting snp lads tbqh

bizarro bernie sanders


mi6ico is here

>maybe I'm old fashioned but if you can't run more than 5 miles in under 32 minutes, regardless of muscle mass, you're not "/fit/" imo.

Pirate scumbags

need her inside me

Can't sleep

Someone give me a podcast or something to listen to to lull me to sleep

need a top tier slag

theres no wrong choice when it comes to keions, greetings to you and yours




why does cara love black men so much

perfect webm

he was too young


doing an existential anguish



i've had slags like 2 and 4 hit on me on the street, was quite a scary experience.

one tried necking me before, she has that stupid pink lipstick on.


Think I might make /leftypol/ my new home when /brit/ is slow it's extremely easy to piss these rasheeds off

>LITERALLY orcs vs humans

ah yes, kevin macdonald
proof that evopsych can be used to support anything you want it to


>things that never happened

>>>/leftyp - *see 's post*

>took me 10 minutes to get it up

lads I had the most bizarre dream and I need help figuring out what it meant

>kneeling in the bedroom of a mansion or something
>right by the door, which is shut
>three podgy splats of my own shit are stuck to the door in a row
>each one is fashioned into a kind of very fat nipple
>my own sperm tipped each of these nipples
>carefully licked the sperm off without my tongue touching the shit

literally what does it mean

>ugh I fuckin hate chad, beta uprising when?
>omg I love the right wing, look at this picture of an aryan adonis who fucks all the chicks

Make up your minds mates

hate neolibs but cant decide if they belong in a gulag or concentration camp

consistently fascinating how right wingers are obsessed with medieval imagery, fantasy and romantic myths

unironically has, I'm tall and good looking.

I'm only a subnormie because I'm beta as fuck.

they belong on a holiday to cambodia

r isis gay or sumfing

they can actually do work there

post this on leftypol

>left compares everything to harry potter

Looks better as a chick


just did a meme post on leftypol


don't care, they're funny

you're thinking of neoliberals

jk rowling hates the left


hate you all

I mean the bomb was never gonna hit ariana

the others weren't, this was. doesn't make them funny in general tho

It's a Sup Forums thread where each month they take a beloved film or TV series and turn it into a symbol of the alt-right and watch twitter retards sperg over it. They've done Harry Potter, Star Wars etc.

kek i made this months ago

Hmm asmr is not my cup of tea thanks anyway

bought some led lamps
house looks disgusting now

/r9k/ betas are sheeds

Well then you're thinking of the alt right, real conservatives hate the alt-right

Prefer the upskirt desu

i didn't know, pretty good gimmick

bit gay desu

Good lad

nonce twats. she's literally 12

no shit, i'm a christian democrat

probably not
but apparently her mum was still there and helped usher fans away and help them and stuff



consistently fascinating how left wingers are obsessed with gender binaries, fidget spinners and sonic the hedgehog

>the sue gookposter is a leftypol runt
and I reported every one of his posts to get him banned

i remember the boycott star wars 7 phase
that was pure autism


Which one would you rather have as a gf (male) ?

He isn't, they hate him he's just pissing them off lmao

can I just put this out here, I'm friends with a lot of hot females and if you think you pure waifu in uni has not shagged more than 15 guys, you're lying to yourself and you know it.

if you think she hasn't developed feelings for 1/3rd of these guys and get blown off, you're also lying to yourself.

people like sex, get over it.

ah yes. leftypol raids and all of a sudden there are nonces everywhere. what a coincidence.

yeah you're right

>real conservatives



Shiieeeeett mayne dem racis techas gotza go

Everything they don't like is leftypol

communism works, but it only works for collectivist races like the various asian races

europeans are too individualistic

absolutely reeks of projection this post does

it's a masked way of saying i want the railways renationalised

>expecting autismodicki not to be retarded

>europeans are too individualistic
well duh, they live in liberal capitalist societies


>tfw found a pure 17 year old waifu

>What do I have to do to make it onto your drunk dial list?

What exactly does this mean?

i've had a couple oneitus in my uni time

i've also shagged some people's oneitus.

it's the way the world goes round.

you'd absolutely love it there
give it a shot
replace [eight] with 8, I know how thick you are

quiet leftypol

yes that's why China immediately flourished upon switching to capitalism

dont care

Tell her when you get drunk you only normally call ex-flings for booty calls and see what happens.

wow such a scientific graph

nordics aren't. they're very socialist, forget the term for deriding someone as thinking they are better than the community

she'll be shagging 5 guys a week by the time she's 19 after her first scumbag boyfriend.

Is it bad that I prefer porn of Western cartoons over porn of Chinese cartoons?

lickydicky seems like an unironic cuck