Do girls like anal?

Do girls like anal?



some do
other like it because they want you to like them

i just to fuck this girls who would love it when i ate her ass, then all of the sudden she didnt want it no more

i used to fuck this girl*
im fucking stoned

Disregard that I suck cock.

My girlfriend cums everytime I ate her ass but she always says how it hurts

why would you suck a cock, fag?

You're not supposed to actually eat it.

how the fuck does a tounge in an ass hurt
nice get btw

The better question is why wouldn't you?

because its gay

Kek go read a bible or something where an ancient monkey sapien said something and dumb apes followed

Some do, lots don't (knew a slutty girl who had the motto "finger in my bum makes me cum")

go suck some more cocks faggot

Only gay if the balls touch. Lurk more faggot.

sure, i bet the next thing you're gonna say is that traps arent gay either

Not if they lik3 vagina.

>Caring what they like
They get what you give them.

>anal thread
>no anal pics

My wife loves it.

Some do... some do and not even know it.
I dated this one girl that wasn't much for sex but once it slipped in her ass all the way and she was like "whoa fuck me"

But she was on Xanax and forgot how good it was. Dumb bitch.