Im drunk. Just realized I've been lurking for 9 years

Im drunk. Just realized I've been lurking for 9 years.

Found my old fap folder

Dumping DAT ASS mostly from feel free to contriboot

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf theres a captca

no one wants to see clothed ass.

let's see some butt hole.



sorry friend was never my thing


who remembers PUDDI

I still use windows XP

have some OC ex gf pics

>circa 2011

You got asian ass?

Good stuff op moar


not ass but let me look deeper

sorry friend i dont think so

I got some molecules for ya


>yfw this is young Mandy Kay

Lurk moar newfag

Checked. The trips have spoken

thank Sup Forumsro. I havent lurked in years and was losing faith when no one contriboted




im 12 wat is this








>tfw these images are +10 years old and these whores are either fat, married, or dead




Nostalgia is filling my penis


Hey, maybe some of them aged well





Looking for a old '09 frequent post. Girl, naked, self-shot with a keyocera strobe. Show me (drunk)OP can deliver!

this made my pp so hard. unfortunate now



Nice ass right

Kyocera was my first phone, pic unrelated



Mine too. That's partly why I remember the pic so well lol

whats unfortunate?

I'm looking on my external, was it an ass shot?

I need hardcore porn/videos too fap too, These images are great, really nostalgic, but wont cut it anymore. I consider them art now


ex gf cont.

>once upon time
>only girlfriend to dump me/break my heart
>since then numerous girlfriends
>broke their hearts/cheated

>nice tits
>perky ass
>pierced tongue


>Blurred face
>Face is right next to it in a photo on the wall

oh well pic is old

nice catch have a gif


Saved! Have one.

enjoy a webm

cool. Thanks

OP still posting or hwhat?


you bet


dumping some webms. i came back in 2015 or 2016 and webms blew my mind

reminds me of my sister



Fuggin hot

GOAT ass


how is rape illegal when dressing like this is ok?



God damn

Lol & nice massive jugs,
ye olde fagg
Sup Forumsased god

100% agree

Sup Forums party van en route now lel

Can't corner muh Dorner muh nigguh

>tfw been lurking since 2009
>tfw quality memes
>tfw Sup Forums is just traps, furry, and MLP
>tfw remember chanarchive
>tfw JessiSlaughter
>wiki raids

we fucked shit up, even better than 2006 Sup Forums

I remember this pic from about that long ago. I kinda believe you..

>justifying rape because women decide to dress a certrain way
Did you learn your manner from a tribe or something? smh

old sets = best sets

trolls have evolved.
2/10 for making me reply
+1 internet for u


Lol nice power 88 dubs mein nigga

09 is the year i found out I'd be lurking here forever too.

Dude, i was packing up all my shit to move from usa to Paris,
& i was so behind cuz the real life live unfolding saga of Dorner was insane.

I live on pol pretty hard too. Mainly pol.
K x s too.
There's so much poppin off on pol man. It's insane.
I'm all about the bantz too. There's always so much goin on & too much to keep up on.

I'm in a big city, but when i go to the MONSTER cities near by that's when i meet lel super olde faggs that tell me about those elder years your speaking of.

It's intresting 2 c the waves of shit happening.
Drinking bleach.
Piss yrself 4 equality.

Clinton DNC Kabal regime getting toppled & meme'ing a meme into US Presidency
>allllll the lil Yebby memes
He took it anally so amazingly
>el ratto the zodiac killer goldman sachs bitch
>lil gayboy foam boy sweaty needs waterbottle robot repeat this dispelling phrase Rubbio
>ebil witch cunt face Firorini (this isn't including primaries from last election either
>chris krispyKreme
>dumb ass gov. Of texas & Herman Pizzaman dat ass Cain lol

Shits nuddy brah.
The saga of mootykins.

Seeing moot post lol
Then get bullied at the end.


this is

you're all permabaned.

Gr8 b8 m8

Also nice dubz

2004-05 for me. im a perpetual lurker. i havent made a thread yet. I havent made much of my self either.

You all good brah

Nice trippy tripple dub sets