Lets get this comfy thread going

Lets get this comfy thread going

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what kinda comfy this time? I'm gonna put away my xmas themed comfy pics pretty soon.

Anyone else have near 0F with negative wind chills?

I'm loving it, I can actually bundle up in blankets and not get hot for once.


Yeah I guess Christmas comfy is a good choice



always reminds me of counterstrike






those 2 eating alone gonna shoot up the school




Honestly, they pretty much do the equivalent of shooting up the school every year.







Honestly, your retarded.

Honestly, you seem to have made it to the wrong thread. We have dozens of homosexual threads for your kind to plague.


Anyone have some non-animated comfy gifs?

Lemme see, sec.








something about these beds with roofs, sorta pillow forty

love this room


(royal scotsman train)





living the dream


how much do overnight trips cost for something like this?









very unique

Love the idea of living in a small but cozy space. Might be nice to get rid of all the useless junk i've accumulated.


jesus christ, comfy, not sad as fuck.

actually I always thought it'd look cool as a hot dog stand in the middle of nowhere

a ridiculous amount.
> Prices start at around £2,350 per person for the 2-night Highland, £3,440 for the 3-night Western, or £4,330 for the 4-night Highland Classic, based on two people sharing.

took me a moment to realize its a bridge

very post apocalyptic chic





goddamn man, your idea of cozy is fucking depressing. cozy should be the warmth of a soft blanket, not the warmth of your blood leaving your wrists.


time lapsed or before/after are underrated

it is supposed to be cozy in there. it's supposed to be a refuge from the elements. what you make of it on the inside.
at least that's how I see it







that's cool as fuck. I love the whole 80's aesthetic going on here

















why are those sad? living free on the road? not tide down on a 9 to 5 job contemplating suicide every morning







almost art-like

Never lived in the countryside but these look quiet and pretty.