My gf wants a dildo, should I buy one bigger or smaller than my dick?

My gf wants a dildo, should I buy one bigger or smaller than my dick?

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smaller is not possible anyway so dont worry about it


idk same size?

Same, obv. What are you, an idiot?


OP go get your dick molded and have one made for her. otherwise you're getting cucked by someone who made a mold. every dildo is molded by someone so its like your girl is taking someone elses dick. you're welcome.

Just get hard, tie it with a wire, get a scalpel and make a perfect one.

A smaller one for her ass and a bigger one for her pussy.

All dumbass replies.
Same or smaller, because you don't want to blow your pussy out or make her realize that she loves huge cock

Dildos are for fun and different experiences. Don't let your insecurity dictates on this. Buy one bigger and other smaller. Live your sexuality without fear and, eventually, she will use them in you too.

this guy gets it

> cucked by someone who made a mold
Oh shit, i didnt noticed.

not op
I ordered my first Dildo a week ago as a surprise to my gf. But now I am curious if I should use it first. what do?

I literally never thought about it til this thread.

bigger she clearly wants one cuz your wimpy cock isn't enough for her


Get a colossal one that would really hurt. Basically a rubber garbage can.

get her a bad dragon one

This. Dragon dicks so at least if she cheats it'll be with a dragon.

This, get her into zoo, the only true way.

Buy a smaller and a bigger one. Social experiment. See which one she goes for more often.


Select the largest one you’ll be able to fit in your asshole, cause that’s definitely where it’s going to end up sooner or later. Don’t worry, it’s not gay if it’s with a girl.

This thread is relevant to my interests.
I'm having an affair with a bi girl who has only been into girls for awhile.
But she and her wife use dildos all the time.
She's already sucked my admittedly average dick, so she knows what I'm packing.
I'm just hoping she's not too disappointed when we finally fuck.
My wife gets off on my cock all the time, but she's never had a dildo or anyone else's cock for that matter.

Bigger. I recommend this one

>dat girth
Makes my asshole twitch just lookin at it. Anything longer is going to end up in the no feel zone anyways. This one will make any woman cum hard.

hahahahahah hit the cervix

The truth? It's harder to find a normal sized anthropomorphic dildo than you think. Read the measurements carefully. Find out what it's being used for. If she asked for it, probably her butt for DP hijinks. Go for 1.5" diameter or smaller. Make sure it's a body safe substance because putting certain materials in your ass burns like crazy. Decide on a firmness. Jelly dongs are cheap silicone and work great but are hard to clean and wear out within a year. TPE, glass, or a hybrid silicone design with a firmness spine is what you want.

Damn, nigga. Did you get a degree in dildology?

It's a complicated industry.

Here's a decent starting point if you want to know what we manufacture with.

Cucked by a silicone mold

A new low even for cucks

Get her one of those bluetooth vibrators then you are in control and its much more fun for the two of you also great excuse to stick dick in to pooper

Fucking user is making dildo sales


>eventually, she will use them in you too.

get her one of these

I will buy my gf one bigger than my dick soon

>Damn, nigga. Did you get a degree in dildology?


and a soft one. Tenh go for duble vaginal!


A better investment than a liberal arts or female related degrees.

lezmistressanon here.......

Oh dear GOD no!! We've already discussed my policy on anal though...


Are you literally autistic?

>should I buy one bigger or smaller than my dick
Let her pick it out.


Yup. Go online, a d let her choose one. It's fun. She can even jerk you off and stuff while you do it, then you fuck after you hit the order button. Done it many times. Makes it a fun group activity.

That's what I always do, except we usually go to the store to get stuff like that.
I've always encouraged the use of toys during sex, it makes it much more enjoyable.
You can make a girl cum with a dildo in ways you never could with your dick, and having her choose the one she wants will ensure she's happy with it. At least until you get to know her preferences enough to get one you know she'll like.

This. I got my Gf a small dildlo, literally similar in size to my dick. She doesn't use it much, but has said that she wants to use it on me. She already likes fingering my prostate, so I guess its the next logical step for her. As long as another man isn't involved, I'm alright.

Go for it. If she knows what she's doing, it's pretty great.

buy her a vibe that will also fit in her ass easily so you can DP her and you get to feel the vibration

not much call for micro dildos these days

Get one with more girth. The difference in tightness before and after is nice