Saving Private Ryan vs Thin Red Line

Which is the better war film?

trick question! Neither.

Forest gump

I'd appreciate it if you took this thread in a serious manner. Thank you.

shaving ryans privates XD

sorry user.
I like dumb over pretentious so SPR for me

Behold the GOAT war film

Forrest Gump isn't a war film.

Das Boot > TRL > SPR

thin red line, and fuck you for even thinking that spr was worth the competition

Two entirely different movies with different themes that happen to take place during different places of the same war.

>war films

none, they're all fucking boring.

thin red line would be the perfect war film, if it wasn't for that gay malik with his bullshit "ooohhh... power of love.... love... life... oooh... power of love... power of love.... oooh... cucking...oooooh the... life... the power of love... and the life..... ooooh" Fucking stupid disconnected shit

You need to kill yourself, I'm not even joking.

The newfag stench is strong around Sup Forums, what happened in the last week?

bohoo did i insult the power of love...ooooh.. the power..of...oooh...the live.. the love... ooooh


>WTF? I love the Waffen SS now!

Nigga....I don't even remember what happens on Thin Red Line, that's how shitty of a was movie it is.

Saving Private Damon on the other hand is true WW2 kino. Not many other WW2 movies can hang with it.

Deffo top 5 Vietnam war flick---even though the war scenes are only like like 1/5th of the whole movie. That's how good of a war flick it is, a fifth of it is better than most Vietnam flicks.

Wouldn't say that. It's the best Gulf War-era movie? Best I can do.

Still haven't watched Dat Boot. Need to dedicate 3 hours for that shit.

There it is.


>Terrence Malick

No wonder it was forgettable as fuck.

Fury is deffo the best war flick to come out in the last 10 years. Proove (Me) wrong.

But that ending was shiiit. I wanted to see that Waffen battalion skin Logan Lerman alive and put his skin on the front of a Tiger tank!

>Fury is deffo the best war flick to come out in the last 10 years. Proove (Me) wrong.

For the first two thirds I completely agree.

>But that ending was shiiit. I wanted to see that Waffen battalion skin Logan Lerman alive and put his skin on the front of a Tiger tank!
Well, I agree that the ending spoiled the movie, although for different reasons. The last stand was pretty stupid compared to the earlier combat parts of the film. Somewhere I read that originally the tank was supposed to face a Volkssturm battalion comprised of mostly old men, Hitler youth and other unfit men. That would have fitted the tone of the movie and increased the likelihood of the tankers taking out so many attackers/the attackers making such a great amount of tactical errors.

I guess skinning pow's wasn't that well received in the German armed forces, not even in the Waffen SS. Penal units like the Dirlewangers on the other hand...

>I don't even remember what happens on Thin Red Line,
Mindless Dorne detected

>no mention of enemy at the gates
youre all probably kulaks

Trl isn't even a war movie

I couldnt finish thin red line, I got bored half way through.