Favourite drug Sup Forums?

favourite drug Sup Forums?

Birth control

I've heard O-DT is nice. Can't believe it's not illegal. Someone I knew said he loves Tramadol and doesn't understand why it gets a bad rap

Mescaline. Pretty easy to extract from San Pedro on the internet.

acid or xanax


Coke, lean and weed, probabaly a little clichee but when i had to chose i´d go with these and acid for bonus



Molly or Shrooms




Molly by a mile. It's just so amazing to feel really happy, want to get close to other people and dance to music. Kt makes me the exact opposite of who I am when sober.
I tried, schrooms, acid, weed, xanax and dxm and molly is by far the best thing out of these

Smack. But quit over a year ago

weed and molly. acid is close behind and opiods are fucking great, especially hydromorphone/dilauded

I would have to say my favourite drug is Acid and Molly. Most intense time I've ever had on Acid was 2 and a half tabs of 150ug, a ball of blow and a half gram dab. I tripped for about a day. The next craziest time was when I did a ball of Molly in 2 days by myself mainly. Mushrooms are fun as well, I ate about 7-9 grams with a friend and gave him a stick and poke tattoo while his arm was waving. The tracers were super fat.

weed is my favorite, I never get tired of smoking it.
honorable mention for lsd, its the best ive ever felt in my life but i wouldnt like to do it all the time

E without a doubt.
been married for over 10 years, best thing in the world to do with wifey. its like marriage counseling in powder form. only once a year though.
just wish it were easier to find.

That shit' s like fucking candy.



Fucking degenerate.

Not a specific drug, but opioids by far!

caffeine and self-loathing.

Don't do that, man, it will ruin you.

This. Mescaline is the best drug out there.
How to extract and what is San Pedro,user?

R u me

Marijuana and whip-its. The effects are pretty much completely mental.
Also, anyone else think that “gateway drugs” is a fucking meme

Alcohol. Can be bought at any store and is somewhat excused if you call in sick with a hangover after a work related meeting. If any other drug will give me the same im all in!

Thought you can only get high off it iv or rectally

acid and goonies

Mdma has made me have so much fun it’s unreal. But then I came down and it put the whole experience into perspective. Percocets are basically that same feeling of ultimate physical pleasure but on the opposite end of the upper/downer scale. Love them. But acid is probably overall my favorite drug. It’s very safe physically and it lasts all night. The mind bending aspect gives me mental satisfaction like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve eaten alot of it and my lsd trips will stick with me forever. But that’s not to say it’s perfect, it does have side effects man.


this looks like gg allin in a nigger edition ^^
fav. is still cannabis and - even if i took it twice- lsd...but iam fucking up on alcohol at the moment

Yes we Cannabis!


kratom da best

And sometimes shrooms.

I have a few favorites. Weed for a good everyday chill.

I enjoy hard opiates like oxy or heroin, but you always tend to binge on what you have for a few days (I got a pain pill script) and then fall into black despair for a few days when you run out. I never do them regularly because the withdrawal would be too shitty to take regularly.

LSD is good to "cleanse your doors of perception" and make you positive about life. Also it's like a teacher that basically tells you what you need to do to be happy.

AND I like DMT for that hardcore religious experience.

I hate meth, I hate coke. I just feel jittery and awful on that shit, but I like light stimulants like energy drinks or an ephedrine tab.

I hate mushrooms because they give me an awful trip every damn time. First I throw up. Then I dry heave repeatedly for the next few hours. Then I fall into a terrible black despair and the black cloud lingers for days. But I'm aware everyone experiences drugs differently and to most it's a glowingly positive trip. For me, I've had a good trip on acid every time. I've done mushrooms probably a dozen times (thinking different batches might be better) and the same damn thing happens every time.

I really enjoy molly but it has to be the real deal, and frankly most of it isn't these days, most of it is an analogue that either just feels speedy or downright gives you a bad trip. And molly is one of those things you can't really do alone as it's a very intimate type drug that you really need someone around you can cuddle with, if you take it alone, you just get the blues something terrible.


lol do u guys even heroin?


quit killing yourselves

Alcohol or cocaine its a toss up.