Can someone help me translate this?

can someone help me translate this?

A/Te quita el chupeton rapido

B/ Ayer cuando estaba gritando el vato este, me estaba preguntando "y como voy a explicar por que estaba B en la farmacia de alfonso reyes en la madrugada conmigo"

B/ jajaja casual, ves, no miento. no soy yo

A/ jajajaja pero es que tambien le dijiste a la chava que tenia los ojos sexy

B/ porque me incomodo.

A/ siempre que salimos sale algo con que chingarte

B/ neta no, enserio me incomodo mucho pero cumpli la mision de conseguir lo que necesitabamos

A/ siii

B/ a mi? O a ti con nievo befo?

A/ de hecho si estoy mas tranquila. aunque la neta no creo que me iba ambarazar. Era muy muy muy poco probable. El si me caia bien.

B/ si ya ni callabas pero ya se!.

I know i know NYPA but i need this translated.

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You're welcome

not good enough

Actually it is, if you aren't retarded and can piece together the context.

there's a lot of slang though, and google translates the words flat

Actually no, im a latinfag and i cant understand it bc its full of mexican slang

A/ it will remove the hickey asap

B/ yesterday when that guy was screaming, i was wondering '' and how i would explain that B was on alfonsoreyes pharmacia in the early morning with me''

B/ hahah chill, you see, im not lying, its not me

A/ hahahah but you also told this girl that her eyes are sexy

B/ because it made me feel unconfortable

A/ every time we go out she found something to complain about

B/ really? seriously it made me feel uncomfortable but mission accomplished i got what we need

A/ yess

b/ me? or to you with nievo befo??

is this your homework??
this is not even mexican slang...

What? Im not OP

Argiefag to the rescue here (and yes, that's mexican bullshit slang, but I can understand some of it):

A/It makes that hickey disappear quickly

B/Yesterday when this guy was shouting, he was asking me "how am I going to explain why B was with me in Alfonso Reyes' pharmacy at dawn"

B/hahaha see? I'm not lying, that's not me

A/hahaha but you told that girl that she had sexy eyes

B/because she was making me uncomfortable

A/every time we hang out something comes out that fucks you over

B/yeah, it really made me uncomfortable but we fulfilled the mission of getting what we needed


B/ [I literally can't understand what he's trying to say here, "nievo" and "befo" aren't even words]

A/actually I'm calmer, though I didn't believe that I was going to get pregnant. It was really unlikely. I really liked him.

B/Yeah you couln't shut up, I know

So you got your answer, why did you need this translated?

And why use a picture of Putin and Merkel to anchor it?

A/ he took the sucker from you quickly.
B/ yesterday when i was yelling
This guy here was asking me, “ how am i suppose to explain why B was at the pharmacy at dusk with me?”
B/ casual, see, it wasnt me.
A/ yeah but you also told that chick she had sexy eyes.
B/ because i was uncomfortable.
A/everytime we go out, something comes up and fucks/screws you.
B/neta? No, seriously i was really uncomfortable. But i succeeded in finding what we needed.
B/for me? Or you with nievo/nuevo(new)? Befo/boyfriend?
A/im really calm, although the neta? Didnt think i would get pregnant. Really low low chance, he does seem nice/sweet.
B/yeah i know you aint shut up but i know.

trying to translate a text for a buddy. my spanish can only go so far.

and also because i haven't seen the gif in a long time and it makes me crack a smile

but damn. Seems that A was messing around with B huh

"Nievo befo" is probably a typo for "nuevo befo" which would be "new boyfriend".

Is that spic whore cheating on you Op?

Possibly "nievo befo" could be "nuevo beso" spelled incorrectly. Or a cutesy way of spelling it which translates to new kiss

maybe /:

translate this?

es que me acuerdo porque me queria quejar con mi amiga que me lo pegaste pero ella no sabe entonces me tuve que quedar callada

If this is from her whatsapp or some of her chats, then she is.
Teach that whore a lesson OP.

"I remember because I wanted to complain with my friend that you gave it to me (slang for getting a disease from someone) but she doesn't know so I had to keep quiet"

Are you OP? Care to bring some context for our work?

alright everyone. got a hold of my girl's phone and i screenshotted some texts. cant post here, but i have my detective hat on and i want to see whatsupp.

She's probably talking about the hickey. Not a disease. Still a whore is a whore

that's what i was thinking. she just doesn't want her friend to know. this fucking sucks

can someone translate

"Sigo sangrando, osea o me esta bajando"

and also thiiis

"Aunque hace tipo 2 días dijiste que te dolían las mamás como si te fuera a bajar"

Shes talking about her period, shes menstruating

the guy said this

Nope. "Me lo pegaste" literally translates into "I got it from you" as in a disease. In no spanish speaking country you would say "me lo pegaste" of a hickey, that would be "tu me lo hiciste" o "tu me lo diste".
Watch out Op. Use a condom.

>the neta
la neta means something like the unvarnished truth only without the harsh connotation < neta, bottom line in an arithmetic equation

The "mamas" thing is "You told me 2 days ago that your tits hurted as if you were going to get your period".
And these are definitely mexican.

Dude, your gf is a fucking whore. She's talking about getting things (im almost sure a disease) and hickeys and sex with this other guy...and you still have doubts? Are you a cuck?

La neta le dio aids al op

thanks. not a cuck. just trying to strengthen my claims here

Alfonso Reyes was a celebrated Mexican author and diplomat. Here it refers either to a street or a district that was named for him.

what's "me esta bajando" in this context?

Its slang for having her period

Don't strengthen any claims, just cut ties with this whore for good. Stop speaking to her. There's no use.