I'm an EMT

I'm an EMT.

Ask me anything.

well what was the worst thing you have ever seen then

A 12 year old who'd hung himself from a tree on his family's property. His dad found him and we worked on him for 20 minutes but there was no way we were getting him back. That was back when I was an 18 year old trainee too

Have you ever made a medical mistake trying to help someone, and ended up making the situation worse/fatal?

not yet

Fuck I'm in my first year of paramedic school. Just finished up my EMT certification last semester, but have no days out on the field man. I'm exited as all hell though

do you fuck the corpses?

I have no idea what to do w/ my life, should I get into this profession?

Can I shove a satsuma up my ass or is that dangerous?

Would you?

what is the funniest thing that had happened on the job

what is your favorite story you have?

Ryuko Matoi or Yoko Littner?

Which chest seals do you like?

Do you think what TGF did was a waste of paramedic and fire service times?

Also, what country?

What education do you have and what country?

Okay, first of all fuck you and go die in a hole. That choice is too much.

in paramedic school instead of cardioverting i defibrillated him and he died

Are niggers human?

no. The pay isn't worth it .Go into IT

Degree in Health Science, NZ

I want to be fucked by a paramedic who is in uniform, then have him choke me out and bring me back

What do you think the chances of that happening are?

What percentage of calls are over doses?
Do you respond slower to those calls?
I'm sure you're sick of them

not that many tbh. The most common cases are chest pain or respiratory issues.

Overdoses are urgent calls (lights and sirens) but they are often not serious. Last one I went to was a girl who ODed on antidepressants and she was fine, the drugs had a low toxicity. If you wanna commit suicide, synthetic cannabis will do the job just fine

I doubt I could do that. Your heart would most likely stop