Women are parasites

Women are parasites

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Tits or gtfo

Well that's a scarab larvae not a parasite you fucking idiot.

I came to this thread to say the same thing. Thank you for the work you do user.

That's a grub, not a parasite you weeb

I agree
all bugs and you 3 fgts are parasites so stfu

You're not wrong.

No u


fun fact: only female mosquitoes suck blood.


post insects tbqhbbqfamalambjam






It's a baby June Bug.








yup, I've been having the best orgasms of my life cuming to porn on my phone while fucking my fleshlight. Woman are fickle and just want you for your money, etc..

Stupid chemicals in my brain making me think I want to be with a girl, but I know better than that.


I wonder what kind of people have an insect image folder on their hd.


Rejected again, OP?



which makes you a spawn of a parasite


Men are technically parasites.

Serious question: how can you tell? All grubs always look the same to me, but then I've never bothered to look too closely. What are the identifying characteristics?

You are a master of stating the bleeding obvious.



It's a june bug larvae. North america.



That doesn't answer the question.

>t. incel


he smelt it




O look we got a biologist in here. I have a question for you.

Whats the most fascinating insect you can think of?


only if you let them be.

use them, abuse them, treat them like shit, let them know exactly how little they're worth, then kick them to the curb. no exceptions.

and never, ever, let them have any influence over you in regards to money. let them see your money, let them see the fruits of your labour, show them what you're worth, but never let them have it, no matter how hard they try to get you to give in.

don't buy them food, don't buy them meals, don't buy them drinks. let them fork out for themselves. they say they'll walk out on a dude who doesn't pay, but call their bluff.

stop caring about what women do altogether. only what you do matters. women are secondary, not even that in fact. they're just there. mostly an annoyance. if a woman gives you sex, good, if she doesn't, good, either way, you win, because you benefit from the outcome, sex is an obvious benefit, and a woman going elsewhere is also a benefit, because it means you don't have to deal with her anymore and can move on to better things.

maybe the nope wasp

yeah, we're not doing that. this is a bug thread now.

Tarantula Hawk















when you see it, you'll shit bricks



arthopods in the houze!



nice bling, bugbro








someone's bitter

>actual parasite



Is that how you truly feel or do you just tell yourself that to make it easier to sleep?

I’ve always wanted a flashlight, is it worth it? I fap like 3-5 times a day

Parasites you can make babies with.



That bug isn't a parasite you dumb nigger







baby lady bug