God tier Black metal/Death metal albuns

God tier Black metal/Death metal albuns

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Mayhem are shit tier poser bait
Anybody who thinks mayhem, Euronymous, or DMDS are worth shit is immediately outed as a tourist of the genre.
Varg was also justified in killing Euronymous the cuck.

I think Euronymous is a piece of shit, but his riffs was amazing.

Preach my brother, Euronymous wasnt worth anything.

Mayhem pioneered the black metal riff idiots. They gave rise to the greatest metal genre today. If you want to talk about posers, talk about Nu metal.

Euronymous and snorre made the genre, varg killed one and implicated the other, while contributing nothing to it himself


Mayhem and Burzum were both innovative. Varg created a more atmospheric sound.

>Mayhem pioneered the black metal riff
>the state of black metal "fans"

Freezing Moon was released on a demo in 1990. Everything earlier was 1st wave, which had a more thrash metal sound.


I fucking love death metal, but the band names should be readable

Enough with the Mayhem bullshit, posting some REAL black metal here


Poser. That symphonic stuff is barely black metal.

Acid Bath is definitely not black or death metal, but god tier nonetheless.











If you don't like it you're a cuck emocore faggot




No joke, beside gorgoroth, fav black metal band.

hello metalheads, what genre would you consider skinless? I like it but I'm not very polished up on metal sub genres

one of 2017's best


Brutal Death

thanks friendo