I need your very best driving music Sup Forums

I need your very best driving music Sup Forums

Tomorrow I will be driving my 8/10qt classmate for a 90mins journey

I therefore need 3 hours (there and back again) of hardcore, cool-as-fuck driving music that will impress her.

The music must be:
1) Cool
2) Esoteric
3) Not hip-hop, rap, or anything related (she hates nigga music)

Pls help
>pic related, it's her, and she's single

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Play some Liszt
If she can't appreciate one of the greatest composers then she's a brainless whore who doesn't deserve your seed.
Also you can do better user

God dam thats how far away her boyfriend lives?

Come on now

Liszt wrote music purely intended to show off his fast fingers and long handspan. He was a performer more than a composer



Is anyone gonna help me here?

Recommend me some Liszt, I don't know anything except for a few of his rhapsodies

Play some good old Beatles and Beach Boys.

Thanks for the suggestion. I know she likes that kinda music - but I was hoping for some stuff that she likely won't be familiar with, so that I'd introduce her to some new music

stop overanalysing shit and being sassy trying to be different, just play things you like, you think sitting and listening to "esoteric' music for 90 minutes is going to make her want to fuck you? jesus dude just be real

The point is to impress her with some cool music. Yes, I believe that impressing her with music will definitely help me fuck her. You going to suggest some music or not?

Then maybe some Paul McCartney solo work if you think she haven’t heard it.
David Bowie or maybe Tame Impala’s Currents, it’s pretty comfy.

cmon, it's in the title

Maybe some
>Pulp - Different Class
>Galaxie 500
>Once and Future band-Once and Future band
>Warhaus-We Fucked a Fire into being
>Arcade Fire - The suburbs
>Radiohead-Kid A
>Tame Impala - Currents

Also i remember one of my exes mentioning M83 quite a lot but i never heard them because women have shit taste.Make sure you check them out,it might end up being the better choice.

The Millenium - Begin (might be too cheesy and romantic, but it's GOAT)

The Zombies - Odyssey and Oracle


>Tame Impala’s Currents

Very nice suggestion, thank you user :)

David Bowie is a great shout too

Play ManOwar's entire discography to show her how needlessly heterosexual you are

Bump some Whitehouse or Masonna to show how alpha you are, OP.

Hey user if you are still here, I have some good suggestions. Good soundtracks are premade mix tapes. Some of my favorite ones with music like you have indicated she likes are from the following movies

>Reservoir Dogs
>Vanilla sky
>Lock stock and two smoking barrels
(trust me it's a good one)

Thanks for the suggestions. M83 is normie trash though
>The Millenium - Begin
Good one, thanks
What would you rate her? I think she's a solid 8
I'll think about that

I bumped Lil Peep when driving a bull back to my house and it was really #litty

>M83 is normie trash though
Damn knew it,now i have no good memories of her,thankyougoodnight.

Nice suggestions user, Reservoir Dogs soundtrack is pretty great. Thanks


>The music must be:
>1) Cool
>2) Esoteric

Honestly, if I was getting in a car for a 90 min ride with someone I don't know too well I'd find it cringy if they made a playlist with music that *I would like that they don't know*

Be yourself - bring music you listen to, that interests you. Since you know it you can also talk about it if the conversation goes that way.

I don't mean don't bring any new music but do things that interests you. Bitches love that.

i think she would be more impressed if you managed to hold an interesting conversation for 90 minutes but really just play alex g or frank ocean

play Procol Harum’s s/t if she likes any psychedelic Beatles you put on, super comfy album

Drive soundtrack on repeat

If this is already your attitude I'm sure you're gonna come off super comfortable and natural

*also like fucking talk to her then the music won't really matter as long as it's not total gutter shite*

so you want meme shit?
but really though, where you are driving to matter in this equation because you want to build the atmosphere and then on the way back decompress and chill.

on a note about the x/10 rating scale, are you a pleb that uses the x/10 to be sole physical looks? because if so this chick is a light 7 without seeing other angles, but seeing as i don't know her personality she might get a 1 point bump.

>1) Cool
>2) Esoteric
>3) Not hip-hop, rap, or anything related (she hates nigga music)


This is the only choice:

Play it 3 times and tell us how it went.
I'll keep the thread bumped for you.

> Yes, I believe that impressing her with music will definitely help me fuck her.

wait. he's actually serious



Op I played this once at a party and girls started seeing me as cool and mysterious. That night I went home with an 8.5/10 and two phone numbers from equally hot girls.
It's vitally important that you look the part and don't blow it by clowning around.
Wear all black or dark colors if possible.

>tfw find the fb profile because OP is a nob
not sure how to feel, definitely underwhelmed, girl is a 7/10 max, probably a tinderslut or crazy so music won't matter as long as it isn't trash

just make a move on the way back or work it while you are at the destination so that she gives you some tug or head on the way back. Act confident in yourself and tease her a little in your conversation. If you see that she isn't into it then just play some shit you like and relax, she will reengage if she wants you. If you can't tell she isn't feeling it then you are either a betameme or autist and you should just give up and listen to something you like. If by the midway point you are too bitch to make a move then just give up and play music you like.

OP do this.
It might look like we're memeing you, but girls actually do love dark and mysterious guys.
If she comments on how it's strange for you to like this stuff (because your personality has been different in front of her or something) just tell her that it's an intimate side /f you that you like to keep to yourself.
She'll love the fact that you opened to her and will love the new cool and unique version of you.

DESU any of the first 4 Modest Mouse albums are perfect driving music

if you can pull this off shes guaranteed to flood your car

just start acting like gosling in drive and wear all black

Tom Petty

youtube.com/watch?v=cCmLjb-ocPY x57


Mazzy Star
Grand Archives
Cigarettes After Sex
Magnolia Electric Co
The Zephyrs
Early REM
Elliott (specifically False Cathedrals)
Jason Isbell (I always recommend Isbell just because)

Seconding this.

>posting images from Facebook without editing the image name

Why do people do this?

Shit that bitches will actually respect and not think you're a faggot like the rest of these anitsocial nerds on here recommending you play her sappy shit:

Black Lips
Thee Oh Sees
Bass Drum Of Death
Yeah Yeah Yeah's
Smith Westerns
The Orwells
Jay Reatard
Ty Segall
The Strokes (nothing recent, anything before Angles)
Violent Femmes

There ya go, you've got some hot new garage punk bands in there as well as some 90's kid classics
You really need to get out more.

Holy shit, this obliterated my sides.

Because OP lied to us and it's actually another classmate of his that's going to drive with the girl, and he overheard and thought of this pathetic thinly veiled PAR to fuck with the guy by getting us to fuck with the girl and making her believe it was him that posted the OP.

I know lots of people doesn’t like Tame but i think it’ll be great for a drive.

>wanting to impress with music tastes that aren't even yours
what a meme
The Hotline Miami OSTs
Pale Sketcher
Cocteau Twins

if you want to look dark and memesterious

>Early REM
I second this. Anything before Document should do the trick.

One time I played rust in peace by megadeth because I was hanging with a girl and she wanted me to put on my music. I didn't know what to play because I'm a sperg that listens to a lot of metal so I thought maybe big4 American thrash would be accessible. By five magics my dick was being sucked and we were banging once Lucretia came on.
I don't think the music had anything to do with it, I don't think she even liked it. The point is you're more likely to get banged by being interesting and entertaining than being patrician in your music tastes. Just play shit you like and fuckibg talk to her you faggot

I do play shit I like. And if she don't like it she can fuck right off

I'll suck my own dick thank you very much

Exactly. Talking to people isn't hard, either.

GOAT instrumental road music

69 love songs

not that esoteric, it has been overused since Kubrick put it in Eyes Wide Shut.

So she'll be already acquainted to it and it won't be a total shock.

Fukken sorted lad!

> it has been overused since Kubrick put it in Eyes Wide Shut.

Really? It was made for EWS, there is no "since"

Get some French house music, OP

>Talking to people isn't hard
t. normalfag
your next words will be:
>you just _____ and _____
>just b urself :^)idk bro haha

What city is this?

>Talking to people isn't hard
he's right though
Talking to people without sounding like a sperg, that is the hard one. I've tried to cover my sperg up with an eccentric outer image because I like performance art. Just get gud kiddo

t. asspie


I like u.
ur cute.

that particular piece wasn't composed specifically for the movie. it's a reworked version of a previous work of her.
>Pook was hired after choreographer Yolande Snaith rehearsed the masked ball orgy scene using Pook's composition "Backwards Priests" – which features a Romanian Orthodox Divine Liturgy recorded in a church in Baia Mare, played backwards – as a reference track. Kubrick then called the composer and asked if she had anything else "weird" like that song, which was reworked for the final cut of the scene, with the title "Masked Ball". Pook ended up composing and recording four pieces of music, many times based on her previous work, totaling 24 minutes.

this is like an autistic battle cry

these bands are all gay as hell

i know this is a bait thread but
if any of you think you're gonna impress a girl and make her like you by playing certain music you're fucking autistic retard