D&D thread?

D&D thread?

D&D thread.

how t play

Facepalm yourself at this point

Pick a class, I roll for you from 1 to 20 to determine pretty much everything, including attacks, summonings, and other such actions.

You are standing before the spooky entrance of a tomb. What do you do?

Cast a Candlelight spell and go in with my sword drawn.

You roll a 14 and succeed, but trip on a rock on your way in.

I follow him

Roll a WIS save against being super embarrassed in front of your hirelings

step 1 have bow
step 2 shot gazebo
step 3 ???
step 5 proftt


You hear quiet, distant squeaking from further in. What do you do?

I remove my pants and follow and


>I remove my pants
The beautiful and nubile elf sorceress snickers, and asks you if you just got out of the pool or something. What's your next move?

Can you fuck off please?

Fuck her in the pussy

I fart on her and and attempt to capture her as my slave.


You roll a 12 and she slaps you across the face.


Look around for treasure

This thread has failed. Gonna abandon.


Nice nat 1. Gigga Nigga now lives in front of the button that closes the thread. You cannot approach the button without him seeing you.

ok mate how you working out the rolls cause it don't look as if you're using the post number?
also sneak secretly behind main party.

it's just a few of us shitposting, I think OP abandoned ship already

roll a dubs against giga-nigga and attempt to summon walfare office to luer him away


what the fuck seem like not the worst idea here. dude should stick with it

>roll a dubs against giga-nigga and attempt to summon walfare office to luer him away

You have failed to achieve dubs. You have summoned the welfare office, but instead of luring Giga-nigga away you have attracted Shaniqua and her plus-sized friend, Chantrelle.


look in inventory for bucket of wings to distract chantrelle

proceed to tell shaniqua too "shake that ass" hoping to have giga nigga rape her. and walk to exit button

Will you fucking nerds fuck off

Roll for Intimidate. 1d20 + proficiency + CHA modifier. I'll let you substitute another stat's mod if you can make a case for it though.

This would be a good idea if more people took it seriously

i know but op fucked off