Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?

Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?


both retardet as fuck

Nazis have the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine and the Waffen SS so I'd say they have the upper hand

This is b, I guess you would know the reults before you asked on pol but I hold onto my belief that b is only for porn and ylyl threads.




You mean alt right or only nazis? My opinion would be that I would have to kill my self in that situation because it’s a really shit situation.


I would choose your mom.

"Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."

Nazi's no longer exist.
Only sorry white skinheaded pissbabies who think they're hard by wearing swastika's and saying nigger.

I know, but in OP's scenario nazis exist again.
It's fantasy

exactly, these shitheads have got nothing to do with the Nazis. they are just retarded, just like the Commies, aka Antifa.

There's no difference though

Nazis. I despise communist.

OK, so Antifa are, for the most part, annoying activists. That said? My great grandfather died fighting nazis and making sure their shit ended, as did thousands and thousands of other Americans.

So no. I don't fucking well support the "alt right" and those nazi cunts. If they don't like the Constitution of the United States, if they don't like the freedoms they keep spewing are being taken away from the, they can pack the fuck up and go somewhere else. They can go suck Putin's dick, he's the leader they want.

are we talking about actual nazis or american nazis? same goes for antifa/commies


Because Nazis are fucking NAZIS. The world literally got together to defeat them. They are real-world bad guys.

The fuck is wrong with you people?

Antifa. Neo-nazis are just attention whoring tryhards who are the RL equivalent of shitposters.

Fags like this is the reason i don't choose antifa

oh yeah that constitution will be so useful when third worlders have overran your country as antifa attempts to deconstruct whiteness.

What's the difference?

>They are real-world bad guys.
How does somebody who adheres to the "all morality is subjective" school of thought come to this conclusion?

one wants to destroy your race the other wants to preserve it

>Falling for bait this stale

Probably Antifa. I disagree with them on many topics, but at the core i agree that all people deserves certain amount of respect and dignity.

Friendly reminder that the guy went there to listen to a speech while the scout girl and her friend came there to crash it by blowing their whistles. The photo captures the dude as he tries to explain in a noisy envinorment to the girl that immigrants will rape her and then throw her gay friend (who reportedly doesnt understand the concept of borders) from a rooftop.

If we get raped by the immigrants, I hope this girl is among the first.


>your race
Fuck off back to Duchland plastic boy. I ain't no kraut.

Both are fascist thought police.

I support Sharkeisha

Sup Forums already has /s/


Are we talking actual Nazi or NeoNazi?
If actual 3rd Riech era Nazi.. Yes.

"Nazis" vs Antifa?

A bunch of nationalists, probably well armed, or a bunch of limp-wristed college communists that have been pampered their whole lives?

Hmmm, tough choice.

If the Nazis still existed then I’d go for them, every single day.

Seeing as they don’t though, I’d still go for anyone who wanted to fuck up Antifa

I’m a police officer so I’m stuck in between


I hate antifa and I like nazis, but the original one


Nazis. In an instant.

Unless I get bribed with access to the Girl Scout's baby chute for an hour or so. Then I'd be an Antifa. Until I came. Then I'd be a fascist again.


>"Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."


You aren't "stuck" anywhere. Just fuck off and get a new job.

also if you think commies are fascists you should read a dictionary

Wouldn't the nazis just beat you up for being a filthy degenerate?

>I'm white and scared of everything

Nazis because they have spiffy uniforms. Also Hitler did nothing wrong

No, idiot, "Nazi" was a term some German Jew came up with to mock Hitler's Germany, most specifically the economic path forge by Hitler which miraculously got Germany back on its feet after WWI. That is why WWII was fought, Hitler was forced into a war due to Germany's economy, neither communist or the kind of Jew debt slavery we have in the west.

Does this imply that it’s bad to be in mixed race settings?

>Nazis because they have spiffy uniforms
Do these neo-fucks even own shirts?

I did nazi that coming

Antifa. Fuck Nazis.

Can we get these niggers out of here, please? All the way back to Africa.

It's sad but true, real Nazis are no more, the original cannot be recreated

I’d rather make 18/hour keeping children at bay then working a minimum wagecuck job

Antifa. They're basically right, they're just insufferable twats about it.

is there one comunist country, which doesn't have a glorious leader?

If I had to choose, antifa.

But fuck both those groups.

Nazi. Realists. People who dont bow down to weakness. Antifa is delusional day dreamers. Wishing for a perfect world that will never exist.

Amazing post - exactly. Take this red-pill, fools.

I wouldn't mind to self-indentify as "National Socialist", but NAZI? Hell no. Anyway: Meine Ehre heißt Treue.

I don’t agree with nazis but compared to Antifa they are the better option.
They are better armed and better fighters
Their system won’t kill me off from starvation although I would die in the future wars when they achieve power.

>checks dubs
>gets trips

you should also learn the definition of communism, you don't have leaders under communism or it isn't communism.

Shame on you sir, do you need a time out?



See, this is why you have to take orders like a bitch all day to make ends meet
You're a fucking idiot who didn't even know how to make a living.

>Nazis vs antifa
>Fucking antifa

This is a fucking no-brainer, nazis of course

You didn’t do so bad your self

The whole point of being a Nazi is to bow down to Hitler.

Awesome? Good? Since we're talking purely opinion, I disagree. Strongly disagree. Disagree to the point where I'd like to ask your opinion on a number of different matters, since I'm just about certain that you and I will disagree on such a level where anything you love I will hate, and anything you hate I will love. I want your opinion because I know that you have to have the worst possible opinions in any given circumstance, and I wish to use you as an inverse meter of quality. You are like a shit-barometer


But Antifa are the Nazis...
this question doeesnt make sense

This thread

Antifa ftw

The side who gets laid more

>implying i give a flying fuck about politics
the even more cancerous board is this way moot really shouldve just deleted your faggot board to prevent the cancer you are spreading right now

He said on My darling he looked into the mirror And now on Offended he said he doesn’t own a mirror!? So did he just forget he had a mirror, lost it, or is he just straight up lying to our face? Not cool marshall Not cool

Nazis with their tanks and armies vs antifa with their gender studies degrees and student loans. I think the op means alt right vs antifa.

dreams to nightmares, mate. every communist country started with great ideals. and antifa aren't communists, their just faggots who want to brawl

You do know there is a difference between nazis and neo nazis, right? The shirt is part of the uniform you dumbfuck

I side with Alfalfa

Pretty much this. I'm Hispanic and the amount of shit tier whites that try to flex their "white superiority" on me is embarrassing. Grow a jaw bone and get a little taller before we can talk.

>taking orders
Literally one order.
Keeping kids at bay is better than being unemployed, which most antifa and “nazis” are.

You're missing the point of a containment board.

probably antifa, but it comes with the side effect of a myriad of stds due to the excessive promiscuity, also it's with men.

nazis obviously

Might as well pick the winning side

The year is 2025.

I woke up at exactly 6:00. I need no alarm clock. Two women woke me by sucking my cock. I gave .00000001 btc to each of the women as a tip. Three women helped me into the shower, all while caressing me and drooling at my btc wallet. They also came instantly after seeing my balance.

I left my 50 acre mansion and got in my gold-plated 2030 Lamborghini Murcielago (custom made for me after the dealer saw my btc) and another one of my bitches was waiting in the passenger seat. She was in the car all night, because she couldn't sleep without me having penetrated her. She hopped on me and started riding my dick while I squeezed her tits and drove with my knees. In a whim, I arrived at the gym. I threw the bitch off me, and she quickly returned to the passenger seat, where she would sit until I got back. When I got out the car, I flexed. My bulging, huge, muscles ripped my Gucci shirt off, and six women lined up. We had an orgy, which didn't last too long. Each woman climaxed when my cock came within five inches of her pussy, and went into an eternal state of euphoria after seeing my btc wallet. I came, and transferred .00000000001 btc to each of the women.

After benching seven hundred kilograms, I squatted four hundred kilograms. I started doing my 100 laps, but I got a phone call. It was a conference call with nineteen supermodels. They orgasmed after hearing my voice. My bitch in the car was getting lonely, so I went back. She sucked me off as I took the drive back home. I left her in the car, transferred .000000001 btc to her, opened the diamond-encrusted knob and went inside.

>Who do you side with if you have to choose?
The Nazis, for sure! Both sides are freaking fascists, but the Nazis are at least technocrats.


The one with the red hat

>roleplaying as a brit in the late 30s
>being retarded and not realizing that brits were actually defending themselves
>thinking that popping unsuspecting people in their mouths over a difference of opinion = a righteous struggle

I personally want to round up every nazi, communist, and anarchist and throw them into death camps. You people are scum.

>deleted your faggot board
Sup Forums is the biggest, most popular board on this site. Sup Forums would wither and die without Sup Forums, like it or not.

>also it's with men
Only if you WANT it to be, dude. Liberals have an own attitude toward sex so it's whatever you like. The important thing is that you enjoy it. :^)

there has never been a communist country. jesus christ you're retarded.

You don’t think it would be an obvious result on pol?

One time I had a kid come over to my house and tell me that my house was small and boring. So then I told him that my house was small because I had an amazing secret basement full of games and toys that I never tell anyone about. This kid wanted to see it really badly at that point, so I told him to wait outside the basement door so I could get the games and toys ready for him. I took a bucket of glitter mixed in with super glue and set it up on the top of the basement door. I gave the kid the cue to come inside, and when he opened the door, I stabbed him.

Im hispanic too and i know quite a few of them that support the nazis
