I am having a fight with my wife. Dubs determines what I say to her

I am having a fight with my wife. Dubs determines what I say to her.

Fine, you win. You can stick it in my pooper tonight and we’ll go out for waffles in the morning before we file for divorce.

Fellate me while I eat this expensive ham

At least your mother knows how to suck a dick

I like the cut of your jib. We have tried pegging, and it did very little for either of us.

It's not gay to fap to traps I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you

You nasty! Also, my wife is very good at fellatio. Sorry, no pics.



I'm a faggot pls rape my face

lick my tight butt


Ding ding! Wnner winner chicken dinner! She laughed, then said "Ok, um...is that the new...thanks for sharing, Lori!" Is she the coolest woman on the planet or what.

I'd fuck this cute girl instead of you any day.

If I don't fap to lolicon then I'm just gonna go to the park and fuck some irl loli

Post pics of her tits or fuck right off

Annnnd done.

>irl loli

I saw this and said, "Jesus, some of these are actually kind of mean!" Her response was, "Yeah...you know where you're at, right?" Fight over. Can someone wake up Spiderman?

I want to be the woman! I want you to be the man now!

I guess i have to fuck off, then. Sorry.

Soft cock

Tell her “tits or get the fuck out”


Go fuck your father. I'll film it.