Who is this boy?

who is this boy?

if i eat what he's eating (huge roll and what looks like chicken salad) will i become as good as RDJ?

i'm pretty sure nobody will ever be as good as RDJ

David Bowie, Axl Rose, and Kurt Cobain


>Who him is


Per Martinsen and some Kernow kid.

that's jeff magnum from neutral milk hotel

well that's obviously Bowie there on the left

the one in the middle? that’s the most overrated garbage artist ever besides obvious radiohead, memerap etc

Get a load of this redditor

t. virgin numale basement dweller
go download some flac

Is he kind of overrated for what he makes? Considering the people who worship everything he puts out, sure. I think he's a better salesman than musician, he has a solid brand. But that doesn't change the fact that he has several 10/10 releases

t. YouTube to MP3
If you think AFX is overrated you need to stop listening to electronic genres permanently

>If you think AFX is overrated you need to stop listening to electronic genres permanently
because some numale who worships entry level garbage like rdj said so?

Does some drugs
Makes tunes
Rides his bike
Makes some tunes
Plays a party
Doesn’t do interviews
Makes some tunes

(((((( SOLID BRAND )))))

~~~~~~ S A L E S M A N ~~~~~~


Everything he made besides SAW II is nothing special. His only claim to musical genius is that record. His melodies are pretty basic

Name an electronic album more complex and innovative than
-I care because you do
Protip- you can't. Richard is one of if not the most important electronic musician

That's literally his brand lol

What makes those albums complex or innovative?

Hangable Auto Bulb is the most innovative thing he ever made imo, he fucking invented drill n bass with that

richard, stop shilling your albums. you produce monotonous trash with rare exceptions and everything that you’ve done has already been done before. you have not made any breakthroughs, haven’t pushed any boundaries, nothing. being loved by a group of fedora neckbeards that listen to stockhausen and autechre is not an achievement, about time you understood that.

He was utilising trackers for reallyfuckingfast, highly musical stuff whilst everyone else was just getting the hang of samplers.

And other things.

But who fucking cares. Art is subjective.

IMHO I don’t think anyone in techno has managed to bend machines to his will and create really individual music quite like he has.

love HAB. whole thing amazing straight through