Will junkies ever recover?

Will junkies ever recover?

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Yeah, give it a few hours and you're good.

>I don't want to face that depression is taking people away from me

It's almost like your society is ill or something, huh?

Nah bro

Once the initial high is gone they're likely to chase it for the rest of their life. It's a psychological addiction, an "I need that again" kind of feeling
Even if they don't, that feeling of high will always be in the back of their mind calling them to try it again.

I consider myself a very healthy person, alcohol a few times a month but no nicotine, caffeine, or other drugs. The first time I got high on weed it was fantastic, everything was so bright and vivid. My curiosity and wonder with the world was reignited like falling back into childlike fascination. I haven't done it since then because every pothead I know has a serious problem or more, and I feel my willpower would lose to addiction, but the want is always there.

Dutch here

Dude is right. Just look at dutch society. Dutch people rarely smoke. Strange, isntit? You have free access to weed, but you chose not to.

Its all a disneyland for tourists. Its fun feeling when you ride your bike to grocery market on a sunny day and some american teenagers show up right in the middle of a bike lane. High as fuck. They do look like idiots.

as a follow pot head, you are a smart man

>I'm afraid of becoming a marijuana addict
>Chasing the dragon
>How many whole marijuanas can one man inject before dying?
>Not admitting that whacky tobacky is a government tool to distract us from that time Obama flew a hologram into tower 7 and blamed Bush just to get at that sweet sweet nazi gold

And you're an idiotic junkie. Get bent.

You guys need to chill & smoke some fucking reefer

What are you a communist? Hillary lost, get over it.

Junkies are junkies. They've already become trash.

tell me something i dont know. two days sobre

it's not pot, it's our culture and the parents bringing kids up.

you could give children and teenagers any type of external reward like that and you'll have the same effect in this culture.
everything here is indulge, indulge, indulge.

Seems like it's too late already, better get back on

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, aniki

that's how it's splet in my country

Smoked everyday from the moment I got up for 2 years and I've only recently made the effort to stop drinking and smoking but I don't really see his point. It's probably not the drug but the life and mentality of the students themselves. Pot simply amplifies the condition they're in which is probably depression and anxiety though I'm sure he does nothing to help that. They will blame drugs till the end instead of asking why high school kids may want to check out in the first place. High school teachers are jokes and that group he's posting in is an even bigger commie shitposting arena.

yeah its literally everything but marijuanas fault, the drug that has a strong cognitive effect on you has absolutely no spot in the equation

but dOOd 420 xD

>Will junkies ever recover?

Your mom did so I guess there's hope for all of us

When does americans not look like idiots

Fun fact, did you know your they love drugs more than you because you're a boring shithead failure ?

t. the junkie you love more than they love you

Congratulations you're among 1:10 head addicts who are the weakest link in society.

I don't get weed.
I've tried it many times but I honestly don't understand what's the big deal about it

Things were better back in the day when the goverment encouraged and helped the youth become functioning memebers of society

You're a fool. The great thing about weed is that it enhances whatever you're doing, it's like adding a little spice to a recipe you're cooking.

>he actually believes this
I guess that's why people like Albert Einstein, Sokrates and Issac Newton smoked so much weed because it makes you smart'n sheeeit

This is unironically true

You're all faggots if you're getting worked up over someone else's choices. If I decide to smoke a joint after a long day of work that's my god damned preference. All the same, if you faggots want to go home and do whatever weird cringey shit straight edge people do all the more power to you. Everyone has a crutch, whether you've identified your own or not I can't say, but I guarantee you have a little hobby or thing you do that the rest of the world finds despicable. I've said my piece and read enough of yours to know your faggoty reply already.

>enhances whatever you're doing
No it fucking doesn't. Unless "whatever you're doing" means eating a bunch of junk food and/or some activity that doesn't require you to think, like watching TV or just chilling. For everything else, it's terrible.
Saying that is almost as stupid as the assholes that say "I drive better when I've had a few beers". YOU might think you do, but you're fucking wrong. Same thing with weed. You think it "enhances" what you're doing, but it doesn't, you're just too high to realize it.


So my joint before bed has effected Ronalds ability to go to work? Sorry mate

My biggest issue with potheads is they can't understand that weed doesn't have the same effects on everybody. I shot heroin for 7 years of my life and I would always have stoners barking in my ear "dudddeeee you should just smoke weed man!". Smoking weed made me feel like shit. I would get anxious and paranoid and be unable to enjoy the high. I've tried many different strains and used to be a huge stoner back in college so I know more than most. As I aged, pot no longer was nice to me and I ended up getting sucked into the heroin culture.

I smoke weed and its people like you who make us sound like stupid cunts, shut the fuck up degenerate

>Be a retard and get addicted to hard drugs
>cmon man if you're gonna be hooked on anything please let it be this safer alternative

Why not just NOT be a down syndrome and never touch heroin at all


weed cures cancer tho

So does my dick boiiii

This guy is pretty much right. Pots effects during formative years are detrimental to neural pathway building. There's a good reason to not burn out as a teen on weed, do it when you're old and dumb and aren't learning anymore.

I know this is anecdotal, but out of all the potheads I went to high school with, not a single one could be considered "successful" by any measure.

They still live with their parents (I'm 34, btw).

They work menial, simple, low-effort jobs that they still somehow manage to half-ass.

No wife, no kids, no worldly experience. Their entire lives revolve around weed culture and video games.

I feel very sorry for these people. They're trapped in Neverland.

If you listen to faggots like this weed is a cure for every fucking ailment under the sun.

I smoked weed for well over 12 years before I quit. The effects I'd noticed both during and a short while after quitting was a lack of refined communication skills, inability to deal with stressful situations, lack of natural motivation, and a dislike for indoor work.

My wife used to say this, she'd smoke every day, she randomly decided to quit one day and now realizes how wrong she was the whole time. It was a pleasant little lie her friends told her and she told herself, but in the end it turned out to not be true.

Unfortunately in my case, I was so bored both physically and mentally every day that I didn't care about the lack of motivation or social skills. I just smoked until it wasn't an issue in my mind. Now I'm working a labor job for 16 an hour until I'm back in school.

High school kids shouldn't even touch weed. Their brains are still in developement. I didn't start smoking until half-way through college, now I smoke a couple of days a week after work. Feels good man.

Same here. I used to smoke alot back in high school, but I quit shortly after graduating when I realized my life was going nowhere because of it.
I've since become far more successful than I would have been had I kept smoking like I was, and all the stoners I used to hang out with back then are still doing the exact same shit they were doing back then. no job/minimum wage/part time jobs, none of them have a car, so they have to get rides from people, etc.
That sort of shit may be acceptable when you're 20, but when you're in your 40's, it's just pathetic.
I've since started smoking on weekends, but I don't have to worry about job/house/car/etc. because I already have all those things, and I absolutely cannot stand the "stoner culture" faggots.

I might agree with this guy but this position is so uncommon and unexpected that I will take it with caution. He might very well be an angry bitter teacher that lost some old love for MJ or something of that kind.
Are all his students negroes, too?

I uses to smoke weed quite heavily, pretty much daily for about 4 years. The “spark” disappeared in a year or so, after that it was just smoking out of habit. Never really drank much alcohol so it was my way of having fun. Got drafted to the army in the summer since I live in a country where conscription is still a thing. Honestly quite happy it happened, I occasionally miss smoking but that irresistable desire has left me, I’ll surely smoke probably the very day I get out of here but I’m more than confident I’ll never become what I was previously.

As much as I love weed and am an advocate for its legalisation, I don’t promote it the way I used to. There’s no reason to create an illusion for yourself that weed is some sort of godly substance.

Exactly. It holds you back if you start that early. Wait until you're done with school/college, and your life is at least somewhat stable.
I smoke on the weekends, like some people drink only on the weekends. I stay away from alcohol, so I use pot as an alternative.

Yes. Pot should be legal, in the same way that alcohol is, and it should be used recreationally the same way alcohol is, not as a fucking lifestyle.
I know plenty of people who are moderately successful, have families, own businesses, and are otherwise just normal people that smoke regularly, yet you'd never be able to tell, because they don't act like drooling mongoloids like the majority of "stoners" do.

Will faggots like you ever stop being faggots like you?

My life:
I used weed but it told me to stop quite soon.
Then I drank beer until my liver told me to stop
So I used kratom to give up beer, worked like a charm but I was hooked after a few months.
To give up kratom I used xanax for two weeks. I was literally a zombie during that time.

This week it's the first time I'm really clean.
I feel weak, I feel like shit, vulnerable.
But I know it's the best way

Well I use it for enhancement too.
I understand why people say it's bad because, and I'm gonna be bold here, most people don't know anything about the drug besides "lol 420 blaze it I'm so high nigga".

They got no willpower or creativity in the first place, the drug is not the issue here, it's a tool.
If you don't have the willpower to overcome the very minor impeeding effects of weed, and you do nothing to aquire said willpower, then you never had any willpower to begin with and you're just fooling yourself and everyone else again.

I learned stuff on weed I would've never even considered before, and I am damn glad that I did.

Also the "holier than thou" shit like this as if using any kind of a vice is something to be proud of. Fuck off dude, potheads are druggies as well, stop acting like your shit doesn't stink.

Please inform me about your new miracle painkiller that is an anti inflammatory and wont kill my liver.

glad ur clean bro.
>i smoked weed,
>got put on probation ended up doing pills bc 2-4 days out of system
>hooked on perc
>graduated to heroin
>upgrade level 9000 shooting it
>started shooting it with coke
> got clean
>smoke weed every once and a while
weed will not ruin your life, i was successful while smoking weed. heroin ruined my life

>I learned stuff on weed I would've never even considered before

Are you high or just retarded by birthright

That's like your opinion man.
I have some decent hashish I've kept unsmoked for like two months.
According to your perspective I must have wanted to smoke it. No, I forgot I even had any.

>whatever weird cringy shit
That'd be upkeep on the home place, cars, and relationships plus upgrades to those things. That's why they all seem to have money and friends and you dont

you would be surprised how many of my clients smoke weed. its how i grow my business

>Be Dutch
>My country has legal drugs
>Easy access
>So none of us feel the taboo temptation to use/abuse drugs
>Feel superior because of this
>Our society is definitely better for not having druggies in the streets like the US of A
>Except, all of the druggies come here and hang out in the streets because we have legal drugs
>Still feel superior
>Don't realize my own stupidity

Typical European, such an unearned superiority complex and you can't see how fucking retarded you are.

>its how i grow my business
Is your business selling weed?

it should be. nah, I take my clients out / potential clients out to golf. they all rich ass business owners. so i smoke them up develops a relationship and i gain their business

>being this retarded
It's not like I expect anything, I'm on Sup Forums afterall.
But just knowing that there are people like this irl that don't troll but are actually serious like this drives me slightly towards the edge.

But I won't. I'm just gonna hit another pipe and go do something else.
Like not hang out on Sup Forums all day/night.

And yea, I'm not even the dutch guy. You're simply uneducated and it shows.

Have a good one, you special individual.

No. Alcohol should be illegal just like pot. Yeah I know, Prohibition, etc... but why keep adding to the list of shit things we can harm ourselves with???

Ohh, you know me? My nightly joint prevents me from taking care of my home, paying my bills and my gas, as well as maintaining my relationships. You know me so well :)

Kek, I can't tell if you think that's a good thing


Fuck off pig. Go beat up some niggers

>oh look something I could potentialy harm myself with is now legal
>oh boy I sure hope I can resist that one
You can harm yourself and not even use anything.
Are you seriously this retarded?

No wait, I'll call it. Absolutely dead inside.

When I said "whatever weird cringey shit" straight edge people do I was quite obviously implying they don't have a proper means of unwinding. "I'm going to go and be sober my whole life because fun is bad and anyone who drinks or smokes is an idiotic mess who can't maintain their life.

You're quite clever to make up so much disinformation of the quoted post, that I'm almost desiring your autograph.

security business. not IT

Those kids were probably stupid to begin with
but also ya shouldnt be smoking the pot till you at least finish puberty or it does make you more likely to be a shithead.

swing and a miss

Triggered? Maybe you still live with mum?

Fuck off pothead. Weed isn't the spice from dune. Dosent enhance shit

You do know that pot is actually illegal in your country, right? Just because they choose not to enforce it doesn't make it legal. Also, you should know (as a 'Dutch fag') that they have been cracking down on pot for the last few years.

And then everybody started growing shrooms.

That's how I ended up as manager of the auto shop I work at. Started smoking with the owner, and next thing I know, he's making me the manager. I fucking hate it, though. I'd much rather just go back to working in the shop.

its literally how I got more then half my clients. plus most owners on the strip that my office is on smokes too. It helped me develop priceless connections. weed brings people together. sucks you hate the manager job but shit weed got you a promotion

Yup, he's triggered ahaha
Drug cuck.

I live with your mum mate. And you could say I'm triggered, blatant ignorance definitely gets me riled up. If you're going to throw your two cents into a conversation (no matter how shitty your two cents are) at least keep your rebuttals higher than that of a second grade skill level, rather than basing it off of assumptions you've acquired through out your mediocre life.

Basement cuck

average driver who is 2 beers in drives safer than average driver who had none because buzzed one knows they fucked if they get pulled over


Booiii getcho 500 pound, basement dwelling, loli-fapping, black fearing faggoty self out of the house and soak in some sunlight if your skin cells haven't petrified already

Jokes on you faggot, my mums dead! And the only one blatantly ignorant is the one saying humans can't survive without smoking weed. Isn't this site for adults?

Lookin' like a homosexual walrus mating with a half eaten iguana just tryna eat some pizza pockets in the dark booiiii


Now you're jumping the gun again. Weed is a drug, and as such should be viewed as one. Why would I say people cannot survive without it, are you high?

Are you fucking retarded?
Care to back that up with any actual facts?

More projection.
I don't know why you said people can't survive without it.

Detecting hints of truth here, boyo.
If you weigh over 300 lbs you got no say in people's health.

You're even higher than I am.

One could argue that we are all just products of our environment and high school kids smoking weed is due to the pressures around them like having a friend who is a bad influence , being bullied , or even depression or mental health. Either way it's been around forever and nothings going to change so why waste the breath.

>Sunny Day