Whats the best way to fix premature ejaculation? I start fucking for 30 seconds and have to cum

Whats the best way to fix premature ejaculation? I start fucking for 30 seconds and have to cum..

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Nut before sex

That's not premature ejaculation. You're just shit at sex.

Use a rubber. Or think about Oprah.

joke's on you Oprah makes OP cum faster

if you're serious, kegel exercises, actual exercise, no coffee or caffeine just to list a few

This, never fails to work

Stop watching porn.

yeh just make sure you nut before sex OP

Why no coffee?

Also how many times a week can I kegel?

Only thing that works.

This, and also let a little cum out if you can

Try to fuck on drugs.

caffeine speeds up everything in the body

kegels should be done everyday, at least 3 sets

stop watching porn too

Jelking. Did it for me at the age of 15....

Gabapentin/phenibut. Basically anything that fucks with it gaba receptors. Over do it and u won't get hard, especially if u nut before sex

Don't jack off as much and instead of thinking about nutting just focus on the actual sex. I know it is the opposite of what people say but it works.

would exactly one month of kegel make a difference? Have a wedding in a month.

I'll try this, wanna bang the hell out of a bridesmaid.

Shut the hell up, and go back to your quarters underneath the bridge!

kegels and rhythm

I can usually only last like 5 or 6 minutes when I don't but before sex. When I jack it beforehand then. I can go like 10 or 15 minutes.

why does watching porn and jacking off make it worse?

I know it's cliche but yeah, I just think about baseball. It works.

Focus on her getting off from your cock. That satisfies me more than nuttin in her.

what are some common names for something like this?

It's nonsense, the same people will tell you that porn and jacking off makes them desensitised. There is no one right answer to this problem.

Ive had 6-8hr "sessions" of sex.

practicing edging could help as well

Well he is a faggot

Both are my replies. Listen up kiddo.

Why does edging help? Am I supposed to control the edge of me about to cum or something?

thanks user

Where is the vagina?

cause youre in your mind instead of the moment.

I am an early shooter too. I just kind of wink at them and say hope youre ready for round 2, It is less of a big dealthan you think. Some girls are cum crazy and some girls have guys who cant really cause theyre cut so horrendously,

Its genetic too.

I was on a drug called clomipramine and it made it almost impossible to ejaculate inside 20 minutes of fucking. Also really jacked up my sleep patterns but it made me a rock star in bed.... I only take it now when I'm going to get with someone new and want to make a good impression.

Near the labia minora

Sometimes my girl and I only get to fuck on the weekends. I just be honest and tell her I'm probably not going to last much more than 10-15 minutes. Have her suck your dick after fucking for a little bit, and make sure she licks the head of your dick and makes it overly sensitive. Then go back to fucking. fuck for like 5-10 minutes and eat her pussy for a little to make her cum, then fuck again to make you cum or try for her second orgasm.

Just head south of the hood.


>Getting ready to fuck
>Say I gotta use the restroom
>Fap like crazy until I cum
>Get back in bed
>Plow the bitch like I'm running on diesel
>Pussy gets sore
>She say "Finish... Please..."
>Hit the "NUT" button

That sounds fucking sad...

I doubt I'd last 30 seconds if this is who you're fucking. Wow, tight bod

Try kratom

FFS know the female anatomy. Women dont even know their own genitalia. Labia minora/majora, hood, clitoris. OP needs to know G spot manipulation and female anatomy!

Whys that. If its the first time you've fucked in awhile, it's probably not going to be a marathon. After the first time, it's not hard to control it all.

The Game Plan:
>Practice kegels regularly until wedding
>Start edging daily
>Fap in restroom at reception
>Get alcohol into bridesmaid
>Fuck bridesmaid like she a plastic fuckdoll
>Take pics
>Post pics on Sup Forums


yeah I'd lose it in 5 seconds with that




why the edging, what does it help

This (gabapentin)

You can try Tramadol (a pain killer) as well.

Finally, score some boner pills so even of you nut quick the first time you'll be ready to go again 10 minutes later. You'll last longer the second and third times.

thanks for the advice anons. I have a lot of sex, it just never last longs and it kills my confidence

Three levels to worry about:
1. The sensation - the least of all three - can be remedied w/ a hydro-cortisone topical cream.
2. The imagery - dim lights, squint or avoid looking at the insertion, etc.
3. The mood or base instinct - this is the hardest to control, but can be done via kegels or changing positions, pace, etc.

first round i don't last super long. 3-5 min.
i compensate by not stopping after i cum. build that endurance. i just blow my load and then keep going till i blow again and i get another 10-20 min.

This. Also holding your breath does the trick. Works for me at least.

My weird trick is to pee before having sex. Something about having a full(er) bladder might come into play, but idk. That's just what I do. It works though, at least for me.

Honestly no idea if that's based on any legit science, but I usually take a piss before things are about to go down and I rarely cum early/before I want to.

The only times I lose my shit early (and I took a piss before) is when her dirty talk is on point. No amount of mental fortitude or pre-sex tricks can stop me from cumming when I have nails digging into my back and am being demanded to blow a load inside her.

Dude I am one of those few guys that can fuck for hours and when i get tired i can make myself cum, or let her do it. And i still get precum drips. Try not masterbating, its just cause your male tubes are used to letting it flow through. I gave up on this and my gf understands its because we fuck alot. Dont worry just use it as lube nigga

any tips for nerves? whenever im with a new girl i have a lot of trouble getting hard

edging is jerkign before you cum, but stop. you keep going to the edge, but never orgasming, you'll build up strength to stop

quit smoking, exercise more.

never smoked, i hit the gym often

its like my dick betrays me. everything will be set and then boom gone

do work on her first, don't even worry about your own shit. finger her, eat her out, make her go crazy. eventually, she'll want you to stop so she can return the favor. i can't remember the last time i didn't get hard from a blowjob. at that point, nerves are no longer a factor, you should be good to go.

see, some people say that you need to watch a lot of porn to desensitize you. which is it?

Latent homo, pedo or you're just nervous af.

Diabetic? Low test?

it desensitizes you fam. Try not jerking for a week or two and then try and fuck. you wont be able to hold back.

had this problem as a kid. do sensitivity training. force yourself to masturbate slightly after refractory period. or do it multiple times. like a muscle. you will build a resistence to stimulus. the moment you lack though its just like a muscle. dont work out for a while and you'll feel a little weaker/ little more sensetive. hand will beat pussy always in tightenss

keep the advice *cumming*

When peeing, stop the flow as many times as you can. This will train your muscles.

funny thats what i do to til i can work it up. chick never returns though.

not that i know of to any of that, i know im nervous though

i can stop myself pissing whenever I want to, but the first fuck of the night im lucky to go 3 or 4 mins

see im ussually good the 3rd 4th time when im comfortable i guess? just a pain in the ass having to work for it like that


fpbp fam

1. Get prescribed 30-40mg of an SSRI like Lexapro. It works crazy good. It will be almost hard to cum.
2. Cum once or twice before sex.
3. Go slower than it takes you to cum when you are fucking her. Not a ton slower, but this will help.
4. Don't do a bunch of things that make you super horny until you are ready to cum.
5. Wear a condom.
6. Take a slightly intoxicating amount of OPIATES/OPIOIDS like hydrocodone, oxys, morphine, heroin ect. (I couldn't cum on those.)
7. No stimulants like nicotine/caffiene/cocaine that day.

This will make you in complete control or inable to cum, but you will be able to be hard.

so in other words start a drug habit that could be a life altering addiction so you can last long in the bed.

this isn't how you build up strength. do kegels and pinch when you pee, that will also build you up to multiple orgasms


No not even. Even 1 hydrocodone or half will not fuck you up, but still make you have cum control in the same manner that it gives you urine retention. Benadryl gives urine retention so it can also help. Just 25mg. Just don't mix Benadryl with opiates, you might get too fucked up to fuck.

lexapro isnt addicting but it can really mess you up long term

>Take a Bar of Soap NOT OATMEAL just regular
>bar of hand soap, PUT in your ass OP Hold it
>there for 20 minutes.
>Then Quickly Shit it out

No more Premature Ejaculation

1 Soap cleans it all up.

Alcohol. A lot of it.

Also,youre gay

I'm a premature ejaculator too OP. Some tricks I learned from google-fu.
>rub one out before she comes over
>when you're in the heat of the moment, RELAX and BREATHE. Being tense and stifling your breathing makes you cum quicker
>take your time, if you feel like you're getting close and she's not, just stop pumping her for a minute and feel her tits, kiss her, whatever.
>sex positions. some sex positions are better for the girl, some make the guy get off quicker. look up a few and do the positions that are less sensitive for you
>absent-mindedly think about other shit during sex. the more you think "fuck yes i'm smashing this slut, she's so sexy" the quicker you'll get off
I used to be a 1-minute wonder but got way better, up to 5~10min. Chicks only want like 5-10min of actual sex at a time anyway, porn is good at making people think that 30-40min of straight pumping is the norm but in reality, it's not.

For the girl it's all about the mind and her feelings. For men it's more physical.

>3. Go slower than it takes you to cum when you are fucking her. Not a ton slower, but this will help.
fucking this! You don't need to pump like a steam engine to make a girl cum.
This vid is after Lily Thai had been slowly pumped/teased for like 30min during a photoshoot and she just cant hold it in at the end
www xvideos com/video855638/female_pornstar_gets_an_accidentally_orgasm_in_photo_session

Landing Strip, helps re-erect

You need a plumbus

It seems as if it's whatever you put your mind to. Regardless of jerkin off before hand, diet, exercise or whatever. I personally buy a pill from the corner store, take it 2 hrs before, jerk off and get to work. It becomes more like a ritual after a while.

Opiates like vicoden, oxycodone, morphine, all will let you get wood but make it harder to cum. when I'm loaded on oxy I can go all fucking night and never nut. Sux.

Atleast ur working how nature wants you to be quick so evil wizards wont take you home and garlic you

I second this motion

Thinking about beating up old people usually helps me last longer

Whos this chick? Cant find anything on her.

Amputation is your only effective option.

You have sex and you cum. What's the problem?

When you feel yourself starting to cum - Think of Rosie O'Donnell. You'll immediately lose the urge.

DO NOT think about her too long or you will lose your erection entirely

>This technique got me through the early 2000's before I got married. Now I nut whenever.

Go on Zoloft

I can beat my dick like a runaway slave and cant bust a nut

Jerk off more often, for long periods of time.

Learn to control it. And get up early so you dont miss the bus to your high school, Skeeter.



I dont have any issues getting hard but I use viagra recreationally. What a difference. I can go until I get tired and say fuck it.

>putting steroid cream on your dick