Need some advice, Sup Forums. I found these boudoir pics of my wife on her computer dated a few years ago...

Need some advice, Sup Forums. I found these boudoir pics of my wife on her computer dated a few years ago. I’ve never seen these pics before. Why would she have them? A gift for me? Then why haven’t I seen them until now? I know the obvious answer but I’m trying to see if there’s something I haven’t thought of.

Pic not related.

Fukkin hot but who's taking the pics if not you?

They were professional-looking photos. Like from a sexy boudoir shoot.

She may have taken them for you but then decided not to give them to you (you know... "my ass looks too fat" or "what was I thinking!" kind of shit).

Maybe she didn't like them as much and decided not to show you?
Maybe she thought it was a silly idea and didn't show you?

Could be anything.

Or she was getting blacked here, really, could be anything.

Obvious bait. Who took the pic? Hint hint

Ok...see I thought of this. But I didn’t know if I was trying to convince myself. And it makes sense I guess. She’s sometimes critical of how she looks.

See this Feels better knowing this is a good reason. Sucks that I assume the worst.

>I found these boudoir pics of my wife on her computer dated a few years ago.
Post them you nigger.

hard to tell user, post actual pics, for science

Haha...yeah I knew this was coming.

Post em or it didn't happen.

Oh, it happened. Just looking for advice guys. Thanks.

>no pics

If you post some more, I'll give you details on how, where and when I fucked her.

More? I haven’t posted any yet.

Where are you from?

>wants our help
>doesn't show us pics

I hate to break this to you, I know it may at first seem shocking, but law enforcement does in fact use and monitor this site. Since you're not even remotely intelligent enough to realize user wasn't concerned about the guy in question reporting you, but rather the feds here, I'm going to assume you don't even know the first thing about masking your identity online, which is a poor choice since you apparently like to go around blackmailing people and bragging about it like a huge ball gargling retard.

You. Are. Fucked. Dumbass.


Show me the birthmark.


This must have been meant for another thread. Can we help you, user?

Nah, it's stale copypasta.


Come back an hour later with hopes that op had cut to the chase and posted the rest of his pics
-nope, nothing
OP is fagit

OP here. Drop you kik and I’ll contact you.