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so I was given a novation launchpad years ago and I haven't used it once

the best I can tell is that it's not really for producers rather it's for live musicians/DJs to do sample shit and special effects
is this right?

I don't know why I was so hell-bent against watching tutorials, they've been really eye-opening and I'm a veteran at this shit

"not made here syndrome" is a productivity killer

Similar feel, but with learning to play other peoples music and transcribing material.

its an interface for ableton
lets you trigger multiple clips at once instead of being limited to a single mouse click.

I use ableton, that's why I've been so perplexed by it
so it is mostly for playing DJ sets and stuff then?


Thoughts or crituiqes? I'm working on an ambient EP inspired by Ben Frost and Alessandro Cortini, here's some of the other tracks.


are you trying to say you've never used session mode to make a song?

maybe when I first started using Live and I didn't know how to use arrangement view

the genres I make aren't very conducive to session mode
tell me more

What is this cut-up effect called that's featured in tons of 90's ambient and trance records?


trance gate

first one is terribly unpleasant on the ears

second one too, everything is so god damn gritty it actually hurts my ears

i cant listen to anymore

the first one couldnt catch my interest.
the second one i liked and saw potential but then i didnt like it once it opened up and sounded to harsh.
third one i liked starting at 2:25

they all seem good just clearly not my style.

Here's a snippet of a WIP I'm making for my friend who's sick and will probably die in a few months. Hoping it'll make her smile. Gotta finish it soon.


should I cop this yamaha cs1x on craigslist for $250?

feedback pls

needs a baseline


will return feedback too



>Protip: Provide feedback to the clyp above yours. Give and you will receive.



why do analog synths sound so much better than VST synths? Is it placebo or is there a reason for this?

whatever you're using for the keys sounds good, the chord progression could be better - I would suggest rewriting that part to have something a little more diverse. It does need a bassline, you got any synths that could help?

This is me

yh defo needs bassline, but that should be easy just follow your chords, and maybe try having the bass be more bouncy to counteract the chillness.

Also your midi patterns are great but the timbre of the sounds themselves need more work, they all sound quite.... well midi/VST-ish and not organic enough for what you're going for in this. but otherwise great concepts

I was doing that ;-;

they don't. VST's today are unbelievably superior.

depends on how you use it. imo session view is ableton's strongest feature.

Session mode is more geared for recording short musical ideas without actually having anything planned out in your head yet (in terms of a full song arrangement). You can record these short musical idea as clips that loop. Goal is to get a bunch of these ideas and several variations on those ideas recorded across multiple tracks.
You don't have to think about what comes before or after a part, you just add more short looping ideas to build a good cohesion of sound.

Once you have a good amount of clips, then you can go back through all of them and find interesting pairings. Find a select few that sounds like could be an intro, find another grouping that could be a verse, chorus... record more ideas as they come. Then try to trigger all of your clips in the order that feels natural to you. Hitting the record button at the top will actually record everything you are doing in session mode in realtime into arrangement view. So you can literally compose/arrange a your song on the fly and then have it all laid out in a linear fashion so you can fine tune the mix and automation.


The loudness of these songs are a very intentional thing. I'm trying to replicate the overwhelming feeling of loss. The harshness and the unstable sound in these songs reflect that. It's understandable that it may be too harsh. But I think that may be a mixing problem, it might be too harsh. What are some things I could do mixing and mastering wise to still give it that harshness, but not ear bleeding levels?

deffo not my style of music but I can hear its really well produced. ALL sounds are clean and live in their own space in the track. Good work, just not my genre.

these are me btw

okay thank you

i like yours

the synth that plays the chord progression is really satisfying to hear

drums could be a little louder tho

are you asking me if i have any synths for my baseline or if i have any synths to recommend you lol?

serum is better than an arturia matrixbrute? lol okay

thats a good price, just make sure the keys still have touch sensitivity. If a few keys dont, try to get it for $175


hmm so you think if i took the melodys and off the grid more it would sound better?

i made a lead


I usually put velocity by hand in my DAW so this won't be too much of a problem but that's a good idea to try and lower the price.

thanks for feedback, i still havent mixed anything yet other than some basic leveling. I need to finish my arrangement first. I tend to separate arrangement and mixing into separate sessions so I dont end up getting stuck in a loop.

I was asking if you had any synths that could make a bass for your track.


some simple EQing. make a narrow-ish Q and boost/sweep across your mix You might find the 5-8k range there's gonna be some ear shattering highs that you can scoop out that wont take away anything vital to the mix. just hidden harsh high end bitters that sting the ears.

Will do that, thank you.

yeah you can humanise your midi but thats not what I meant, it does make things sound nice but I was refferring to the sounds you've chosen themselves. The VST or sampler thats producing them sounds rather thin.

Try layering the sounds with the same preset and panning HL and HR. When you layer them accent different parts of the sound in the eq, add some distortion or reverb, etc.

you interpreted the feeling well but i still wouldn't listen to it because of how harsh it is

i would cut more highs on dull the dirty synth to let the melody breathe more, i'd also make more room for the chord progression too because it sounds nice and theres no reason to burry it with the synth

Very cool textures in the first one, reminds me a lot of Alpha Centauri by TD.

You can hear a bit of hard clipping in the second one at the beginning; it could use a bit of eq to make the synth more clear compared to the white noise which washes it out a bit around the 2 minute mark. Very raw though, sounds tight.

The mix and progression on the third one is fucking great, might be my favorite out of the three. Overall I really like your sound design and composition. I'd be interested in hearing this when it drops

Feel free to leave some comments on some tracks I've been working on. Pic related is my DIY modular

Find a song that you think does this well, then check out the spectrogram. Carve down yours until it is similar to the good one. EZ

no problem, that was just something i was always doing in my mixes and tracks. There's a sweet spot in that range that can be narrowly reduced in parts that can help with that. also, if it does effect a lot of your mix by reducing in that range, dont eq the mix as a whole, find the individual intruments/tracks that are too high in that range and reduce them individually.

ohhh is see

ill try that, but it's probably my mixing that did it

i cut everything a lot because i wanted to make room for vocals without having everything super muddy

serum is incredibly powerful and has a relatively steep learning curve but once you learn the in and outs you can get sounds out of it that blow analog synths out of the water

reposting my WIP real quick


this is some of my feedback, writing more

fuckin forgot pic

no. serum is the best soft synth but it gets btfo'd by a good hardware synth.

the virgin softsynth, the chad trombone

okay lmfao

t. analog virgin

have toyed around with multiple analog synths and still come back to serum
maybe if I'm doing stuff live and have a eurorack set up then analog synth would be better but serum is just way too fucking versatile

I know, user. Exactly my feels while making this.

youtube.com/watch?v=gKr6Ux_1TcE this is bad


I want the stems for this. Send them to my throwaway email plz if I provide it?

it's a bunch of generic presets made to be bundled with the vst

What are you talking about? A lot of these sounds are beautiful.

you're a liar. serum isn't fucking with this. the sonic textures, the depth, the denseness of it all.



but you're kinda wrong, i get it, analog is cool and all, but honestly nobody - and i mean nobody - on Sup Forums has enough money to buy them and even if they get a couple they're nowhere near talented or experienced enough to use it to it's fullest potential. The engined they use in VST versions of analog machines are near identical sounding anyway. Not sure why people are holding on to analog so hard other than to be a hipster.

yeah but it's $2k USD why the FUCK would any of us buy that!? Serum is $200 and you can make all those sounds and them some. I get it, it's cool, but you're not driving a valid argument here.

the synth may not be bad but what he was playing was so shit

I don't hear anything here that I couldn't do in serum
if we're talking about workflow then yeah it'd be easier to make a full track using just the matrixbrute but as far as pure synthesis goes, serum is far stronger

Depth in the sound mainly, a lot of modern synths are designed to sound thicc as fuck right out of the box. The other argument is that a hands on interface means you're actually playing it like an instrument, which unlike mouse or trackpad means you get a much more intuitive feel for sound design. Once you know where all the controls are and you get a feel for it you can make exactly the sound you want immediately without fucking around, and if you want to experiment that's easier too. There's way more cheap analog out there now that sounds great

>Not sure why people are holding on to analog so hard other than to be a hipster.
a combination of practicality and aesthetic. they feel better, but they also happen to sound much better as well. also you're a liar, a novice can get better sounds since basic shapes are superior.
yeah it's really expensive, but we're not just talking about price. we're talking about the sonic qualities. going by you're logic of price, why would a concert pianist use an $80,000 when you could just buy a digital piano for $500? when it comes to the highest level, price is irrelevant and only the art matters.

no im not implying im at the highest level or that i can afford any of this shit. lol im just admiring the greatest of these expensive synths.

Serum sounds flat in comparison. You're delusional.

>they feel better, but they also happen to sound much better as well. also you're a liar, a novice can get better sounds since basic shapes are superior.
confirmed you've never used serum

haha what are you planning to do with it?

i love serum as much as the next guy but come on. this is like saying all a digital piano is as good as a concert steinway.

The synths and vocal sounds good, and the drums sit well in the mix. Not sure if it's intentional, but your kick sounds pretty strange, like a bubble almost. Snare could also use a bit more low mid imo

make a full track

this is me btw

Why do everyone say "analog" when talking about hardware synths, i swear i hate it.

Real analog synths are quite affordable these days desu

i dunno but i'm hype about getting a cs1x tomorrow.

Cheers man, yeah the kick has a little conga hit layered on top of it with differing velocities cause i thought it gave an interesting texture.

And thanks I thought my snare needed something, funny how just saying"More low mid" gives me alot to work with, when I was all out of ideas a minute ago lol.

yeah Im tryin! its comin along need to work out other sections and variance maybe introduce an R&B section and a Guitar? Or I could transition into a Garage vibe?

I'll have a listen to those tracks now!

colloquialism. same as people calling FL Studio Fruity Loops

not understanding circuits, being born after literally everything was already digital so they don't have a point of comparison

yo that track is a madnesss
only thing id say is turn that lead synth down and maybe give its something to soften the grit of it> slight reverb or chorus? maybe a slight valley in the mids?

But I LOVE the synth in the breakdown bit with all the reverb on it more at the back of the mix.

So yeah just mix down those leads a touch

I feel you bruh, first synth?

So just ignorance?


im really new, i cant tell if what im making sounds kind of catchy or just extremely retarded

ITT: people comparing apples to oranges and not understanding that analog and software synths have their own strengths an weaknesses and one can't replace the other.

Soft synths like Serum are good for advanced sound design and offer unique features and allow infinite possibilities, at the cost of being too "synthetic" and "cold", while analog synths offer a richer and much more pleasing sound, and a hands-on workflow at the cost of having less features.

You can't really compare the two, like you can't choose which is better between a citycar and a lorry.
Both have their pros and cons and are used for different needs and situations.

cheers yo, I was going for a really brutal up front bass lead but yeah it's a bit loud

yea but I don't blame them, it's pretty nuanced difference. Digital sounds are made by numerical calculations inside a computer and analog sounds are made by real time analogical calculations made by a physical system

this is wild stuff, filtering is intense on that acid sound

Nah, I have a MS20, virus access, and a Korg 05r/w. But I mostly just use the MS20 and virus together. It's gonna be nice not having to record then find another preset to use. Now I can just have a bunch of synths at once doing something. I also order a new audio interface and midi hub to take all this new gear.

Do you guys have a go-to resource for learning about different music genres, in terms of their music theory traits?

Like, I want to challenge myself to do some songs in genres that I know little about, but Wikipedia has almost nothing for learning theory as it relates to different genres.

Any ideas, amigos?

>*genre* tutorial

>virus access

Uh that's a nice one, too bad the last osx update killed the Ti

The one I specifically have is access KB. Has tons of nice presets, an amazing synth. I have touched the software with it in forever.

Right so I've worked more on the song since I posted a second ago, so have a listen, I changed alot. I know I have to sort some more stuff out now cause of the new sections Ive added, but hows the raw idea?

I know my transitions are flat atm and I need to make the snares shine a little bit more in the garage bit but its a WIP


Anyone have any new tracks for me to comment on? already commented on all of the tracks previously posted.


give me feedback I needs it

kill yourself harshness is ubiquitously bad

So you're telling me albums like Fennesz - Endless Summer are still beautiful? Loudness can be used to good effect. It can make you feel anxious and terrified or it can be used to heighten emotions.


Here's an example where loudness induces anxiety and being scared. This would not be the same at all if it were to be mastered nicely and was pleasant.

Harshness is subjective and can be used to great effect.

still not beautiful*

Not him and can't listen to your examples right now, but I think that loudness and harshness can be good at what you said, but when they're the main (and almost only) feature of the track they can be "too much", which easily makes an otherwise potentially good song into an unlistenble one.

FL Studio was originally Fruity Loops

equating hardware with analog is and has always been stupid as fuck

damn this thing is cool

There's nothing in that demo that software couldn't cover desu.

Analog isn't about features or capabilities.
It's about th richness of the sound itself that's caused by the imperfect reproduction of the waves by the oscillator, as opposed to the mathematically perfect one in digital synths.

Diva is the soft synth equivalence

That's kind of a stupid fallacy. Imperfection isn't by definition desirable, exclusive to analog or hardware, difficult to accurately emulate, etc.

Ya diva is fucking great, has a really nice sound right out of the box

Excerpt from a minimalistic ambient track.
Not something you hear in these threads that often.
The full track is basically this looped for 13 minutes.
Dunno what to do with it so I'd love some feedback.

Oh man I'm really digging this.
Reminds me of Röyksopp
Dial down on the compression on the drums and instead distort them or boost them instead. Add some brightness to the kick and snare (just EQ them up a bit) and perhaps an envelope shaper.
Add a live drums hat, tamb or shaker loop.
I'm a sucker for glitch and mashed up vocals so maybe add a section in which you chop up the vocals to make a secondary melody to add some variation?