ITT: Albums you listen to a lot

ITT: Albums you listen to a lot

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Aenima by tool. It's worth a listen, not everyone's type of thing but you might like it.









What kind of music be this?

Ambient Psytrance


I'll check it out thanks





me too brothers

I have also been listening to Scum Fuck Flower Boy by Tyler the Creator for a while now



More than any other by far.

I connect with you user

What you guys think of this video




It's not an album, but I enjoy Sullivan King and Dirtphonics' Vantablack EP for the most part.

Fucking this


The pot was on some next level shit. The video was pretty fucking weird, but what else can you expect from tool

Saw them live this year. Gojira fucking rules

Man, you’re still listening to that crazy-ass Mr. Bungle album from 1994?


Yeah, I wish I could've gone. They had a show one state over and I was very upset I couldn't see them.

91; although technically it's 89, when the majority was recorded. Only Dead Goon was "new" for the WB release.
But yeah, God-Tier fucking band.

I listened to that album so much the fucking cd died.


ALL HAIL SCIENCE! Seen these guys live a few times, one of my favorite bands. Not super happy that Ezra left though...


Flood and Lincoln are my shit

My biggest regret in life is taking a college final instead of going to a Danzig concert


My dude, you've got great taste.
Do you like A Perfect Circle though?


Putting Lincoln on right now.


Edgy-wannabe band who is too afraid to just put "I hate God"


luv this still. 20 years later

>trying to show up first in a google search for the phrase is fear

Eye hope you get raped

God tier


My favorite album of all time op great choice here's another fucking banger of an album I recommend all people who like metal to check this masterpiece of an album out, all of deaths other material is fantastic too



Tools videos are stop motion, there's no video for the pot. The videos are all made by the guitar player Adam Jones who is an sfx designer. Hush is their action video

Saged motherfucker.



There is a video for The Pot. Its fan made.

Gouge Away, motherfuckers.

The Color and the Shape - Foo Fighters
I saw them live twice. it was fucking amazing
first time it was some show on a street in a city. I got backstage and talked with all the band members. fucking fun
even better - I got backstage to the broken leg tour in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. royal blood was there, and they're fun to listen to.


A moon Shaped Pool.

Radiohead gets it back...

Because I am a leftard \ -_- /

i like listening to this one too
i also got to meet them. fun opener for foo fighters.

You’re just as bad as the Nickelback guy.

Foo Fighters fucking suck.

Rollin fags. SteAM SaLE 2017!!



ma nigga

Hahhaha!!! Drunk as fuck with scotch and vodca soda!! Hahahha

>I don't like it therefore it sucks
inb4 you like some shit like Arctic Monkeys or King Gizzard

Keep it old school.


Pretty much the only stones album I ever got into.

Hi, I’m Dave Grohl! I haven’t had an interesting song since 2002!

In fact my peak was 1995, and now most of my work is being enthusiastic about other shitty music. And I fucking killed Kurt Cobain.

>killed Kurt Cobain
Think you're confusing him with Courtney Love


First Foo Fighters album probably one of my top 3, if not #1. Their second was ok. The rest bleh. And i mostly listed to Doom/Death/metal etc


>Hi, I'm a talentless fuck that bags on talented people to feel better about myself, oh and I have shitty taste in music!



Yeah that's what I just said tool doesnt have an official video

What talented person did I bag on?

what do you like, eh? and who are you to judge. you're probably just a metal-head nobody anyway. Foo fighters will always be a great band. nickelback, well, everyone should hate them. country rock music is aids to begin with.
I like whatever the fuck I like, and you can't change that. millions of people like them. one of the
wrong. still one of the most enthusiastic bands that puts a ton of work into what they do.
arguing with maybe over 1.5 million people isn't a good idea.
likes are what you are arguing with here.


AND that's not even including critics. they love them too.

I love these albums


I can always give this a listen at anytime. Perfect in every way.



>le intentional ignorance meme