G-g-g/fur p-pls?

g-g-g/fur p-pls?

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Yes, post horse.


sry, dont got much horse.




















why is horsecock so good, i need to know

it's meh

you take that back

i will not. horse cock is SHITE cock

Bara cock?

horse cock is superior to other animal-type cocks and you know it


perhaps in the top five worst cocks

trash cock

gote-boi cock?

also sorry im not posting anything especially great, my furry porn folder isnt separated into straight/gay/futa cuz im lazy, so im having a hard time

Dumpster cock

his waist and torso are weird, but yes gote-boi is good

that's ok duder. the fact you're posting is nice.


my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


sorry not sorry

>not wanting to be cockslapped by a meaty horse penis
i just dont get it

is that a good or bad growl?

worst trips ever

sorry dad

i must convert Sup Forums to horse cocks

good growl!








but why


oh ya know jerking it.

nothing better to do


spicy spicy
having a good day?

carry on then


on second thought, i really should be getting to sleep rn


sleep is important. you should

spiced up nicely infact.
wat's going down with you?


I am watching The Punisher series on Netflix. It's meh. I'm hoping it gets better, but so far it's dull.

what up gurl?

Just woke up from a nap.

but it's like late at night. why nap at this time?

because tired.

why so tired?

ran around all day doing stuff

what kind of stuff?


Sauce pls

chores and shopping.

I got you.

what did you shop for?

food for one

what's your favorite food?

It's on the picture but the artist is Zeiro

Italian is my favorite type

mmm. I love ravioli. what's your favorite italain dish?

Pizza or spaghetti

fuuuuck nigga i forgot about pizza!

Tri-color roasted garlic and parmesan tortellini in a half and half blend of alfredo carbonara and arrabiata with pepperonis, crushed red pepper, and a blend of parmesan, asiago and romano cheeses mixed in.

fuuuuuck yeah boi

I go hard in the Italiano! All ingredients for about $15-20 at the store. And you serve it with a decent cabernet sauvignon. Tasty!

you got me all hungry now lol


I just wish I had a boyfriend to cook for... Speaking of, is there anyone here from Oklahoma?

awww. one day you can be chef for someone~

What's a good way to find a boyfriend? I wear a double male symbol pendant in public when I'm not out and about with family, so anyone who would be interested would know. Any other tips? I don't know how to find people...

Wear something like this. Gay men should take a hint.

when I'm NOT with family. Keyboard malfunction. I'm out, I'm just not gonna make a show of it around family.

You know what, that would definitely work. Maybe I just need to be more obvious. It's Oklahoma though, so not a whole lot of gay guys around. It'll be tough to find them...

>he likes pancake mcdaddythisdaddythat


I dunno. Lots of guys use Grindr and other things to find dates. Contrary to what everyone thinks, grindr isn't just for fucking. I've known guys who use it just for looking for a date or even gay friends. go out to a gay bar too.

First step: Have the sound file for the grindr notification saved to your phone.

Second step: See a guy you like? Play that noise. If he looks to check his phone, 98% chance is that he's gay.

Third step: OWO *pounces and then contracts HIV because he thinks prep makes him immune to all STDs and doesn't care about infecting other people* /s

Second method: Use grindr

Caveat: the other 2% is that your man in question is what we call "Straight but fucks dudes", also known as a douche. Do be wary of these heathens.

Thank you for the advice! I'm gonna have to try out grindr! A quick question: How safe is it? I heard it uses location services in a potentially dangerous way. I leave all location and automated services turn off on my phone at all times, so I'm kinda nervous about turning on location services... Is it safe?

I'm the last two posts you quoted: complete virgin, don't even own a smartphone. That's just hearsay from people I know who've talked about it. Sorry. All I can say is "be careful and search functional exploits before allowing something to track your location."

i mean yeah i guess.what are you afraid of?

Getting raped by the gays.