
Pathetic little worm edition

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need a dominant woman to force her vagina on my face

gf used to dominate me.
sitting on my face
fingering me
making me massage and suck her feet

Morning lids

being ugly is truly an awful existence

need you out of /brit/

The people obsessed with presenting themselves as ostensibly honestly, fairly and apolitically proving racial differences instantly reveal themselves and their real aims when they start throwing racial slurs and stereotypes around.

Same crap with the alt rights nonsense about "nationalism for all" and yet glorifying European colonialism and imperialism. They both just loathe non whites and the working class.


Tuck me in first

Browsing leftypol. Realized the US are fucking shitheads for intervening in communist shitholes

*tucks you in*
*kisses your forehead*
sleep tight sweety x

find me one intellectual that isn't biased
protip you can't

Imagine still not having grown out of politics lmao. When you get a bit older you'll realise that it literally doesn't matter ever. Your bus might cost a few more quid in your time than your parents time but absolutely nothing changes and it will all be grand.

A bit like video games and music with guitars in it, just embarrassing past a certain age

no one cares

fuck off back to leftypol you cuck

*makes eye contact with you*

Of course they're all biased. Science and all other fields are never neutral, no matter what they claim. People will find what they want and look for anything to support their beliefs. The point is to point out who certain beliefs benefit.

Nighty night


The ideology is so thick you can't even perceive it. My god.

ah yes the british serf's dumb mindset of "oh everything will be fine la-lala lala laaa"

does anyone else get insecure that since they're not female nobody will ever want to see them nude or in skintight clothing?

weird shit but it bothers me

>always thought /brit/ was just a bunch of workshy benefit scroungers
>turns out /brit/ actually has 100% employment because hating is a full-time occupation here

nothing wrong with colonialism

t. humanities runt

>Science and all other fields are never neutral
stop complaining about racists then ya fuckhead

Where does one find a gf like this?

Only girls I've been with lie there like a sack of potatoes

Why does it make you angry when people on the other side of the world do a communism?

is this girl mexican?

But it literally will. Get a job, dont have kids until you can afford and you'll be fine. When was the last time it wasn't fine? Who starved on the street in 2008? People like to think they are important when they care about politics. Makes them feel special

I would make the same but inverse argument.

Everything is going to get well worse, this is a fucking nightmare world where nothing will ever get better and where this generation will live far worse than their parents generation.

But the same argument applies: fucking hell, for the love of god just ignore politics. You can't fix it, you can't make a difference, pirate a fucking movie and relax instead of stressing yourself out by foreshadowing your impending doom. You're going to die in an alleyway at 70, enjoy this while it lasts.

And don't bother with Zootopia it's a snorefest.

you're not into that?

shaliday, fellow kekistani!

The other day I was walking behind a woman while on my way home from the station. For about a minute I casually considered the best surrounding spots to drag her to if I were to rape her. No intent, just a thought exercise.

Bit surreal lads.

biggest fucking trog
probably never picked up a book have you

ah yes everything will magically be okay


>glorifying European colonialism and imperialism

not even a rorke but I am not sure why some people are desperate to live their life in guilt. Might as well celebrate history

NEED a sack of potatoes gf

all throughout history people have been portending apocalypse yet things have gotten consistently better over time


things can only get better

theresa may is an idiot and doesn't understand how the internet works
she's a dangerous person at the helm of the country and so at the moment, politics is important

>biggest fucking trog
>probably never picked up a book have you

Oh god! Not a housing graph!

Most sensible people already have a house. I'll be fine


it's all good

urm, being proud of some of the greatest achievements of mankind is racist, sweaty x

Absolute fucking mong "Just don't start your life, live with your parents while making minimum wage on zero hour contracts, it will be fine"


t. a man in his late teens, possibly early 20s

happy times ahead

(((The City)))

Is this a potatoes joke?

Gets a bit boring. wouldn't be into getting fingered though to be fair

not an argument

why do people like blair again

The empire was a project by the ruling class for the ruling class. Idolising it only deludes people that their interests are the same as their masters.

And what impact has that had? Fuck all, I'm fine, everyone I've ever known is fine Couldn't give a shit about the Internet. Life was fine before it and life will be fine if it disappeared
Or try harder and get a real job

>dont have kids until you can afford
ah yes the good old "dont have kids until you're old enough for the likelihood of them getting genetic defects shoots through the roof"

Currently doing no sleep, what are the best ways to not get bored so I don't fall asleep? Been awake since 5pm yesterday.

I think so but it's tough to say, if she is she'd def be criollo with like 0 native blood


I never usually do them but come on, you set this one up.

dunno. met my gf on my degree.
she was like a nun until one day she just suddenly switched it up and became some really kinky sex fiend.

went spent hours upon hours rubbing our naked bodies on each other.

Want to go visit her (her visa expired)- but work is cucking me out of holidays

same reason people like thatcher

>the empire was one of the greatest achievements of mankind

was it? why


He had the sort of radical centrist new wave social democratic approach that appeals to people who overthink these things and realise too late in life that their da signed them up to the wrong political party

thanks for this informative post

I'll certainly complain when it legitimises scummy behaviour and makes people blame the evil swarthy hordes for their socioeconomic problems.

he doesn't seem radical centrist

If you can't afford kids by 25 you've fucked up big time and if you want to have them any later than risk is on you. Don't have kids outside of marriage, don't get married before 21 and get a full time job. 99% of people who do these simple things will live a perfectly fine life. Are any of them really that hard?

read between the lines

Honestly I misread the question, was just going at European history as a whole.


>when you realise this is a general full of normies/failed-normies

>literally "I'M ALRIGHT JACK"
okay tarquin

> Mr Blair woke his wife, Cherie, one morning and told her: “If John dies, I will be leader, not Gordon. And somehow, I think this will happen. I just think it will.”

>not even a question.
I'm doing 3 things at once rn, pardon me.

Fuck off you smug middle class runt

Do you really think it easy to buy a house and have job security by 25? Are you posting from the 60's?

wank me off while you're at it you gay twat

didn't your labor party do all the thatcher-y reforms?

I'm glad they did. The old Britain is dying. Excellent. England will be majority non white by 2050 hopefully.

No idea what you're trying to tell me. My life is perfectly fine and always will be. Stop trying to invent issues to make yourself feel important by 'solving' them I.e making a Facebook post and having a wee vote

>Implying a laissez-faire approach to immigration isn't iconically centre-liberal

>slag life
That is not slag life. The UK doesn't even have swimming pools, it's too cold here and our houses rarely have enough land.

Slag life is about smoking from the age of 14, having your parents consensually buy you cigarettes because you're too young to buy them yourself, wearing yogapants and never doing Yoga, wearing too much makeup because your beauty standards and self worth are fucked. It's also going out on Fridays and Saturdays to get off your tits and slag about, dreading the thought of Monday as Tesco hours are long and hard.


why are Sup Forums so weird
>accidentally click on it
>thread about millienials not saving
>everyone saying 'hurr durr millenials eat out every day, millenials buy shit all the time'

p sure the reason millenials don't save is because of university debt and rent being extortionate.

idk i'm sort of in the middle. I know people who fit the A V O C A D O T O A S T stereotype. But I myself live quite a spartan existence and still don't manage to save an incredible amount.

why are you guys so obsessed with leftypol

All the richer kids at my school were massive racists.

centre-liberal =/= radical centre
dumb cunt

Yes. If you ignore the Germans in some respects, we've been doing it for longer than anyone else.

Graduate uni by 21/22, have 4 years to earn a good graduate wage. Should definitely set you on your way seeing as your partner should also be earning this. If you can't start a family on 60k you need to look at your spending

Why not ask this exact question in the thread rather than posturing in here about how superior you think your opinions are?

get a better job
live below your means and you will save money
basic math

Sup Forums is infested with middle class teenagers who've never suffered in their lives and believe the Randian myth of the individual.

So can we contend peacefully
Before my history ends?
Jesus I need you, be near, come shield me
From fossils that fall on my head
There’s only a shadow of me; in a manner of speaking, I’m dead

economic literature on immigration is decidedly centrist.

it says that their may be negative impacts or potentially positive in the short-run, but ultimately no impacts in the long run - but does have unforeseen externality benefits like innovation (of high skileld workers) or occupational upgrading of natives in response to immigration.

a centrist (from an economic point of view) would be open to migration.

pretty sure everyone on this site is a millennial aside from the literal children

>home ownership is at the lowest level since the 80s while rent remains extortionate and housing supply is artificially constrained
>dude stop trying to invent issues xD just live in a horse-box in London so you can get a proper job

>Couldn't give a shit about the Internet. Life was fine before it and life will be fine if it disappeared
