Why shouldn't I end it

Why shouldn't I end it.

because if you wanted to you wouldn't post on Sup Forums

Because that's a terrible knife to use. If you're going to kill your self, at least have the decency to do it with some style or sense of culture.

Hypoxia user.
You'll feel great...
... and then fall over dead.
Done deal dude.

I wish I had that knife

Because that's a faggot knife. Get the emperor's sword and commit sepuku.

Because no one would care. Your life wouldn't be worth cleaning up after. Funny thing is no one is honest enough to tell you to buck up you sensitive bitch. You don't have problems, you might think you do but you don't. You are a bored vapid cunt who is inventing shit to be a victim about so people will pay attention to you. They didn't pay attention though, no one gives a fuck about your fake problems. So now here you are in a last ditch effort to have all eyes on you because you think that's what you want, but you don't. You don't want for anything. You just want people to make life easier for you. Now shut the fuck up and get to cutting to see if anyone flinches or get back to working on your shitty life.

You stole my pic, that’s my benchmade precipice I posted about a month ago on k and then again yesterday on k also. Don’t use my pic to end it all I don’t want that bad juju

Original time stamp from when I bought it

who said that you shouldn't?

Why would you end that knife?

He did nothing to you, leave it alone.

me too user

came here to say this

knives don't kill people

weepy attention-seeking faggots with knives don't kill people either, they just say they will, do a couple of hesitation cuts, flinch and then go listen to the Smiths some more.



> alice is looking up her own skirt and giggling

Oh my

Exactly !

My sides !

No you don’t it’s way over priced. It’s a fun toy with no practical use. For 300 bucks you can get a way better knife

you can get a better knife for ten bucks at walmart. it'll be a piece of chinese shit but it'll be sharp enough to slit the insides of your legs and open up the femoral arteries.

nothing like the Tenniel version, but i wouldn't crawl past her in bed to get to anyone else in this thread.


Nobody Cares.

if you really want to you can to this with a spoon too

I've always had an affinity for this rendition personally. Aesthetic 10/10 yo

If you cry hard enough, you'll die of dehydration.

Fuck off, you whiny faggot. There's a couple dozen an hero threads a day, and if half of those niggers had the stones to off themselves, there might be fewer "rate my dick," "eat some fag's shit," "lookit my fugly face and rate me," or the same pathetic dreck in YLYL fag threads.

You're not getting any sympathy from anyone but retarded newfags, you pathetic cunt.

You'll just come back with more debts on your energy account than you have now. Sure as shittin', bro.


No one would hold loving you some Alice against you.