What does Sup Forums think about minors on 4 Chan obviously not the autistic ones but the ones who are just left behind...

What does Sup Forums think about minors on 4 Chan obviously not the autistic ones but the ones who are just left behind in society and Sup Forums being the only place to go and have fun with people who are equally as fucked up

Honestly if they can handle them selves I don't have a problem with them

If they don't upload themselves it's fine I just dont want edgy fags on b

Wtf hell no there asses should be outside not looking at loli porn

Let's be real, I'd make the bet that at least a third of Sup Forums is underrage, maybe even 50% or over.


I've been banned a couple of times for being underage but it's complete bs I know how to control myself and honestly without this place I would have probably killed myself by now

Yeah I agree with this

One off of quint's

I don't have a problem as long as there not cancerous

You are the cancer.

This is why I keep coming back to Sup Forums.
The free hate is just so beautiful
Whatever you say, post, answer, there's always someone at some point that will throw hate. I love it

>know how to control myself
>kills self over shit website
You can get banned for being a meanie or triggering mods. 4chumblr is a safe space.

im a minor
i just never make threads

Tbh, I come back for the same reason
I like that no matter how fucked up or stupid shit can get that there is never one leader of a thread and that if your thread sucks you can expect hijack at any moment. People are honest here (at least about what they hate).


Why am I here again???
Ah yes!

It's a shame how many of these underaged probably turn into faggots because of this site and the grown ass men who teach them it's ok to like men that dress as women and rate each others cocks. My advice to you underage reading this is dont give into homosexuality as a cop out because hurdur I'm too sperg for a girl. You'll find one eventually if you just dress halfway decent and get yourself to less than 100lbs overweight. Don't take the easy road of gay men who will suck any man's cock that'll allow it just because you're a desperate virgin.

Nobody who was raised in a pro-heterosexual home goes gay and is not ashamed of it. Would you rather just be ashamed of yourself for being a virgin just until you get laid or be ashamed of yourself for settling as a cocksucking ass pounder and everyone who loves you be ashamed of it too, forever.

What this guy said


I have no fucking doubt in my mind this poor closeted excuse for a faggot is replying to himself


Not hating. Just pointing out the obvious.

Now that I think about it this is something interesting to note about Sup Forums. This site's understanding of criticism vs hate. I suppose it's what attracts so many autistics here in the first place.