Alright user, tell me how you're feeling

Alright user, tell me how you're feeling
How's your night been?
What're your current thoughts?
Spoke to anyone special lately?

no bc I have no friends but today was good bc I actually cleaned my room

Just waiting for the right time to kill myself and trying to get over the fear of death.

Not sure
Not sure

You have anyone special I can talk to?

Hey at least you did something productive, huh?

Seek help, user
Tonights been pretty good tbh, I'm feeling good, and I spoke to my ex recently, she misses me, maybe I should give her a second chance?

Talk to us, user, it's why I made this thread

How much would my opinion influence your decision? Give third if you want.

I dont have anyone special to talk to recently

Well, another's insight is always appreciated I suppose, and you could always find someone, but until then you have us in this thread to talk to

I don't like life anymore

I have no idea who your ex is, so in reality should it matter?

Give her or him the chance, everyone deserves one.

Any other problems I could help you accomplish today?

Organ donation is always a choice

Why not, user?

That's all, but thank you for your opinion, anything on your mind you wanna talk about, user?

Doubt it

Alright, well have a nice night/day user

I'm sad but don't know why.

Do you have anything that can distract you from it? Perhaps a vidya game?

At least some one can enjoy them
I just don't like living anymore


Good night :)

I've tried distractions, but the sadness always comes back. Usually harder than before.

Have you tried reaching out for help?

got high for the first time ever tonight. its nice not being in my body for a minute, but it also feels really bad, and i cant tell if its because its bad or if my thoughts on pot and how i was raised to think its wrong are what makes it bad.

Could be how you were raised, though I couldn't tell you, I've never done pot before, sounds fun though

I've told a couple people I thought I could trust. Pic Related. Ended up hurting me more.

I mean see a therapist or something, user, someone who's job is to help you

Kek, responded to myself. This was meant for you.

Don't really trust shrinks. Had bad experiences with them before.

The usual frustration, confusion, and lack of will to do anything other than afk RuneScape and browse the internet.
>current thoughts
Seriously thinking about dropping Japanese as a language-study, and focusing instead on Korean and Mandarin, particularly for 2018. Also growing increasingly anxious over about to having to pay for car insurance, healthcare, a new apartment, student loans, etc all on a currently part-time salary...none of the jobs I've applied to that would pay a bit more (and I'm actually qualified for) have called or e-mailed back. Finances are really bedeviling me right now.
>Spoke to anyone special lately?
No. Although I'm pretty sure *everyone* at work now knows I'm an atheist, as their demeanor(s) toward me have changed significantly since last week.

A bad experience with some doesn't mean all are the same, user

Fug, there I go again.

I have a friend that's learning Korean, it's a pretty interesting language imo, good luck with finding a better job aswell

>have excellent day.
>friends smudge house b/c they're being attacked by ooky-spooky
>stop smudging b/c it felt like cold blooded murder
>friends abandon me b/c possessed

Spent all day alone in my room and it was nice. I'm a loner by nature but lately iv'e been spending every day with new friends and it feels good to have people tell me they love me. My oldest friend left for the marines last month and I do miss him, can't wait to congratulate him. My good buddy iv'e been spending a lot of time with came by to pick me up and go out of town real fast for funsies but I told him not tonight for once. Just feels good to play some games have a beer and relax like I haven't done in a while. Also about to start college for the first time, i'm nervous about that.

>Frozen kids coffin

Thanks. I really *cannot* afford life as it is right now.

Did a bunch of wrenching. Took a rotted out parts truck down to nothing made sure to save all the good parts I could. Ate some food from my favorite BBQ place was a good day.

You fucking what?

It's good to get some alone time, tell your marine friend I said congratulations aswell please, and that he's doing a seriously honourable service, good luck with college too, I'm sure you'll have fun

Sounds fun, user

I'm sure you'll come through it somehow, user

Was sucks when I can't save something. Was an old Scottsdale wasn't much left of the cab or anything. Had a good interior somehow ran and drove was also factory AC. Saved most of it besides the cab and frame. Because of its sacrifice to V8 many other trucks will live on

>Korean-studying-user here
The worst part? I lived in Korea for three years in my early-20s, but for a number of reasons (trusting the wrong people/situations, my own hubris and arrogance, etc), I didn't become fluent nor work on staying there permanently. The worst part truly is the shame and guilt I feel every single day for my behavior there. Here I am, now, a few years later, seemingly stuck in the U.S. and absolutely hating life, literally dreaming about being back in Korea every single night (have been since getting back here in 2012). It's like, I start studying, but then soon lose all interest and hate myself enough to stop after remembering the very real possibility that I'm going to die here...alone. I no longer have any friends, and all of my family has abandoned me.

Pic is OC.

Are you by any chance from the last thread I made?
There was someone with a very very similar story

more or less, i have friends who believe in the supernatural. i play along just because i'm open minded

they came to sage/smudge/purify my house of evil today and when they started, i got this weird feeling of anxiety and terror

as if a cold blooded murder was being committed.

Well fuck me sideways huh? Did they explain what it was?

I don't think so, no.

Though now that I've given it some more thought, I think I know what has to be done. I think I have to...'move on' from the life I could have had and stop lying to myself that I'll ever have any semblance of that life again, even in the scenario of being able to teach English (for example) in Korea. Despite all of the great memories and the truly defining time it was for me, I....have to move on.

I think I see this now.

well, one of the spirits is something that keeps us asleep until 10am the next morning. this is without fail and i've noticed that I have an incredible trouble waking up before that time.

they noted this was a negative spirit, but i felt it was more playful.

they never explained why i felt the way i did, but in short they now believe i stopped the smudging because i was protecting an evil spirit within my house and/or i was possessed

when in reality the causiality of the fear was that the smudging was being performed by someone who detested the spirits, and was acting out of malice. her hatred was tangible and if you know anything about purification, it must be done with pure and just intentions.

You're going to kill yourself because you don't think you can move back to Korea?

Just dealing with the general public. Some good, some great and some just complete and utter fuck tards.... but hey, humans.txt

CEO of the company I work at walked over to my cubicle as I was about to leave and told me our website looked like shit (it's my job to make sure the website doesn't look like shit)

no i feel very sad and imsecure voice

OP here, I'm gonna have to go, I've been up all night and it's near 6am, but it was fun talking to you all again, until next time, have a nice day/night

I might as well. I've said many times before that if I don't achieve my dream of leaving within 5 years after finishing university (which I did last year), that's it. I'm as good as dead anyway. New Year's will just be another "tick," because I simply cannot continue living like this. Not with these memories.