Why is this so good?

Why is this so good?

>there are people on this planet who don't think Sup Forums is the worst board


Because they put a spell on you.

It's maximum comfy

>funny slapstick
>talking cat
>the blonde one

Marry, fuck, kill.

The cat is the same guy from NCIS


>funny cat
>talking horse
>the fat one

Marry, fuck, kill.

Also, thanks for the reminder OP. I watch this every year. Gotta get down on it right now.

They fully utilize the setting of halloween

>that time you thought SJP was hot

>the only time SJP was hot (aside from that bruce willis movie she was in)

The ending where all the witches explode is a fetish of mine

It made me feel REALLY weird as a kid before I hit puberty

The fat witch is Peggy hill

How the hell was she actually pretty in this?

Magic or something?

Reminder that she wasn't a virgin

The fat one flying on a vacuum cleaner still cracks me up

Which one? Pics.

How was that implied?

striking distance

>the blonde one
Which one?

I forgot. something about the candle.

Because who doesn't like Sex and the City, substitute teacher of the year Mrs. Peggy Hill, the wind beneath my wings, and the girl from American Beauty who's parents are porn stars?

She was younger, in a shitload of makeup, didn't use her normal voice and was in the constant presence of two ugly skanks

virgin needs to light the candle and he offers her the lighter and she smirks and says no. fucking tramp

did she have the yabbos?


SJP was always hot. And she still is.
>they fell for le horse face maymay

how many times i gotta tell ya, my name ain't ernie no more. it's ICE

Remember when the hero of the film got back at his two bullies by leaving them to die in cages?

Do you 1 2 fuk Lady Gaga? I ask as a friend.

1) Youth. It was the early 90s, and she was still very young. Youth always helps.

2) Put her next to two old , and uglier Jewish woman. Any young 20 year old (whos in shape) would look better if put next to two old Jewish woman who were cast in the film do to the fact that they look hags.

3) Boobs. She used a push up bra to push up her tits in order to make them look larger than they really are. Shes the only witch that exposes her youthful tits.

4) Shes always horny, and hitting on men almost all men. She hits on old men, young men, and seems to always want the dick. She fucked her own sisters boyfriend Billy the Zombie.

the zombie scared me as a kid. also it's one of the films i won't watch because i know it'll be too nostalgic, i'm not sure if i'm alone in having that attitude to flicks from my childhood

>dat tight sweater.
Fuck, I wish the gay director ( Kenny Ortega ) of Houcs Pocus would have put her in a sexier Halloween outfit.

Big witch titties.

>Divine female character actresses.
>A very strong early 90s Disney soundtrack.
>Pretty good effects for an early 90s fantasy film
>It deals with some adult topics which makes it not seem to be your average Disney Channel original corny kid friendly film.
>A strong fun story/adventure from start to finish.
>Teen heart throb for female viewers
>Boobs for the male viewers

The witches really carry this movie

actual good version coming through

A classic. Fucking sucks the WB has never released in film on blu ray or even Widescreen in the US. The dvd version they put out months ago was in fullscreen, and they haven't bothered re-releasing it in widescreen ever.

I have this on my HD and been just waiting for a reason to watch it

Playing it now

Because that Blonde chick was hot, but aged like milk immediately after.

OP is a chick in her mid / late 20s.

SJP was always ugly, the people behind Hocus Pocus were simply geniuses able to make her really hot somehow

They should be applauded

>talking cat
You got something to say, cunt?

Because you are an embarrassment to your father.

One more you left off.

hypnofetishists and people who get off to mind control.

why were these so good?

I'm not a man. I'm a Molly dolly,

The Craft
Hocus Pocus

Update at your leisure

Underrated post

Actors who could act, and everyone involved loved and respected the source material.

>>It deals with some adult topics which makes it not seem to be your average Disney Channel original corny kid friendly film.
most kid movies were like this before the 2000s

teen witch
80s but whatever still fun

Two words:

Thora Birch

She looked good in Ed Wood too. But those all came out within like a year or two of each other.

She said "No thanks" actually. She could have still been pure.

How about now

Can a movie be more evidence of jewish nepotism ?

Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Vinessa Shaw, Thora Birch, Omri Katz, practically everyone in the movie is jewish.

So much for (((Hollywood))) diversity.

Because Disney used to care about making good live action films.

From left to right: fuck, marry, kill.

Sarah's crazy and horny as fuck and Mary is an idiot. Sarah would never leave you alone. Winnie may be a ball-buster but at least she has a head on her shoulders.

>TFW still virgin at 26


Aesthetics mattered back then.

Diversity for thee, but not for me.

I had a devastating crush on Sarah J P in this movie as a kid... felt awkward watching it around my family due to it

Because tits made my then tiny 5" peeny stiff

Last October I drank like half a bottle of vodka and watched this movie. Then I did it again a couple days later. I gotta do that again. Lots of fun. Love this movie.

Is Practical Magic any good?