Essential Fascist-core

Post 'em.

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You're just going to get butthurt leftypol socialists, this is Sup Forums

Nice bait samefag

Naw dude, not all libs get buttmad. I just ignore stuff I dont like and music doesnt matter to me with politics

more like essential shit-core


lol k

death in june is probably the faggiest band in existence
is that really what fascists listen to?

fascists are a bunch of fags, of course they listen to faggy shit

>fascists are bunch of fags, declared the unironic bernout

Even burnouts know it: fascists are huge faggots
@ me with some anime cock sucker

lmao how?

Pretty sure we're at the point where any insult by your type is a point of pride.

Bro you are just future old people why rush into irrelevance when you’re so young? Too much imagefap, right?

>being proud of some stranger punching another stranger
Huh, this is the power of political retards...


their aesthetic is neat their music is dogshit

every industrial/fascist wannabe i know doesn't actually listen to the music

Kek deals double digits cause op knows it was porn that led him to fascism
Sup Forums knows how to sage right?

>fascism is good

>stoner logic
>muh doobs
>muh nofap the power...of socialism

Trips of truth

You're new to this political thing aren't you?

How many edges today?

whoms't've'de art thou quoth

>spouts /x/ tier nofap bullshit and stoner DUDE WE AGE LMAO logic
>calls others edgy
Don't you have a doobie to hit, my doobie dood?

No, are you new to Sup Forums?


you dropped this fellow redditor: ^

edit: thanks for the gold ;^)

why a nigga wear he hat to the side

i worry for your health, dan. please stop posting this shit.

Hey OP, can i have your attention for a minute

I too feel sleepy, this is just a big nothingburger, etc. Do you think you're original with your ebin condescension?

>27 minutes ago
>predict nothing but butthurt lefties
>thread so far has been nothing but butthurt lefties

i know this is you dan it's not healthy to do this

>tfw you realize you’ve been refreshing your own thread for 27 minutes

wtf i love facists now

Me too wanna make out?


lol dan btfo itt

DiJ is a leftist band. Hes literally a socialist

Sorry op left after he read this

Songs on Poems of D'Annunzio by Tosti, Futurists, Maybe "Parisina" by Mascagni...

Can't really think of much else that has overt ties to fascism.

Oh! Of course I forgot that Puccini was a member of the fascist party also.

> found at thrift shop for a dollar
Would this count?


shit album

I don't understand how people can agree with fascism, especially Americans

Sup Forumsmemes

shit opinion

Pretty funny

Si Spiritus pro nobis,
Quis contra nos?

I'll help. Ignore the resident pedophile socialists.

Casual listeners hastily assume Prog Rock is an apolitical genre (of course, the more informed listener knows better) but Italy's own Progressive scene thought differently. Some of the prominent bands from the more avant-garde wing of their Progressive music scene strongly affiliated themselves with communism, most famously Area and the Stormy Six, but others on the furthest fringes of the genre sang from entirely different hymn sheet. You know, Fascism.

Janus, formerly Janum, were affiliated to the Neo-Fascist MSI party, regularly playing live at their amusingly-named "Hobbit Camps," named after the musician fellowship's shared interest in Tolkien. The band's history is somewhat turbulent. Most of the original copies of their album were destroyed in a fire at the only bookstore bold enough to sell their work. Their original guitarist was even killed in a political riot the year this album was released.

Recorded on a low budget, Al Maestrale sounds a little crummy in terms of production so doesn't come close to matching the Mussolinian bombast of Museo Rosenbach's Nietzschean masterwork Zarathustra. But the rawness of this recording is certainly a nice antidote to the slew of self-consciously 'pretty' bands who had sprung up in the scene. There are notably few symphonic influences, opting instead for a folk-tinged fuzzy hard rock style, not a world away from the early Black Widow. And some of the guitar playing on here is very mean indeed!

When it feels like there are few genuine obscurities in Prog left, it's nice to have something like this still out there, and the political affiliations gives this band a dangerous edge a lot of Prog admittedly lacks.

It isn't just memes. It's a complete contempt for and rejection of egalitarian values.

The fringe-right gravitates towards Rock Against Communism not just for economic reasons (some don't even give a toss about economics), but also for deep-seated sociopolitical issues. The irrelevance of race and/or nation in socialism is the salient point they're against in all their anti-left rhetoric. Consequently, most RAC bands are explicitly White Nationalist despite the scene having spanned the entire globe with musicians hailing from across the Anglosphere, the Americas and Europe.

Couple that with screechy rants about Patriarchy, male gaze, rape culture, white privilege or whatever buzzword you like from whichever retard, and presto, we've already let the discourse on any given topic die from the start.

Adopting Fascism isn't about politics at all. Most of these guys haven't cracked open a page of "Revolt Against the Modern World", and if they did, they'd put it down after struggling to finish the first chapter. Fascist fetishism is a middle finger towards western progressivism, egalitarianism and all their values.

Unironic fascismo here

Trips correct

Controversial opinion: meme magic isn't real.

The only reason I dislike fascism is muh freedom but I fucking hate faggots and trannies and especially commies, most annoying, disgusting shit people to ever exist, so sometimes I'm tempted to agree with it.

My point exactly
>Adopting Fascism isn't about politics at all. Most of these guys haven't cracked open a page of "Revolt Against the Modern World", and if they did, they'd put it down after struggling to finish the first chapter. Fascist fetishism is a middle finger towards western progressivism, egalitarianism and all their values.

>tfw to intelligent

>cucks on a degenerate website like this think that they get to claim the achievements of "muh ancestors" like they wouldn't be the ones in camps


>cucks on a degenerate website like this think that they get to claim the achievements of "muh ancestors" like they wouldn't be the ones in camps

Funny, I feel the same way about people talking up the proletarian revolution like they wouldn't be first to go, presuming they lived to see their side succeed.




\ o


fascism IS good you pleb



RAC and NSBM are the hardest forms of music out there. there is no debate.

Got anything that isn't metal?


>all this modernist garbage
>fascist music
friendly reminder if you listen to these meme bands you aren't a real fascist you're just an edgelord

Bonafide '80s Fashwave:

Sadly, this is the only song that has ever been found by this band.


DJ HIMMLER. check that URL couldnt be more perfect.

dont forget about above the ruins. DiJ related rock.

Can you guys caption some pics for me?

Sleipnir is good too... half acoustic ballads, half Rock against communism.

sure what you need boo??



suck my cock, america loves fascism. always has.



Btw looking for sissie / cuck / bully captions
This is your guys’ wheelhouse right?
I mean this is the heart of modern fascism right?


American anti-Japanese propaganda is hilarious. They're all so insanely racist, it's delightful.


For this one i want it to say something about turtle race mixing and how the white race will be overrun by turtle sperm but I’m not a fascist I’m just not good at writing this kind of stuff


superman is pretty fascist

Is this a nerd reference?

no i just mean by definition of his god-like powers he can't help but be fascist, most superheros are fascists

Tag yourself

it would be cool if he was but he isn't bro

Fuck off



How do i find this fun? Lol oh well


You're not clever.

Inb4 we’re not alt-right we’re fascists