New thread for Sup Forumsro that jerked off onto sister's pants and underwear

New thread for Sup Forumsro that jerked off onto sister's pants and underwear

Newfag here. Why do threads like this get pruned?

he's not coming back, busy with his sister


See here:

We should keep thread alive for a bit incase he comes back

He’s mum is spanking him..

No coming back mom is burning his dick with cigs

Op here
Mom came home, believed our story about it being another girls panties, was very embarrassing, but a non issue, oh yeeeeeea

Nevermind disregard this thread

Now where is our time stamp of sis... quads don’t lie and I fucking rolled them...

Now eat that pussy and show us with a timestamp written on her belly

WHY is op the phone case

Because current mods are big no fun allowed faggots

We have always been close

I would fuck her so hard ... but use a condom!

Last chance I want my quads pics

Dubs checked you fag if I take a time stamp pic she will know I'm. Posting her on the net

that ass looks like it could take two big black cocks at the same time

Go to thread listed above, we don't need two

Any pics of her panties?

uh late to party - are there nudes of your sis?