Ask a Genderfluid Asexual Anything your heart desires! <3

Ask a Genderfluid Asexual Anything your heart desires!

On a scale of 1 - 10 how retarded do you know you are?

In any other post like this I would say
"Tits or GTFO" but your tits are not appreciated here.

Show those non sexual tits with timestamp, then we'll talk.

I’m autistic, I hate that fucking word. But on a scale of 1-10? A negative -0, pally

What were you born as and what made you a retarded cunt?

Are you posting knowing the shitstorm this will start for you, or will it be a suprise?

U will see nothing

Fuck off

Just curious. I heard Sup Forums hates us

Then gtfo fat bitch

Ah so you are retarded and don't call me "pally" you fat ugly cunt

Seems someone needs a nap!

How much "genderfluid" do you swallow?


Why do attention-seeking faggots who only want to annoy the living shit out of everyone around them as some kind of a statement about some vague concept of "fluid sexuality" seem to be the only ones who have this condition?

tits or gtfo you fat cunt


What's the viscosity of your gender fluid?

i dont believe you have a grocery shopping license, how does it feel to know that gfas is not on your citizen license. nevermind, i forgot asexuals dont require information to persevere in their struggle.

Seriously though, what kind of mental ilness causes someone to think they're genderfluid.
It was to be more than just autism

Recently hired one of you fucks, why does it have such severe ADHD, why doesn't it like me talking about my balls, why is it in my womens restroom?

Skid daddle skid doodle, little poodle

How bout a time stamp, hammy

What the fuck nonsense words are these.

Welllll, for one, no one wants to hear about your cismanhood, and for two? Maybe if you had genderneutral bathrooms we wouldn’t have to humiliate ourselves

That's what the genderfluid cunt says when she spits instead of swallows

None, actually. I mean, I am bipolar, but that’s got nothing to do w/ it

My college recently got "genderfluid" toilets and it's fucking bullshit, everyone is complaining about these retards getting their own toilets

How about you kiss my ass

Hurry up and rope yourself then

I'm at a loss for words. Someone generated that sentence, and then thought it was okay to put on the internet as a response. That person actually exists and it scares me.

No one would want to you tub of lard

Then they should STFU

To make space for these "retards" toilet, we had to get rid of the genuine disable toilets. Just so these overlly sensitive cunts can have there way

But hes right you really are retarded. He asked on a scale of 1 tot 10 and you went below that

You're not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

When they could have just used the disabled toilets. They fall under that category as well.

Remember, genderfluids aren't real people, like niggers.

Do you play Minecraft?

Can’t believe so many of u are jealous of how cute I am! :) Even my fur child laughs at you!

So you openly admit you're all retarded?

Do you feel no sexual desires or needs at all, or do you feel them but not want to actually have sex with someone?

Sometimes. That swastika is gross af

Can I ask why? Why all this bullshit? It was so easy, you're either straight, gay or bi, and everyone was happy. Why create all these bullshit genders to justify being a fucking retard? Why?

Black people AND Genderfluids are real,

that's too much ground to cover.

is genderfluid whorespeak for fat and ugly?

idk about that.. I've never seen a nigger in real life

Poor cat

Why are you fucked in the head?

What does it mean if you have sexual urges but have zero attraction to anyone or anything?

I don't understand how stupid people can be. Gender fluid my ass, it's worse than a plague

Fat birch tits or gtfo

Is this one better?

Why don't you just go ahead and kill yourself? Do you just enjoy trolling regular people?

Why are you so arrogant as to believe anything you think should be accepted will be?
How does it make sense that there is more than two genders?

You and I both know that the doctor don't deliver babies, and then tell the parents that we don't know what sex it is yet, because it still has to decide for itself.

dude you need one more block on each end

"asexual" excuse for being a tard who can't get laid

Correct, this is a christian board.

There are only male and female. There is no genderfluid. Just because you like to dress certain way doesn't make you not female. You are a female that likes to dress certain way. Grow up, stop whining, get a job


So how does it feel knowing that you had to develop bullshit labels rather than cultivate an actual personality you fucking pig

I've made some visual improvements and the blocks at the end. Thanks for the input.

You have a mental illness. If you have a dick you're a man. If you have a cunt you're a bitch.

'asexual' meaning neither men or women want to have sex with that ...thing.

I don't know who Sup Forums is, but Sup Forums loves everyone. Except you, you fat fuck.

That’s nice to say to someone who had a recent suicide attempt

How much fluid can gender hold?

It’d be nice if doctors did, tho

The mental gymnastics these people do is insane

heil hitler!

you don't exsist

I AM mentally ill and proud, thank you :)

Very nice.. My main man Adolf would be proud.
sieg heil


>negative -0
Oh lord
You're really disgusting

is rgat a mustache you down syndrome piece of lard?

No it wouldn't dude, there are only two kinds of sexual organs. You are either male or female at birth, and that is the way it is going to stay.

You will see soon, but most of us in Texas still will not accept gay as normal, because it isn't. It is literally a disability.

You're clearly female. Stop pretending otherwise. That mustache and chin hair is foul. No wonder that cat wants to turn his head away.


There are only two genders in nature. Pick one. All this bellyaching isn't doing anyone any good.

It isn't society's job to stop someone to splatter their gray matter on a wall; you gotta decide that for yourself. If it was just an attempt then we can add that to the list of failures.

> the picture relays my thoughts on what should be done to like you.

If the world ends. It's people like this that I'm going to hunt down.

I sexually identify myself as a choo choo.

They'll literally make shit up rather than face any actual reality

We don't hate you, we just prefer that you stopped talking... and breathing.

poor cat, it looks like it wants to die. I don't blame it.

i have, can't recommend it.

you failed a suicide attempt? christ, how big a loser are you?

I hope you get raped by a whole tribe of niggers and they throw you off a building when they're done.

How is it humiliating to take a piss or a shit and get it over with? Also, you alone are responsible for your feelings. Get some therapy, for crying out loud.

Nice bro

I see asexual because that better to say then, am a overweight looking feminist who just needs to calm down then men might talk to me.

it'd be retarded if doctors did, tho

You gotta cut length wise not across.

Is it true they smell bad?

can you go back to tumblr?
