ITT: Artists your mom dislikes

ITT: Artists your mom dislikes

Other urls found in this thread:

my mom really hates Joni Mitchell for some reason

No one hates anything like my mom hates the Chilis

Jens Lekman
Serge Gainsbourg
My Bloody Valentine
Chuck Close
Francis Bacon
Hans Holbein

Read that as The Chills at first. Was vexed.

I love your mom

Explain immediately. How could she hate one of the greatest rock bands of all time? They were the cornerstone of the beauty that is alternative rock, yet your mom hates it?

She either better listen to Sup Forumscore exclusively or I will scold her in her dreams, like your grandmother criticizes every single decision she has made in life, including having you.

Mine too.

Mine too.

Mine too.

If you're really cool you only acknowledge their first three albums and call them The Peps.

>hip hop, rap, anything dindu related

>The Hollies

>joanna newsom
>jimi hendrix

Sounds like a fucking cunt.

Every rapper ever.
Particularly Niki Minaj and Kanye

my mom fucking hates coldplay, imagine dragons, and kings of leon for some reason

die hippie scum

95% of the hate is directed towards Anthony, she has the best impersonation of him

Do you even realize the entangled cerebellum flowing inside Anthony's brain? His spiral telegraphs of distant fantasies humans have hidden has spilled in baskets to embers of sphinxes, zeroing in on dragon hearts of the skies.

I really don't like Taylor's music but damn she's a tight looking slut

You're trying way too hard.

Piss on an arrow.

Justin Bieber
Nicki Minaj
Kanye West
Miley Cyrus
Katy Perry

blink 182

Jay Z

She looks like a really attractive man in this set
Would fuck


Do any of your moms listen to any really embarrassing contemporary stuff? Like she listens to xxxtentacion or goes to EDM festivals.

literally my moms favorite, she also likes fleet foxes and mumford and sons

Ugh yeah my mom went to a Yachty show a few weeks ago and came home late because the rap man invited her backstage. Wouldn’t say what they were up to but I assume it was fun ?

She refers to her as "cat lady".

She also really likes Andy Samberg and says he could do a lot better.

My condolences.

my mom hates slint - spiderland. i played like 30 seconds of breadcrumb trail while on a road trip with her and she made me change it because it was too depressing.




PIC Related My mom hates Foster the People and Anything that is extremely noisy by Albini
Big Black - Rapeman she doesn't mind Shellac tho.

my mom likes:
the police
elvis costello
talking heads
tom petty
fleet foxes
foo fighters
my morning jacket
pearl jam
matthew sweet
dave matthews
van halen
led zeppelin

my mom does not like:
extreme metal
math rock

my mom is open about:
underground hiphop
frank zappa
king crimson
st. vincent

i love my mommy

some mexican singer who I can't name off the top of my head. she doesn't listen to many english singers. I don't even think she knows who taylor swift is desu

Your mom is right