After all these years I still don't get this part. Was Bernie a mechanic also...

After all these years I still don't get this part. Was Bernie a mechanic also? Was he working on some cars just right before he went to shake the driver's hand?

Other urls found in this thread:

He misheard Driver and thought he said "My hands are bernie"


Why didn't Schultz just shake his hand?




It took me several viewings to finally get this line as well.

Because it's a Quentin Tarantino flick, to satisfy the plebians of course

Schultz was a dentist. Dentists and candy don't mix.

>be me
>in theater
>watching final scene of drive
>a real hero starts playing
>the driver blinks
>suddenly a wave of euphoria rushes over me
>I reach to pop the collar on my scorpion jacket
>I realize that I haven't bought one yet because I didn't know about it until watching this film which isn't over yet
>wait until the the very last frame of the credits before leaving the cinema, which is standard patrician viewing procedure
>head out to the snacks counter
>qt and fat dude serving
>start sweating
>avoid qt and go up to fat dude
>ask for a couple of crabs legs to tape onto the back of my white polo
>he shakes his head and shoots me the look that the kids at school usually give me
>feel sick fury build deep from within my stomach
>go out to parking lot
>wait hours for his shift to be over, nearly pass out
>he finally heads over to his car
>it's a Chevy Impala
>the most popular car in the state of California
>no one will be looking at him
>or so he thinks
>wait until he gets in
>leap onto roof
>pull pants down
>try to unleash epic seafood turd
>forgot about the jumbo two liter coke consumed whilst watching the movie
>start pissing uncontrollably
>cargo shorts are completely drenched
>he starts the car
>tumble backwards off the roof
>land on my neck
>can't feel my body anymore
>bowels release themselves loudly
>onlooker runs up to me
>"What the fuck are you okay?"
>look her in the eye
>stare intensely whilst smirking in a cool way
>"I guess there truly are no clean getaways"

The Driver and Bernie are both criminals, both their hands are dirty.
gr8 b8, m8.

You are rewarded this (You) for contributing to a b8 thread anyway

>be me
>see drive, become obsessed with becoming the driver
>get my hair cut just like the goose
>too poor to afford a replica jacket so I just buy a generic bomber and draw a scorpion on the back
>spend all day working out to look good like the driver, got my bmi down to 33 in a week
>replace all the music on my zune with synthwave
>finally feel confident I am the driver
>decide to pull a driver-esque stunt in real life
>get a hammer from my garage and a nerf bullet since I don't have a real one
>get in my used honda crv that I spray-painted to look like a mustang
>drive to a nearby strip club
>make a beeline to the changing room
>walk in, see the owner sitting with the girls, he's some greasy italian fuck
>go to smash his hand with my hammer
>completely miss and trip
>everybody laughs
>i stand up and regain my dignity
>say "who's money do I have" so quietly that no one can hear me
>everybody just keeps laughing
>all of sudden this drunk ginger fuck bursts in blabbing about gladiator, literally swinging a mace around
>hold up the nerf bullet
>"Y-you remember this"
>gladiator guy goes "hey tony how the fuck did this baccala get in here"
>say nothing, try to maintain eye contact but get nervous and stare at the floor
>mutter "I drive" under my breath
>decide fuck it and take the gladiator on in one on combat
>swing at him with my hammer, hit him hard in his ribcage
>he smashes my head in with the mace thing and I fall to the ground
>I faintly hear nightcall playing as I fade into the abyss

a real human being

this is my first (you). this was all worth it.

How new are you? Be truthful

>Be me
>Watch Drive for the first time
>Get obsessed over it
>Immediately go and buy the blu-ray
>Watch it at least 4 times each day
>Decide to buy a scorpion jacket just like driver
>Act and speak like the Driver
>Every time I take a couple seconds before responding
>Respond with single words only
>Decide to take my mothers van to drive
>Buy appropriate gloves for full Driver experience, costed me $235 from amazon
>Alway play "Nightcall" while driving
> Find an empty parking area with only a truck parked there
> Old, fat truck driver comes out
>Truck driver:"Cool jacket buddy, wanna hop in my truck for a drink?"
>I take around 25 seconds to respond, just positively nod
>Go to his truck
>Forces me blow him one
>My mother calls, I had set my ringtone to "Nightcall"
>MFW I am in a lonely parking lot, blowing an old fat truck driver while "Nightcall" is playing

>tfw you didn't see Drive opening night and went home to driveposting
I was too late. . . . . . .
I-i drive everyone, haha. . . ha, ha. . . .

3 years.

>driving in my honda at midnight with nightcall playing at max volume
>wearing my authentic scropion jacket and have a toothpick squeezed between my lips
>driving too fast so a cop pulls me over
>he walks up to the car and knocks on the window
>"please turn fown that music" he shouts
>can't hear him, wait 30s and say "what"
>he shouts it again louder
>i stare at him blankly for a while then turn off the music
>"son do you have any idea how fast you were going"
>"well you were going pretty fast I'm gonna have to give you a ticket"
>"...I drive"
>at this point the copper thinks I'm high and makes me do one of thise finger tests
>make continuous eye contact while he wags his finger around like a kike
>"I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the car"
>open the door and step out after a lengthy stare
>"now you're gonna have to walk in a straight line here"
>throw him to the ground and bash his head with my foot
>some fat fuck in a red jacket decides to drive by right at that moment
>quickly get back in thr car and chase after him
>lose his lights as he swerves off the road and upends himself
>tries to get out of the car and run away, I stare at him deliberately for a moment then shoot him
>walk over to the car, shoot the girl inside
>loud string music emanates from the radio
>go back to my car and drive back tiward the dead cop
>for some reason my phone is now filled with Scandinavian folk music instead of synthwave
>find steve buscemi waiting for me in the cop car
>realize I'm in the wrong fucking movie

it would be shit without 'so randum' and 'le shootout'. tarantino died after reservoir dogs

kek I should've watched that Q&A. Refn wouldnt know though he's clearly autistic and based driver on himself

>tarantino died after reservoir dogs
sad, but true

....and not even a little from Gosling himself? It was a collaborative effort

r8 his wife

Who ready for Autismo Runner?

well show us some examples of autism goose irl then
A real hero

what movie tho

Uses his star power to break up confrontations and make this world more peaceful, a real human being

>be me
>a little socially awkward, not ugly, but have trouble keeping conversations interesting
>watch "Drive" and decide i'm going to change my life
>I will become the driver
>buy solid color henley t shirts, a jean jacket, and skinny jeans
>start college next month
>meet roommate at move in day
>"hey user, i'm stephen, its nice to meet you"
>want to respond but remember i have a new image now
>look directly at him
>letting the silence hang in the air, counting to 10 in my head
>he seemed a little off put but at least im not the one feeling uncomfortable for once

>one week later
>roommate asks if i want to go to a rush party with him, and these two girls he met the night before
>"great, but it's off campus, do you know anyone who could drive us?"
>get really excited... but remember to count to ten first
>"I drive"
>"ok, thanks bro, it'll be worth it when you see these girls. they are smoking hot. and i've been talking you up to one of them."
>i begin to get nervous, because i've never had much success with girls.
>I think about how driver would handle the situation
>say as little as possible
>be mysterious
>be in control
>on our way to pick up the girls
>I decide tonights the night i bust out my driving gloves, and my roommate notices
>"cool gloves user"
>i nod and slip in a toothpick

>pull up to the girls house
>roommate gets out to get them
>"you've got a five minute window, anything happens inside that five minutes, im yours. anything happens outside of that and your on your own. understand?"
>this is probably the single longest thing i've said to him at this point, he seems surprised
>"uh.. sure.. it wont take long"
>i take off my watch and put it on the steering wheel
>the girls get to the car and he wasn't lying, they were super hot. they were also super drunk already
>"wow stephen, you werent lying about him, he's a cute one"

>i begin to get a little nervous. my hands are sweaty as fuck from my gloves, and im wearing my quilted racing jacket (no scorpion) over my jean jacket
>remember the driver doesn't have to respond to social cues
>meet them with silence
>stephen begins to look nervous for me
>".....what's the job?"
>"uhh... the party is a few miles away... thanks again for driving"
>turn on my cb police scanner and pull out of the driveway
>the girls are now really getting into it
>they think im pretty cool, the strong silent thing is working
>girl in the backseat is touching my chest from behind
>"youre really quiet *giggle* i can't wait to loosen you up a little tonight..." she winks
>im panicking now, social anxiety is setting in
>decide to show off a little, take some turns at high speeds
>"holy shit user SLOW DOWN" stephen yells
>but the girls are liking it, laughing as they are thrown around the back seat.
>decide i'm going to cuck my roommate as the driver,
>but i need more time to show off my driving skills, and the trip is almost over
>"you wanna see somethin?"
>the girls are confused but too drunk to really respond affirmatively
>take the scenic route
>about 20 minutes later and it's pretty clear i've gotten us lost

>roommate is silently fuming
>"user, where the fuck are we. we should've been there fifteen minutes ago"
>the girls are quiet now too
>the only sound is Tick of the Clock by Chromatics playing on repeat, over my police scanner, as it has for the entire trip
>...."you don't need to know the route"
>roommate is pissed and begins looking up directions on his phone
>one of the girls has to pee, she asks to pull over
>i say the five minutes line again, i didn't know what else to say
>my roommate by now has decided i am an autist
>girls step out of the car, roommate does too
>I stay in the car, but i hear them all laughing.
>I think they are probably laughing at me
>grip my steering wheel and floor it, tires screeching
>hear my roommate yell "WHAT THE FUCK user"
>go back to the dorm and begin filling out roommate transfer request

You serious?

Is u tupid?

Anyone else here literally Driver?

. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .

I drive

yeah man






does anyone have the greentext pasta about the guy who actually changed his life for the best after watching Drive, got a gf, job, etc., and no one noticed he was mimicking the movie after all that time.


Do normal people think Drive is autistic, too? Do they think I'm autistic if I tell them it's my favorite movie?

Yes and yes


>be me
>watch drive
>it's a complete pile of shit
>hendricks was cute though
>don't get obsessed with it because I'm not a child

>having interests is childish
what's it like being so miserable?


No and no