Avril thread

Avril thread





ITT old ass pics. Bitch is like 40 now and has lime disease.

Classic high school crush

Stevie Wynne Levine is way hotter

32 and looks like this


>those tits

great ass




flat as fuck

Dull-witted plastic-fake cunt.

what plastic

I love her

Yes oh my god user yes I always thought she was hot af, I'm going to watch music videos now

>also thank you thank you thank you

Doesn't look flat to me





lovely titties

She is too cute


I thought it was the ring at first lol

this has got to be one of my favorite threads

lol shes dead have fun fapping to a dead chick you braindead cucks



The only relevant post in this thread. Yall fapping to a lookalike nobody.


I wanna punch the fag who watermarked her tits.

quality difference is hilarious

She died years ago

Is there a joke I'm missing?

No joke friend. Died and was replaced by a lookalike by the shallow music industry machine years ago.

how do you know?



lol stop being such a cuck and buying into the fake news thats what they want you to think

real skaterboy boobys ?

buzzword buzzword buzzword

I’m posting on my phone so don’t have the links to hand but google it and you’ll see. Have to dig a little deeper tho. Other sages here will know the truth too tho.

real and spectacular


Don't you clowns say the same hoax about Miley Cryus

wow Paul McCartney much

Young Avril could not handle the pressures of fame so she hired a lookalike (Melissa Vandella) to deal with the public.
With the passing of her grandfather in 2003 she became so distraught that she hanged herself.
This occurred at the height of her popularity.
Her record company forced the lookalike to take her place.
The proof is the difference in the warm freckles between the two.


Faked evidence

I’ve never heard this? She’s trash tho so not bothered either way...

Some freckles are in the same place therefore you made up this random fanfiction story?

you do know sun spots come and go and not always in the same spot right

The important question is are these her boobies?

fucking libtards never want to believe the truth

She kept getting older and hotter but she's gotta hit the wall soon at her age.


oh wow your so intelligence

Is this why she's way bustier now?

So obviously fake. There's no evidence.

I know. I dont know why more people don’t want to take the red pill

it just a lie to boost record sales let me guess I play a song backwards and I'll learn the truth

being gay is not a pill you can take its a pill your born with

Homophobe take your hate elsewhere please

my sweet satin one who's little path would make me sad who's power is satin

no, now post Avril or you leave







Backwards? Nah that’s just silly. She was making the biz too much money, the impact on all the teenyboppers would have caused a spike in teenage suicide. So the industry took the easy way out. Makes sense.

those get away sticks

Avril is truly gorgeous

say that about Lincoln Park or Adams song


She's still gorgeous

is she overrated?

What about them?

she seems flat

She make me diamonds

she has aged superbly

Holy shit, this brings me way back. I was 14 when I started listening to her. She's trash tier now.

>he impact on all the teenyboppers would have caused a spike in teenage suicide. So the industry took the easy way out. Makes sense.
suicide everyone blames Adams song and Lincoln Park was suicide noise till he killed himself
>also arguing with you is killing my boner

She’s a good looking woman no doubt, just evidence says it’s not the same person. Would still bang. But it would be like having sex with an identical sister. Fun but just not the same.



Not arguing bro. Just people need red pilling on this stuff. I encourage you to fap to this beautiful, but different, woman. Tributes welcome too.

don't just don't I want to make little Avril babies and the argument is killing the mood

It's obviously her

See above + I’m on my phone in bed so too difficult to hunt links down - sorry. Google it tho and see how deep the rabbit hole goes...



red pill is code for argument
red pilling always leads to arguments
also the term red pill... go back to pol