Im blazed and in a good mood, askmeanything

im blazed and in a good mood, askmeanything

>using marijuana
Why do you choose to be a loser?

what does water taste like

why did you choose to be gay?
tastes like air smells

Are you a cuck?

What pizza topping do you dislike the most?

Well he smokes weed, so yes.

what color is potatoes shit and cucky cocks to your tongue?

What is your favorite Mexican food?

just anchovies, pizza sounds good
fuck off you prolly smoke cancer sticks

Answer my questions. Are you a cuck and what is your favorite Mexican food?

>fuck off you prolly smoke cancer sticks
Why do indignant/all weed smokers pretend like everyone else must live an unhealthy and disgusting lifestyle too?

im not a cuck and i like enchiladas

Are you a fat cunt?

foxx was here

no i pursue a rather healthy lifestyle

Do u like backstreet boys

>smoking weed
>smoking anything at all
Is this what a weed-addled mind really believes?

nigger op is this you prepping your bull?

how many fingers am I holding up?

whata faggot

What about one direction?


not really
other than smoking yes

3 and a half
no sorry

How much do u weigh u faggot

314 ponds

what is the worst memory you have?

>other than using drugs I am healthy

dont pretend to be op faggot
my 5th grade play when i pissed myself

What is your iq

Hey, what’s your favorite color(s)

do u like sushi

nigger faggot why dont u fucking suck my dick

i like blue
fuck yeah

get a load of this faggot lmao

why smoke it when you can sell it you beta

What is your favorite country?

Spain is gorgeous but I enjoyed Cuba too.
sellers gotta have a market