Tfw literally no girl is attracted to me and I'll live the rest of my life alone

Tfw literally no girl is attracted to me and I'll live the rest of my life alone.

Is that you? Lol nigga you fine stop being a pussy

dont be a bitchfaggot. even ppl with downs get gfs. ur fine

this is a shitpost


your issue is emotional/mental, rather than physical. women don't want a sad, self-hating loser so fix that and you gucci

Lower your standards you stupid faggot. If that doesn't work then work on not being a stupid faggot

ive seen guys that look similar to you with legit qt3.14 gfs. milk the fact that you have a beard and get a decent haircut, you'll be golden

make the best of it. people are never happy with what they got. just be happy with being free dude.
even if you spend lots of money for fucking whores, you will have moar money than any married dude.

getting married is a scam, and humanity has about 15 years left

tfw ill get dubs and win the lotto

See, life is fucking easy.



I have no chance with any girl. Not one girl has ever called me cute.

those dubs are the only lotto you'll be winning user

lower your standards and start looking in different places. or both

This is why everyone else is lagging behind. They don't control their luck with the cheat codes they got in their previous life.

maybe you should take up a hobby like smoking bath salts

Do shit. Don't pity yourself, for girls there is nothing more unattractive than that, no girl wants to date a loser.

Sign up for the gym, go jogging, buy a mountain bike.

Get on facebook and look for groups that are doing shit in your city. Boardgame groups for example. You will meet like minded people there.

Forget about girls for the next year. Work on yourself, for your sake. Once you start liking yourself and you to create opportunities to meet new people, I guarantee you will find someone.

But you need to get off your ass.

Oh and not that it matters all that much, you have nice features.

Literally nothing I do makes any difference. I minus well just give up.

You're obviously lying.

Give up then. Unless YOU want to make a change, noone can help you. Have fun on your way to rock bottom.

I used to be like you bub. I was fat, unattractive, madly addicted to heroin. Lost basically most of my weight because of heroin. Care about yourself and learn to love yourself. Shit falls into place. Just know youre going to get nowhere sitting behind a conputer. Go out, meet people, live for something user. I dont care if its somethibg stupid, dmall victories mean something and getting out of bed for a shower is a small victory.

women are fucking disgusting retards ... sorta like you OP


Man up. Take your meds, improve yourself, develop a new hobby that isn't you crying to dudes.




Now fucking kill yourself, OP, instead of spamming your shitface on Sup Forums.