I want to kill myself but I made a promise with this girl that we wouldn't hurt ourselves...

I want to kill myself but I made a promise with this girl that we wouldn't hurt ourselves. I planned on doing it Friday what should I say to her? Should I apologize?

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You can kys without hurting yourself so your promise can still be kept

What is her number/means of communication? I will call and tell her for you. I will state that the pain of living was too much for you but she had made you endure it a little longer and would like to thank her for it. I will also tell her you made the decision alone but thought of her.

>user tryong to take advantage of depressed girl for nudes


Fetish Video 2.

,Prophet Hainorposk

I love how you want to be the rebound for this girl

Apologizing for something you haven't done makes no sense, instead maybe talking about your problems or finding something to do other than think about how fucking terrible life is a better path. Stop being so fucking edgy no one wants to trudge through life but we all gotta do it and you leaving it isn't helping anyone.

I can just send her an email but shiet a rebound wouldn't be bad. I'm married...

Well tbh OP is probably a weight on society and doesn't have the balls to change

When you want to die, nothing matters

Maybe even though I'm killing myself i should ask for nudes that way so if she will either be pissed at me or I get nudes before I die it's a win win

haha, you think random Sup Forumstard rebound will do anything good for her? No wonder you're suicidal; you're mentally retarded .

OP doesn't want to die faggot. That's the thing. Attention seeking ass faggot.

Now thats a good idea. Post them if you get them. But remember you habe to kys afterwards or you're just stuck in an awkward situation.

Oh so random Sup Forums is good? Good for you.

what the fuck did you just call me kid

You are probably right, but I'll be damned if I don't try to help convince him to stop being and idiot and throw away his one chance at life.




Your death won't mean anything because you broke a promise in doing so.

Tell her you love her and than ask for sex, dont mention the selfkilling, just do it afterwards. She will be devestated!

Normally I would say do what you want to do but if you made a promise keep your word and have integrity

suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. its simply not worth doing. think of all the fun things you'll miss out on.

True anti-aging could very well be acquired in our lifetime, do you wanna hang around just to see, then pull the plug if you still feel like it?

Dont listen to him. You know you had enough and it wont get any better... you want to suffer more?

yeah but the problem has been there for quite while and it only keeps getting worse

stream it

be a fucking man and get over it

or I could be even more of a man and kill myself

doesnt make u more of a man for quitting listen to your self its fucking pathetic find a cause to live for even better one that ud die for

You should kill yourself for being off by one.
But in all seriousness send a letter via mail

Yeah and you know what taht means, be a man and kill yourself! Just end it... Let it go...

You can kill yourself too for beeing a faggot

u can suck my cock u reaching fgt

That's what I'm sayin thanks dad for that extra push!

One for the boys op!

But stream it

So now that we have come to the agreement that I should kill myself what should I say to her? Should I say sorry about the promise tell her my feelings for her?

What could I stream it on?

How is this even a question?

You keep your word user

Say you love her and she is the only thing which keeps you alive. That you want to Marry her and have Kids and Stuff.. than kys. She will be devestated

Don't kill yourself yet. If you really don't give a shit about life anymore go do something extreme. Get in your car and drive wherever, have fucking fun.

Like how everybody falls for ops bait!
Everyday the same i want so so an hero thread... take this op > pic related


I don't want to devastate her but I would like her to know my feelings about her at least before I would do it

Just send make a dubs decide thread and let anons decide what to write. You will have a real reason to kys after that. And it would be funny as hell for the rest of us

Nothing really fun to do around here

You will break your "promise," there is nothing you can say to her to make her feel right. But guess what? You'll be dead, it doesn't matter. You won't be around to feel guilt

You should try to fuck her, you will be dead soon so nothing to loose

Don't Sup Forumsro you made a promise so keep it.

do it cunt, die, you are a whiny little bitch and you should not walk on the same ground as me

Yeah but is there any way to make her not feel as bad about it

Do the dubs decide Thread, she will fucking hate you afterwards.. she will be happy to see you dead

No, and dubs don't lie. Sorry user, but if you commit to someone, then end your life, you will not be forgiven. She will be sad for a long time, so will your family if you are close.

Kill her first then yourself
Problem solved

This, why not take her with you

i feel the same kms.. just gon have to make a choice. im still on the fence. good luck on your future endeavors.

Same to you user hope the best for you

A promise is a promise

Promises are made to be broken and lies are meant to be kept

That's a good one

Thanks man